General Discussion

General Discussioncan someone explain this

can someone explain this in General Discussion

    techies 50% winrate? what?

    is it because people (still) dont know how to play against techies 7.00 or is techies actually a good hero rn

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    the realm's delight

      im pretty sure this techies is better than the one he was before, but its harder to play and would be better to have him dual lane with someone

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      casual gamer

        hes gooooooooooooood


          fuck that hero

          Giff me Wingman

            low brackets don't know how to deal with him


              so what position does he fill in right now

              pos 3 duo offlane with someone else?


                also can this hero still solo off


                  Quelling+gem = diffuse his bombs from a safe distance, enjoy.

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                    ^ lul xD

                    BUM!! I'M REALLY LIKE THAT

                      Quelling is useless now lul xd


                        hes stronger now.. land mines can be avoided, fucking op.. and root is all the way better in the stun mines