General Discussion

General DiscussionSoul ring Invoker?

Soul ring Invoker? in General Discussion
Player 123655765

    There was a thread earlier but there was no response so Invoker with Soul ring, how viable? with the increase in quas regen is it good going for soul ring instead of aquila. Just NS scrub here please no flame. TIA😇 excuse grammar

    Riguma Borusu

      please don't

      i have 5 reports to use

        Good build

        Vem Comigo

          invoker has a shit ton of mana, with basi you already have enough regen


            Get armlet bruh


              Might work

              Player 123655765

                but playing this patch, sometimes I end up having no mana for sun strike after tornado-meteor-blast combo, or maybe it's just me.


                  It's brilliant. But only if u get Armlet with it. Activate armlet before using soul ring so u don't lose too much hp


                    Armlet to lose less hp is ok, however I recommend heart, because now quas doesn't give strength anymore and you're trying to counter that

                    Player 123655765

                      Armlet with invoker has 50+% win rate and soul ring has only 30%. Yeah I guess it's better to try it first. thanks for the response.

                      4pos pudge/grim only

                        soul ring could be decent against some great harasser like viper or skywrath mid or necro heartstopper if you ever need that extra health and mana regen. but idk i dont play much invoker


                          Or, just play quas wex and build an urn

                          i have 5 reports to use

                            Omg armlet quas invoker new build nice one jacked


                              Yes. You heard it here first. I should trademark this shit before miracle does it and takes all the credit again


                                This is stupid, this can delay invoker's item



                                  The Medic Guy

                                    lol urn better