General Discussion

General DiscussionRip visage

Rip visage in General Discussion

    is it even possible to keep your familiars alive now? it was really hard to kill them in 6.88 unless enemy had gyro/medusa or aghanim drow but now valve tried to buff visage in 7.00 but then made it even worse in 7.01. I mean, what the fuck was valve thinking by doing that. Plus, there was a reason valve changed visages familiars hp from 300/400/500 to 4 hero attacks/8 tower attacks/16 non-hero attacks in 6.72 why would you revert it back??? I cant even move familiars now since Familiars can now gets slowed + stunned + disabled + rooted and dies from 2 spells

    here is a gif me losing 4 familiars in 2 secs by mistake. Enemy did not even try to attack my familiars, only me. (Btw cloak was MAXED)

    valve please revert visage back to 6.88

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      Giff me Wingman

        are you stupid?
        Visage was so broken they had to nerf him in 7.01


          did you even read what i said?

          edit: pls only people who actually played visage and knows what they're talking about can comment thanks.

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            youre awful


              Visage over nerfed him, valve has NO idea what they are doing, because they don't actually play dota


                Yeah @danishblunt
                Your response to this thread shows you didn't read the full op.
                You look dumb boy


                  @The positive teamate


                    to be honest, people overreacts to hero reworks. in 6.83, visage familiars had 300/450/600 hp AND Magic immunity! way better than what we have now (300/500/700 hp and no magic immunity. gets stunned + slowed + killed by spells). But still visage was the least picked hero and no one liked him so valve "BUFFED" him in 6.84 so familiars no longer had hp but they required 4 hero attacks/8 tower attacks/16 non-hero attacks to get killed. People overreacted to that update just like in 7.00
                    then valve nerfed him next update 6.84b so they required 3 hero attacks/4 tower attacks/12 non-hero attacks to get killed
                    so neither visage or lycan got buffed incredibly in 7.00

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                      i agree that familiars are too squishy now but they WERE incredibly strong before
                      so i think you should keep them in trees, where enemies cant just see them most of the time
                      57% winrate in 5k+ bracket is retardedly overpowered tho

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                        in your gif the question is why the hell is your and your familiars' positioning so incredibly bad?


                          thats my weakness. I am way too confident with visage that i dont leave enemy jungle and sometimes find myself chasing enemy in tier 3 tower while tier 2 is still up. That game ended me playing 22/5/23


                            They didn't have magic immunity before the 4 hit thing iirc. But they did have 96% magic resistance. Still sucked against shit like axe though.
                            Anyway, quite a lot of things changed for Visage this patch. There are many situations where the current birds are tankier than the old ones and many when they aren't.
                            Don't forget the other buffs that he received, especially the cooldown on Black Hole (if you're good at using the stuns). The damage bonus is also quite good, it could add like ~200+ damage to the full charged attack of the birds.
                            Even then, I guess your enemies are supposed to have at least some chance to cripple you when they commit 3 heroes and Ravage. Not to mention that you were horribly out of position and resummoned lvl1 birds into ravage.

                            Lastly, it's free MMR so no bitching



                              Ppl dont focus them in fights anyway. So, its playable still.


                                @Luxon still they had immunity to disables. And they were completely immune after 6.79 something.

                                tide ravaged after seeing me resummoning. If it was 6.88, i could've just chainstun them and run away. Thats what i was trying to do twice, but they got killed by spells before i could do anything. And after that, i could resummon to block pudge's hook (thats not possible anymore :/)


                                  visage was beyond retarded in the last patch. the hero outcarried a lot of core heroes which is fucking ridiculous.

                                  hes still a strong hero imo. soul assumptions still a good spell, atos/solar are still rly good and the birds just require more levels to be useful. lets be real here a position 4 hero should not be able to constantly splitpush to the point where he can trade raxes with the enemy team with aegis who are slowsieging

                                  ive still had a reasonable amount of success with him in 6k-7k first picking him so i dont think the heros unplayable, its just a lot less brainless cuz u can very easily feed ur familiars, but they still basically one shot heros like rubick, cm, kotl, etc throughout the game if u medal/solar + gravechill them

                                  he was way too strong for a position 4 hero so the nerfs r warranted.

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                                    "Position 4"


                                      ^ that was my reaction but i didnt want to start another argument


                                        are u people stupid or would u like to tell me what ur referring to

                                        visage is a position 4 hero although its not insanely hard to win mid against incompetent players with the hero and snowball with ur medallion because people just dont know what the hero does and massively underestimate him and u end up with like 10 kills by minute 15. if u get counterpicked by shit like timber or weaver ur games also just over because u being position 2 makes it worth their time to focus ur birds

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