General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy i cant get High skill or Very High Skill Games? are u kidding me ...

Why i cant get High skill or Very High Skill Games? are u kidding me DotaBuff? in General Discussion
ShoW Me What Do u Have?

    Hi,Guys i have good KDA but i don't know why dotabuff give to me normal skill? :(
    Some one can help me?

    casual gamer

      keep stomping games ull get there

      idk how you can be upset about getting easy games, my first game on a new acc is VHS and it stays that way unless i hardcore feed 10+ matches


        I don't think it's dotabuff's fault.


          I think your performance still unstable dude.. Maybe..


            You don't deserve to be in VHS/HS
            Yet (hopefully)
            So get good

            ShoW Me What Do u Have?

              but i have 6KDA with Monky what do i do for get vhs ?:(

              Riguma Borusu

                probably consider suicide

                gg it's over for you

                you'll never be a real boy, pinochio


                  You dont have the skill yet to be vhs


                    я русский


                      on your 5th game you got to Very High Skill and then your KDA dropped below 1.
                      when they give you your first chance on different brackets it's very important to do decent in those rounds.

                      I'm having the same problem myself. though I havent even had one HS yet...


                        If youre a hs/vhs player you should be stomping all your normal skill games, but apparently youre not even doing that well in normal skill


                          Yep, if you smurf from ns you need to win a LOT in a row to get VHS.


                            Why arent i 4k/vhs thread 1002?


                              Fuk off, dats how u gt hei skel


                                you suck so you cant get vhs, ez

                                good you wont calibrating 4k anytime soon

                                system working


                                  Add me and i'll teach the you the secrets of getting easy 25 mmr


                                    lol ur my idol added nice trolling on the 25 mmr bracket No jk
                                    tell moderators to give u vh skill
                                    its dotabuffs bug and fault

                                    This comment was edited
                                    Da Chusen Juan

                                      Maybe your smurf account connected on your old account with a normal skill bracket ! Sorry for my Grammar!

                                      Frühshoppen only weizen h...

                                        mb because u will get fucked in the ass in higher matches

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          ^^ our trash finally got to 25 mmr I am proud of you


                                            its not depend on your kda or your item but its depend on your performance and your teamwork


                                              JEzz people, This guys not even play RANK GAMES

                                              How can he claim VHS or HS, Stop fooling ur selves, learn before post.


                                                Yea fuk dotabuff.


                                                  How tu git VHS 10010


                                                    Can anyone look at mine I'm kinda worried I haven't got high skilled in a few games anyone know why this maybe?


                                                      How tu git VHS 10011

                                                      Riguma Borusu
                                                        This comment was deleted
                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          I am stable VHS player now, how can I git SHK?


                                                            stop feeding in all ur games, lmao
                                                            u cant handle the ns bracket, why would u need vhs

                                                            Story Time

                                                              lol, why someone thinks that his KDA would bring him into vhs? I had biggest KDA long time ago when I was in NS, in VHS i hardly get smth around 2-3


                                                                Hello, my dear Bosnian friend, allow me, a South East Asian who plays a competitive video game, which is designed by Valve, under Steam platform, by the name of "Defense of the Ancients 2", to ask you, a Bosnian guy with matchmaking rating above 5000, how to reach and stay in a bracket which contains players of 3700 matchmaking rating or above, which is called Very High Skill, or usually known as VHS?




                                                                    get gud kid, or go play europe.

                                                                    cuz europe vhs = sea normal.


                                                                      idk ive played sea normal and they were like so bad