General Discussion

General Discussionanyone fancy telling me what im doing wrong

anyone fancy telling me what im doing wrong in General Discussion
    i would honestly just like to know why I'm losing these game. I would like to know what i can do better to win games like these.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      try to not die 247463784681 times that might help


        1. you have 400 gpm avg

        it's like you never seen a creep in the game

        hint: they're everywhere

        you should never drop below 700 gpm even in losing games in NS bracket.

        2. you know how to kill, but nothing else?

        you just midnlessly run around trying to kill people, half your games you either succeed killing or you feed, never a medium

        3. you know the enemy has towers that you need to kill to win the game?

        as good as you can be at killing, it matters nothing if you don't transition it into a push

        or just in general if you don't push

        tldr: anything below 5k tower damage, 700 gpm is unacceptable

        and anything above 4 deaths is unacceptable


          ty guys, i know i die a lot and that is something i will try to stop, the funny thing is, i stopped farming and pushing so much because people used to complain that all i did was farm and push, and that i was useless to the team

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            pls just mute everyone in your solo pubs and play the game properly like higher mmr players do

            you're seriously listening for advice of other 1ks, they don't know anything better than you so no point in doing stupid shit with them.

            like i've said, anything below 5k tower damage and 700 gpm is unacceptable, and anything above 4 deaths is unacceptable.

            kills are only good if they're free kills without dying for it, or if you can get a tower push from it.

            you only teamfight if you have to, never just randomly starting fights.

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              ok, thank you for the advice!


                As clinkz buying smoke and trying to get a support to follow you can really help win other lanes or get you ahead in your own.


                  i didnt have any supports that game, but i couldve smoked with wraith king or something.


                    also no one spoke english so it would have been hard to communicate a gank


                      pinging items translates to spanish on other peoples screen if spanish is their chosen language, so pinging gather for smoke by alt clicking smoke and pinging wraith he would understand, especially if you draw arrows on minimap to show the route you want to take. (or you can learn spanish :P)


                        that is true, ive learn some spanish playing on us east so i can kinda tell them to do stuff. I think that game though was more lost on me dying than us not killing. Everyone was pretty tilted and just putting blame on eachother, but i shouldve tried to bring us together anyway


                          what do i do to an alchemist like this when im down a teammate?


                            You farm, push, while pressuring him
                            Ask your dogshit teammates to do the same fucking thing
                            Kids get triggered easily


                              Try to only join in fights that you know you can win
                              Don't join your teammates bashing their heads on the enemy barracks without big spells off/BKB cooldown or without aegis, instead go push all 3 lanes and farm their jungle, starve their ass until you're sure you can siege high grounds


                                Also try to do Cookie's empty lobby challenges (I only remember some, maybe Cookie can tell you the others)
                                80 LH 10 min in lane
                                75 (or so) LH without the creepwave getting hit by any tower, 10 min in the lane
                                600 LH 30 min challenge

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                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  20 kill and 400 gpm how u do this?

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                                    Don't listen to cookie. He plays a lesser man's style of carry. A true manly carry dies a lot and still wins. As long as dying = space created. Your team will hail you as savior and hero. The gandalf who says "fly you fools". And defeats the balshan alone. The hero is one who joins every fight.

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      ^ I believe that one is for at least 3.0K and above Jacked.Any player below that will afk walking for no purpose half time with the space you created,anyway just pick Lycan solo kill solo push win all alone ,easy game easy life


                                        Thx ice tea for tip. I will try Lycan soon. Matum is one of my fav players


                                          this game i just played had intentional feeders in it haha what a game.
                                          ive been literally just losing mmr past 2 days haha


                                            i tried to keep a cool mind but i couldnt farm anywhere or kill anyone so i just literally sat in base watching us lose


                                              goddamn it arteezy, stop playing and learn to farm

                                              you asked for tips and then you literally did nothing with that info

                                              you had goddamn 200 gpm your last match, even if the game ended at 27 min, you could've had AT LEAST 700


                                              easy ones:

                                              1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
                                              2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
                                              3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
                                              4. 30 min- 600 LH
                                              5. less than 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                              advanced ones:

                                              1. 11 min- 120 LH
                                              2. 30 min- 800 LH
                                              3. 10 min- 100 CS+(LH+DN counts) as morphling -> lvl 1 strenght morph and never level anything again, turn it on and don't turn it off. buy a set of tangoes and for the rest of the gold branches, you'll constantly have only 20~ damage.
                                              4. less than 10 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                              all are done in lobby games, no bots 1v0

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                                                i will try, last game i was roaming though so i wasnt really farming early game, then by the time i was ready to kill and farm we had 3 people walking up mid. I probably couldve played much better, but as a roaming clinkz with 3 people walking up mid it was pretty tragic


                                                  i will do those challenges right now actually, i do not want to play anymore ranked today

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                                                    play by these rules:

                                                    never run around trying to kill, use your time to farm, and only go for kills if they're FREE. aka you just see someone you can walk up to and kill without being punished

                                                    trying to hunt down kills will only waste your time and make you lose gpm and eventually the game

                                                    i mean seriously your averages are 200-400 gpm
                                                    in your bracket i can average more GPM than the avg mmr number


                                                      cookie if you see this, any hero you recommend doing those challenges with?


                                                        whatever hero you want, only 1 challenge is limited to morph XD, the rest of them you can pick whatever you want.

                                                        i did them with AM


                                                          i was thinking am was a good choice


                                                            I also did some of them with AM

                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              Good challenge cookie I will do that and pass to my friends.

                                                              AM is Monkey hero I WON'T DO IT WITH HIM!

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                                                                The 600/30 one is easiest of them all to be honest


                                                                  Icetea do it with CM or with io pls

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                                                                    you need the God Slayer Apoo's guidance on how to git gud at carrying be lit af


                                                                      Apoo starts jungling with slark at min 20


                                                                        idk if someone can possibly do the 800/30 without AM, meepo or naga

                                                                        i'd love to see that

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                                                                          I tried 800 with am.

                                                                          Couldn't do it. 600 ez tho. Any tips?


                                                                            ayy c00kie its been awhile friend


                                                                              have you ever done 800/30?
                                                                              thats whacky


                                                                                think my highest last hits per minute is only like 12 :V


                                                                                  yep, farmed octarine core for the blink cool down and it made it super easy bcuz im a scrub like dat :p

                                                                                  im pretty sure i did it once on stream where i had 750+

                                                                                  edit: yea found it, 780 at 30:00

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                                                                                    Ayy. Octarine. And do u also use mantas to farm? But I feel like that's kinda cheating a little bit. Like going 2 moonshard double bf.


                                                                                      it's not cheating, itemization is subjective on the usage of those items.


                                                                                        im streaming if any of you would like to watch me feed live.


                                                                                          Join me in the free mmr with brood. He's super easy to play and fun.
                                                                                          1st use you spiderling to farm the lane and harass with spiders
                                                                                          2nd dive the tower with a lot of spider to kill but dont be too greedy
                                                                                          3. Destroy t1 and t2 before 15min mark and dominate their jungle
                                                                                          4 take rosh and end the game
                                                                                          Source: kids guide to brood


                                                                                            Just spam any hero you're comfortable with
                                                                                            You'd notice your mistakes easier than if you're trying to be "versatile"


                                                                                              Sv3n h3h3h3


                                                                                                brood is a super hard to learn hero as it feeds the enemy quite easily.

                                                                                                i wouldn't recommend him to anyone who's low mmr.


                                                                                                  I became an ok-ish carry by spamming void (back when he was a hard carry with cancertrack and long ass timewalk) and AM
                                                                                                  Had to learn to farm efficiently with those heroes


                                                                                                    Yo cookie do you actually spam SK since you were a scrub until now?


                                                                                                      Brood is easy win at low mmr coz
                                                                                                      1. Snowball really hard
                                                                                                      2. Really good lane presence
                                                                                                      3. If you snowball enemy will feed you a lot of kill since enemy is stupid.


                                                                                                        i only spam sk cus i think he's fun