General Discussion

General DiscussionHoliday detox boys

Holiday detox boys in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Good god, this retard seriously believes you wouldn't have had to worry about polio as long as you ate whatever he believes is proper food.

    I'm done, I can't argue against a 'food heels all yo' mentality because it's so unrealistic and retarded that anyone who believes that cannot be argued with. It's impossible to argue with somebody who doesn't even fucking understand what a vaccine is or how it works.

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      ye vaccines are useless and im sure ur body will be immune to any disease as long as u eat healthy enough w/e bruh

      Riguma Borusu

        He also can't fucking understand how friggin hard it is to keep everyone not just alive but HEALTHY, when there are trillions of things that can go wrong with an organism. And let's ignore the fact that even then you have the issue of administration, costs and everything else (also the human element).

        But eat well guys. Diabetes? Just eat raw food! Gonna go away on its own then.

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          "I'm done, I can't argue against a 'food heels all yo' mentality because it's so unrealistic and retarded that anyone who believes that cannot be argued with."

          ONE OF THE GREATEST DOCTORS OF ALL TIME SAID WHAT I POSTED. Who even are you to argue with that? If your brain isn't capable of comprehending what this great father of medicine said more that 2400 years ago, then you should be fuckin quiet and stop bothering people over internet. Food does not cure ALL of the diseases, but it cures MOST of them. People like you stick with 1 exception and negate all the other good shit. You're just pathetic, i have no other word for people like you.

          Good luck playing low priority games, i wonder why you get them so often :)


            "But eat well guys. Diabetes? Just eat raw food! Gonna go away on its own then."

            DIABETES IS CURABLE YOU DUMB FUCK. There are even type 1 diabetics who got COMPLETELLY off the insulin. DO YOUR RESEARCH and stop repeating what most of the sheeps already say.

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            Riguma Borusu


              [citation needed] Who's this doctor, what did he say, in what context, when did he live, and is he really one of the greatest doctors of all time (and according to whom?

              Oh wait. You can't be referring to Hippocrates, right? Are you literally trying to support your argument by using 2400 year old medicinal knowledge? Is that it? Is that really what you're trying to say? Please tell me it's not.

              Food does not cure ALL of the diseases, but it cures MOST of them. People like you stick with 1 exception and negate all the other good shit. You're just pathetic, i have no other word for people like you.

              Food doesn't cure, it simply gives the body nutrients to work with. Unless there's a specific active substance, it's not gonna cure anything, and if you pay attention to how medicine has developed in the last 2400 years, you'd fucking know that we understand that now.

              Good luck playing low priority games, i wonder why you get them so often :)

              I abandon, I never got reported into LPQ. Also what the fuck does this have to do with you believing in magic, stay on topic please.

              DIABETES IS CURABLE YOU DUMB FUCK. There are even type 1 diabetics who got COMPLETELLY off the insulin. DO YOUR RESEARCH and stop repeating what most of the sheeps already say.

              Curable by magic, you heard it here first, boys. Also, not everyone's diabetes is as bad as the next person's, some peeople find it relatively easy to manage, for some it's hard. Type 1 and 2 are pretty different in that aspect too. But nobody has actually cured diabetes, it's just possible to manage it well enough that you do not have to deal with most of its consequences.

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                ^^link pls and no or "purchase this guide now to get diabetes free in 30 days"

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                  HOLY SHIT. You realize mladen that you got only 1 part of your brain functioning properly? You have ABSOLUTELY no clue what i'm trying to say. It's like being color blind, but in a logical sense. You read what i say, yet you totally missunderstand it every single time, all over again.

                  IF SOMETHING MAKES YOUR DISEASE GO AWAY HOW DO YOU CALL THAT SUBSTANCE? Cure? What if that substance is FOOD? Therefore FOOD = MEDICINE. And what does food contain? Nutrients! You guessed correctly. WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THAT MOST DISEASES WERE CAUSED BY NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY? That would mean eating well balanced whole food diet who gets you all the nutrients you need would actually - CURE YOU.

                  Also diabetes is life style disease and by lifestyle i mean eating habbits. And yes, it's reversable easily and well documented. We had a guy with Diabetes 1 on national TV few years ago - HE'S OFF INSULIN FOR FEW YEARS NOW. HOW I ASK YOU? He did it eating vegan food.

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                    diabetes does not go away


                      and diabetes is not only a life style disease

                      what would u say if i told u that a girl in my class with a healthy lifestyle got diabetes? probably that im a liar or sth


                        Show me a proof? Maybe a Diabetic 1 person on national TV here in our country isn't enough. Go search a bit and you'll find the same shit all over the world. But you're just too ignorant to understand it cause your MEDIA and DOCTORS tell you it's not possible right? :D

                        "what would u say if i told u that a girl in my class with a healthy lifestyle got diabetes? probably that im a liar or sth "

                        i would tell you that she's not eating healthy or she didn't ate in the past. And i would also tell you that she needs to stop bombarding her pancreas with the food she cant digest. Pancreas makes 2 hormones and 3 enzymes - for digesting carbohydrates, proteins and fats. If you overuse it, it stops working properly and that's called diabetes. It's not just sugar that weakens it. It's too much refined carbohydrates and especially too much meat also.

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                        Riguma Borusu

                          HOLY SHIT. You realize mladen that you got only 1 part of your brain functioning properly? You have ABSOLUTELY no clue what i'm trying to say. It's like being color blind, but in a logical sense. You read what i say, yet you totally missunderstand it every single time, all over again.

                          Maybe what you're trying to say is so fucking stupid that I honestly hope that's not what you're trying to say.

                          IF SOMETHING MAKES YOUR DISEASE GO AWAY HOW DO YOU CALL THAT SUBSTANCE? Cure? What if that substance is FOOD? Therefore FOOD = MEDICINE. And what does food contain? Nutrients! You guessed correctly. WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THAT MOST DISEASES WERE CAUSE BY NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY? That would mean eating well balanced whole food diet who gets you all the nutrients you need would actually - CURE YOU.

                          If hunger is a disease, yeah. I understand what you're trying to say, but unless you're eating very specific things, they are not going to cure very specific disorders. You can 'technically' call vitamin A a cure for A avitaminosis, but that's about it. Water? A cure for dehydration! I think you have trouble communicating using medical jargon because you do not quite understand it.

                          Nutrients != medicine. A medicine has to technically have an active agent that does something beyond serving a nutritional need in your body. You might need some minerals in order to build your nails, but zinc and potassium aren't CURE for bad nail growth, even though you need them to grow nails. An active agent, that changes how proteins form, WOULD be a cure for that.

                          I think you have trouble differentiating between things that your body uses as building blocks, and things that activate processes in the body by themselves - that's why a cure requires an active substance to be called one.

                          In medicine, proper diet IS A GIVEN. Whatever you're doing, you still need proper diet. It's just that proper diet is not raw vegan diet or whatever shit you've read somewhere.

                          Also diabetes is life style disease and by lifestyle i mean eating habbits. And yes, it's reversable easily and well documented. We had a guy with Diabetes 1 on national TV few years ago - HE'S OFF INSULIN FOR FEW YEARS NOW. HOW I ASK YOU? He did it eating vegan food.

                          It's a metabolic disease, not a lifestyle disease. Even if you eat food perfectly fit to your needs, you can still develop diabetes. There's diabetes remission, but not cure, so far.

                          Show me a proof? Maybe a Diabetic 1 person on national TV here in our country isn't enough.

                          National TV argument? SeemsGood. Even a court case would not be good enough, YOU NEED CONTROLLED FUCKING TRIALS BECAUSE THAT'S HOW MEDICINE WORKS. And I mean actual medicine, not your brand of medicine.

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                            oh youre talking about diabetes type 1, no u can't cure that


                              "It is estimated that 366 million people had DM in 2011; by 2030 this would have risen to 552 million.8 The number of people with type 2 DM is increasing in every country with 80% of people with DM living in low- and middle-income countries. "

                              Why do you think there is more and more diabetes, while there was RARE disease 30 or 40 years ago? Did you know that diabetes skyrocketed after fast food became popular? Would it shock you that FAST FOOD AND SOFT DRINKS ARE DIRECTLY CAUSING DIABETES? Would it shock you if i connected low income of people and eating most fast food cause it's cheap and therefore poor people have most diabetes? You don't need to believe me, cause i know for a fact that's true.


                                a whole new level of stupidity

                                not cz of the things u believe in, you are just generally dumb as a person.

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                                  could u stop posting threads plz?


                                    "Even if you eat food perfectly fit to your needs, you can still develop diabetes. "

                                    YE RIGHT :D Also cancer ye? Also heart disease right? :D You don't realize it's mostly ALL preventable with the right diet and they are ALL LIFESTYLE DISEASES. As soon as people start eating junk, they get sick. That's how it works and even small child can understand that.

                                    "National TV argument? SeemsGood."

                                    HE HAS ALL THE PROOF FROM THE DOCTORS THAT HE CURED IT AND NO LONGER NEEDS INSULIN. What more proof do you want? Food = best medicine we know.

                                    "not cz of the things u believe in, you are just generally dumb as a person. "

                                    Coming from the person who made Ayy lmao thread. Seems good. If you don't like the thread, STOP READING IT. Who's the stupid one here.

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                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      You don't need to believe me, cause i know for a fact that's true.

                                      Evidence of correlation study, or gtfo, pretty much. I could say that prevalence of organic food is causing more people to get cancer, and I could show you graphs if I cared to make them, that doesn't make it true. The fact that you oversimplify something like this shows how bright you are.

                                      Let's also forget that the longer you live, the more likely you are to get diabetes, and it was never in history that so many people lived for so long. Human race is becoming old (by age), so a lot of diseases that would've killed people much earlier in their lifespan are manageable (like diabetes), and every person is more likely to get diabetes now than ever before because they are more likely to live to a very old age.

                                      You didn't live with diabetes 200 years ago, you died of 'something' because nobody knew what's happening and you didn't know what to eat. But luckly, people didn't have the same approach to medicine that you have, so they figured out that diabetes is a thing, and how to manage it.

                                      Basically, you believe that medicine sucks because so many people live with chronic diseases, while the reality is, medicine ROCKS because so many people GET TO LIVE through things that would've killed them in the past.

                                      YE RIGHT :D Also cancer ye? Also heart disease right? :D

                                      Yes, yes and yes. Or you can completely ignore genetic and environmental factors. Cervical cancer is caused by HPV, which is a virus.

                                      You don't realize it's mostly ALL preventable with the right diet and they are ALL LIFESTYLE DISEASES. As soon as people start eating junk, they get sick. That's how it works and even small child can understand that.

                                      I can't realize that because that's just not correct, and demonstrably so. Not demonstrable to someone whose idea of medical research is watching shit documentaries, though. And yes, a small child can 'get' that. But it's also wrong. Are you a small child?

                                      HE HAS ALL THE PROOF FROM THE DOCTORS THAT HE CURED IT AND NO LONGER NEEDS INSULIN. What more proof do you want? Food = best medicine we know.

                                      Sure thing, now give me a relevant source for all of those claims.

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                                        Get well soon Deadweight mate and dont rage too much in dota like i lately do :)


                                          "Let's also forget that the longer you live, the more likely you are to get diabetes, and it was never in history that so many people lived for so long. "

                                          EXPLAIN THEN WHY 3 YEAR OLDS IN MASES NOW HAVE DIABETES 2? Cause of their fuckin age? Man, that's the stupiest thing you've said so far. IT'S CAUSE THEIR PARENTS MAKE THEM EAT JUNK AND THEIR PANCREAS STOPS WORKING PROPERLY.

                                          Organic foods is causing cancer? GOOD LORD PLEASE. It's been proven BY DOCTORS WITH CHINA STUDY THAT CONSUMPTION OF MEAT AND DAIRY CAUSE CANCER DIRECTLY. If you negate that, you're negating the same doctors that you defend.


                                            hello can u pls stop dodging and post actual studies and not quote the dailymail

                                            and also please inform urself about diabetes thanks


                                              Btw i dont even know why i keep losing my energy over the fuckin cancerous people on some computer game forum which are actually less than average intelligence. If you think i'm dumb that can only mean 2. That i'm actually dumb, which could be after few years of Dota 2 or that people are dumb and don't understand common sense i try to make here. Well, we'll see in 30 years maybe if we're all still alive who was right :) 95% of western world will have diabetes if they keep eating like they are atm and i'm interested who will they blame it on :)

                                              Thank you Yoshi <3

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                EXPLAIN THEN WHY 3 YEAR OLDS IN MASES NOW HAVE DIABETES 2? Cause of their fuckin age? Man, that's the stupiest thing you've said so far. IT'S CAUSE THEIR PARENTS MAKE THEM EAT JUNK AND THEIR PANCREAS STOPS WORKING PROPERLY.

                                                Because we can diagnose them, and they don't randomly die 'of something'. Also because diabetes is not a lifestyle disease, but a metabolic one, so anyone can develop it, it's just more likely the older you get, it's very simple, a child would understand it. But you're on a toddler level of intellectual capacity, as it seems. For all we currently know, one of environmental causes for diabetes could be a virus. People didn't understand it for years, but HPV is responsible for cervical cancer, and now that we've made a vaccine for it, its prevalence is starting to drop. It's not people eating junk food. It's a fucking virus which you have no control over. The same could be true for diabetes, but there's no evidence for that at the moment, either.

                                                Organic foods is causing cancer? GOOD LORD PLEASE.

                                                Obviously, you're too stupid to understand that I wanted to say that you can correlate anything with anything and make a case, if you don't actually care to prove your correlation. Which is what you did. So my argument is just as valid as yours is (and just as stupid as yours is).

                                                It's been proven BY DOCTORS WITH CHINA STUDY THAT CONSUMPTION OF MEAT AND DAIRY CAUSE CANCER DIRECTLY. If you negate that, you're negating the same doctors that you defend.

                                                Egh, you might want to re-think it a bit.

                                                But a lot of it suffers from the same correlation != causation fallacy that you have to deal with.

                                                Btw there's no saying that processed meat (a lot of which is used in fast food nowadays) is a class 1 carcinogen, that's well known already. Along with alcohol. But you do not even need to consume carcinogens to get cancer. And you can eat them your whole life and not get cancer. You can as well have cells mutate during reproduction. Carcinogens just up your chances of getting cancer. China study is still way off the mark in many things, though.

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                                                  That's the guy who cured his diabetes 1 in few months. I can't find the video of him on national tv, but it would suffice. There are 2 more men like him in our country who also cured diabetes 1 and it's all documented. Also go and see one of the best documentaries called Reversing diabetes in 30 days - most of the people got completely off insulin in 30 days of eating proper way. YOU NEED MORE EVIDENCE? Or maybe you don't, cause no evidence can convince a man who is already convinced something is uncurable right :)

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    YOU NEED MORE EVIDENCE?

                                                    I need a case study, not a fucking youtube video, jesus, can you be this stupid? One is in language I don't understand (or care to), another is a fucking raw vegan 'documentary' propaganda movie. Do you literally believe that constitutes evidence? Some people talking in a TV show, and a propaganda documentary? Cosmos is a great documentary, and it is not evidence for anything. You could as well tell me to refer to bible for proof of god.

                                                    Or should I send you videos with the national geographic "aliens" guy? Because aliens as he talks about them are obviously real and that guy can tell you all about it.

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                                                      simply raw reversing diabetes in 30 days

                                                      "WORLD TRUTH SOCIETY"

                                                      haha im actually laughing my ass off not even kidding can u give STUDIEs hello


                                                        this is some flat earth believer level of faith


                                                          "I need a case study, not a fucking youtube video, jesus, can you be this stupid?"

                                                          Tell me who would make such a study and spit into their own plate, losing billions of dollars when diabetic medicines would no longer be necessary for most of diabetics? :) You? Oh, now you're already mentioning alliens, cause you ran out of arguments right? :D Also another kid bashing documentary before he even watched it. In that video btw the guy shows all the documents from doctors proving his diabetes 1 is gone. Not good enough proof right?

                                                          My case here is done. You can keep believing your disease is incurable and keep living the life of computer warrior and i'm gonna go find a way to cure my MS and Asthma. Have a nice day sheeps.

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                                                            some day, u will realize that it didnt help at all and hopefully u will remember this thread and cringe at urself lmao

                                                            edit: and yeah u can cure cancer as well right? just eat some healthy food, doctors are simply trying to make some ez bucks

                                                            and ye earth is flat because you are wrong

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                                                              and by the way here is my thesis:

                                                              all phone producers put in some special metal to cause extra radiation, resulting in more cancer patients among the population, just for the money

                                                              prove me wrong kids

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                Tell me who would make such a study and spit into their own plate, losing billions of dollars when diabetic medicines would no longer be necessary for most of diabetics? :) You?

                                                                Whoever wants to earn those billions, because somebody who figures a way to cure diabetes is likely to become very very rich if they can monetize said knowledge. You could as well get a nobel prize if you were able to cure diabetes, it's no joke. Also, it's very easy to release independent papers nowadays, so you would hardly risk anything, but not that you'd know anything about science OR publications. This is just a part of your "they are hiding the cure" conspiracy theory. But apparently, the 'cure' is already in a 'raw vegan documentary', so it's already out there, and nobody has stopped it from being shown on youtube or wherever else, BUT YOU KNOW. THEY ARE HIDING THE CURE GUYS.

                                                                Oh, now you're already mentioning alliens, cause you ran out of arguments right? :D Also another kid bashing documentary before he even watched it.

                                                                No, it's because your conspiracy theories and data sourcing is as good as the aliens guy's. I am not bashing the documentary, good god, I am saying DOCUMENTARIES ARE NOT EVIDENCE, EVEN GOOD ONES. Cosmos doesn't even prove space exists, jesus!

                                                                My case here is done. You can keep believing your disease is incurable and keep living the life of computer warrior and i'm gonna go find a way to cure my MS and Asthma. Have a nice day sheeps.

                                                                Yeah, go work your magic man. And spread the NEWS BECAUSE YOU ARE OUR NEW MESSIAH. You are in all ways superior to us sheep who want testable claims, proper evidence and trials that conclude that what you say is true.

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                                                                  nc thread

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    quality thread indeed


                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        all ive learned is that a vegan diet does not cure mental retardation


                                                                          HAHAHA THIS THREAD IS THE FUCKING GOOD SHIT I GIVE IT A RARE 6/7.

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            this thread




                                                                                OMG GUYS, I CAN'T SEE!


                                                                                  I don't vaccinate my children because it causes autism. My local doctor, who has an otoscope and a head mirror (I know, right), told me that after I gave hum 50 bucks.

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    OMG GUYS, I CAN'T SEE!

                                                                                    Indeed you can't, get your head out of the sand.


                                                                                      I already did. But i see at least 5 kids in this topic with heads still in the sand calling others how blind and stupid they are.

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                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        Guess I got too much autismus from all the vaxeems I got.


                                                                                          Maybe you got obducted as a child by Aliens or it's just Dota?


                                                                                            MAYBE HE GET DISEASE FROM A VACCINE? I HEAR THEY MAKE AUTISM N THINGS IN KIDS WHY NOT THIS


                                                                                              I rate this thread ez 5/7.



                                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                                  fucking sheeple smh wake up doods


                                                                                                    You catch MS from smoking weed actually