General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone ever experimented on drugs to improve dota performance?

Anyone ever experimented on drugs to improve dota performance? in General Discussion

    Performance drugs. Like something to keep u focused like speed or Ritalin. When will drug testing become a thing in pro dota?


      i drink a shit ton of Monster does that count? kappa


        Pfft that's weak shit son.


          i think ive OD'd on doritos while playing, my mmr is still bad so those dont work


            Nicotine + caffeine = 4.5-4.8

            CHINA = DOGS

              I did with Methaphetamine in Dec 2015, and play straight almost ~10 games Abaddon offlane in a row. That was good memories for me.

              Travel + Miss Old Friend in the city I was student + Try Meth one more time for nostalgic + DotA 2 in new place. Background is yellow lights in the cafe internet.

              Can u imagine ?


                Did it improve performance?

                basement :)

                  I can vouch for its effectiveness. Take as many as possible so you die.


                    no thanks i drink milk and it feels good


                      Try eat wasabi when the match begin. It work.


                        I never did drugs while playing dota but i have smoke a bowl while playing dota once. When i check my acc the next day i got into lpq.


                          or you can just be good at the game.

                          as good as performance enhancing sounds, if you don't know what you're doing then there's nothing to enhance...


                            Lmao. Pretty sure weed is a tunneling drug n makes u bad. Alcohol might be gud in small doses


                              Well cookie. Everyone has an optimal level they can play the game. Maximum alertness. Decision making capacity under load, etc. ur performance in a game is often determined by a lot of things that u might know, but are unable to act upon. Games are lost because u lost focus and missed something important for example. We are not talking about things that can't be helped such as bad or incorrect game knowledge. Just the dynamic part of the game such as reaction/anticipation/attention/focus/processing speed/ etc


                                Anyone can play better maybe 100-200 mmr better without learning anything new but just by having your brain on steroids.


                                  Cookie high on htwenty bruh


                                    dude, it wouldn't help you even if you were 8k.

                                    it's a strategy game, make your strategies before the game


                                      Said the guy who drop his boots cause he had a strategy to bait someone


                                        He forgot to make strategies before the match


                                          Nah i did that for the memes

                                          Ive even said it in stream


                                            XD you still won tho but sym was clearly trolling. Dududuuduudhudhdhduhduduududud


                                              U don't need strategies in 1k. What now cookie. What now. Checkmate


                                                Not sure about playing dota but I used l theanine for studying. When you are studying as a software developer it means that you have to write a lot of code. Its pretty easy to lose focus. So Ive tried l theanine + caffeine combo and it helped me to focus. You may wanna do you research about l theanine.


                                                  Aderall, look it up. I used to work in a pharmacy. It's quiet addicting from what i've heard and needs to be prescribed but if you have the proper connections or the money you can have almost anything you want.

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                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    i wanted to, but cant fucking get nootropics in here, unless i buy off dark market


                                                      Have u tried aderall and played dota? It's similar to Ritalin right?

                                                      For the record I'm not intending to do drugs for dota. Lmao. Not unless I'm on the road to 9k or some shit