General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does the dotabuff forums feel about my riki?

How does the dotabuff forums feel about my riki? in General Discussion
Lester, Moe

    A very good strat on riki that I've been doing since I was 2k is to farm safelane with a support that can help you get kills. And yes riki can get very easy kills in lane, once I'm 6 and I got my treads oov pms and wand or bottle, I go run around the map and kill things and leave my support to get exp.

    And the roaming part after 6 is pretty successful every game, just depends on my team whether they want to win off the momentum or throw.

    People usually argue that it makes no sense to take safelane just to leave after 6 and gank and it's better just to roam from the start and make room for another carry but why the fuck do we need a non existent carry when riki himself is already a great carry. The hero is meant to farm other heroes, not creeps.

    I don't roam because i want to farm up essential items that will guarantee me kills and further item progression rather than wasting my time snipping at the mid laner and enemy supports.

    Riki at 6 is extremely dangerous because of tricks of the trade basically being an echo saber early game, which is why I'd like to get it asap.

    My item build is pretty basic, diffusal first and then other agility giving items. Oh yeah and I buy treads not phase, why the fuck do people buy phase on riki.


      but is it better than phantom riki's riki


        But is it better than rizky's riki

        Riguma Borusu

          But is it riskier than better's riki?


            phase gives you more dps during tricks, duh

            and some ms for chase

            i also like yasha before diffusal since its avialable earlier and gives some much needed attack speed (and movement speed if you do go treads)

            however if youre really good at switching, treads might be best i dont know.

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              phase over anything
              sny is not the way to go, both deso and manta are better


                how about ring of aquila this patch? now that diffusal is not a must-buy 1st item since it doesnt give a huge boost to survivability anymore i feel like going for smaller but perhaps a bit more efficient items like yasha aquila might be fairly good.


                  Treads yasha diffusial echo manta abyssal desolator/bloodhorn.


                    the main point of aquila is the cheapest agility in the game after the dragon lance (which is also quite good - if u dont rush diffus, get it), and the active jointly with smoke. dispelling ur own dusts was just a luxury. the item remain a to-go.

                    Lester, Moe

                      "phase gives you more dps during tricks, duh"

                      why the fuck am i prioritizing tricks damage when all i use it for early game is to last hit enemies or dodge stuns. treads are so much better than phase. the switching is extremely necessary at times when i need extra mana for a skill, and the attack speed + the agility damage is far more beneficial for riki

                      Lester, Moe

                        i get aquila sometimes if it's not the easiest of games. If I get good ganks off and I'm already over half way done with building a diffusal then I just skip it.

                        Lester, Moe


                          Echo is such a waste of money on riki. You can get basher for the same price.


                            yep ,mvpboy i agree with your points about treads but i feel like the lack of movement speed is pretty bad since riki is naturally slow. feels like you must waste diffu charges to get kills if you don't havea yasha.


                              i was forced to get 2nd diffus only ocne in the last 50 games, i believe. its hard to waste all the charges.


                                Riki's a fucking nightmare for the team if there isn't 2 supports dedicated to buying detection, and even then the supports have to waste gold for what may not even result in a kill.

                                As much as I hate the hero, sounds like a solid plan to win games.


                                  yep now that you can't purge dust it doesnt really use up all that fast

                                  Lester, Moe

                                    your movement speed isn't what keeps them in the cloud, which is why i'd never go yasha first anymore, i always buy it though after a diffusal unless i need a basher asap, and if I'm really desperate for ms early game i'll buy a windlace, but getting early kills with riki is rarely ever a problem, you have blink strike and tricks if they get out of your reach.


                                      About echo mvpboi you are totally wrony. Just because item has not good stats it doesnt mean its bad. Everyone know how hard riki hits From back, now image it hits u twice like that with extra słow. With the extra mana From item its quite value item for non ulti fights. After yasha/manta treads and diffusial I see no better option than echo.
                                      In old late 6 patch I had over 80% wintare with such build.
                                      Ps. No Flames for NS player plz.

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                                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                        My Riki winrate isn't high because I simply play only riki regardless opponent team counter. But I played 2100 games as Riki. I only stay offline. And I agree on the part of getting some basic item before going to roam. People who don't play much Riki will flame you. Say you noob. I get multiple reports and low priority because of such idiots. I didn't build echo in my early days as Riki. Slowly I know echo is essential in mana regen and the extra two backstabs in an episode of fight of 5sec

                                        Lester, Moe

                                          Echo saber is retarded because riki already attacks fast enough there is literally no point in getting something that wont boost your damage and will give you a double attack every 5 seconds when your attack speed is already fast enough


                                            Ain't slow and double backstrab pretty good for the price?


                                              Thx for say my riki build good insanity
                                              Very nice

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                I think it needs more memes.

                                                Have you thought about veil ethereal dagon riki? Good shit.

                                                Also, 6 rapiers = best build


                                                  Rip phantom riki


                                                    Dl on riki?


                                                      Dual tranq windlace best building

                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        Tbh if you do not need safe lane farm and will roam after lvl 6 ,
                                                        Can you just go offlane with pms and regen and roam later? Do not take safe lane carry part , that hero cannot jungle at all

                                                        Lester, Moe

                                                          etheral blade isn't a bad pick up on riki.

                                                          paying 2.7k to double up your current damage every 5 seconds isn't worth it I think. that's just me. i'm not a fan of echo sabers on heroes that don't need it.

                                                          and r1zky thanks for showing us how not to play riki

                                                          Lester, Moe

                                                            What the fuck are you talking about @fee too pee

                                                            I'm going to get zoned by offlaners, getting level 6 asap is extremely vital, and I want to have treads pms and oov so i can actually get kills, if i leave offlane with damn brown boots my kill potential drops so much. treads make so much difference on riki. and I do need safelane farm, so i can get my items, and why would i even spend a second jungling as riki?

                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                              spend jungle farm + lane as SAFE LANE CARRY.
                                                              yea sure i admit riki can kill fast, but he really have so much utility with smoke + ult. he deal damage and utility with little farm, but you need farm + lvl to do that.

                                                              outside laning phase, riki have risk if you play riki with roam after lvl 6.
                                                              if you team losing, you cannot catch up farm , because riki cannot farm jungle , sustain hitting creep ( unless you make casual morbid mask , but that is unlikely )

                                                              my point is, he cannot farm as fast other safe lane carries , and actualy have utility and deal damage with little farm compared to safe lane

                                                              But hey , i want to play vengeful spirit carry safe lane now tbh lul

                                                              Lester, Moe

                                                                you're a fucking idiot

                                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                                  dude , i also wonder why you can play riki safelane succesfully.
                                                                  i just wonder because riki cannot farm CREEPS fast.
                                                                  teamfight failed > normal safe lane carry farm jungle , but riki slow at jungle

                                                                  is there anything wrong with that?
                                                                  yea i admit i am 3k scrub but can you be cool bro ? thanks

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                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                    Can I know if you have fetish to extremely Chinese Chinese face because you spam MK and Riki a lot recently

                                                                    Lester, Moe

                                                                      RIkI ISN'T MEANT TO FARM CREEPS, HE'S MEANT TO FARM HEROES. THAT'S THE PURPOSE OF THE FUCKING HERO YOU DUMB FUCK.

                                                                      and i've been spamming riki for quite some time now

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                                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                                        yeah whatever you do not see the point i am asking
                                                                        whatever dude , enjoy your day

                                                                        nice capslock dude whoa lul
                                                                        pointless to ask. nice winrate thou

                                                                        Lester, Moe

                                                                          no one even knows what you're asking because you don't make any sense

                                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                                            example :
                                                                            Chaos Knigt supposed to farm heroes, but he can jungle a lot with armlet , get couple gold with jungle fast incase teamfight lost, or killing heroes failed

                                                                            Riki can kill hero fast, like CK , but do not have sustain for farming creeps incase teamfight or gank failed. is there any way to farm incase you failed to gank after lvl 6? no need to rude jesus

                                                                            Can you fricking chill? that is all i am asking

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                                                                            Lester, Moe

                                                                              You fucking moron, CK is one of the worst farming carries in the game, he is meant for fighting, like riki.

                                                                              Fee Too Pee


                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  I think he's saying that safelane riki is bad because if his team is behind and he can't show in lane to farm, he's busted, it's not a hero that can come back by farming if the early game fails

                                                                                  slark is really bad against five manning but he can rotate the jungle well enough as well as split push
                                                                                  sven and luna can, as well
                                                                                  jugg, antimage, obviously

                                                                                  there's a reason why those heroes are typical pos 1 heroes, and riki isn't, and the way you play him doesn't really warrant safelane farm because your tactic is very unreliable and in case it fails, it's doomed for good, if anything, it's more akin to a lifestealer or CK in terms of what you want to do, and those heroes are still capable of clearing the jungle to at least some extent (however they still do not prefer it, they only fall back to it if absolutely necessary)

                                                                                  also, a rich team is riki's nightmare since people can afford detection and a way to get out of your ult and smoke, so if you're behind compared to the enemy team, life is just hell, and if people aren't brain damaged, even the poor supports won't go around alone just to feed you

                                                                                  you can say the same thing about jugg or sven at the point where people can deal with omnislash and/or kite the carry, but the difference is, they have fallback farm in case shit has hit the fan

                                                                                  safelane riki is pretty much dogshit compared to traditional carries, and even you know it, now the thing is, you are really good at what you do because you're spamming it, and you would've been able to win those games with something that's way stupider if you were equally good at it, and you are good enough at this riki safelane nonsense to win 5k+ games, which is awesome and all

                                                                                  I mean, there are 6k players who spam abaddon safelane and have over 60% winrate, that doesn't make the idea not shit, it just means they've mastered their strategy to win MMR to such an extent that the concept being stupid doesn't really matter, there are also people spamming naga (even though the hero's dead) and have 60%+ wnrate with it in this patch, just because they make up for the hero's badness in some way

                                                                                  TL;DR: Your idea is honestly stupid, but it works because you're too good at it. In this light, saying that Abaddon pos 1 carry is awesome or that Naga's the best carry of 7.00 would make as much sense. I spam BS jungle and win ~60% games in my own bracket not because I am really good at the game, because bs jungle is awesome, or anything along the lines, I win because I've spammed it enough to be able to win against people of similar skill at least 60% of the time. This gets harder the bigger your MMR is, naturally, but people do a lot of weird, inefficient but (in the end) effective stuff even at higher MMR because they've learned to exploit something.

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                                                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                                                    THAT WAS WHAT I MEANT THANKS GOD M8
                                                                                    people ask legit question and just flat out insult jesus christ
                                                                                    typical i spam hero, i know everything about the hero .

                                                                                    you get what am i asking now m8?

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                                                                                      ^To help Fee Too Pee's reaction.

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        Also, I do understand what the OP is abusing - Riki has a very very early power spike, so he abuses it by combining it with items that let him quickly kill people. Normally a roaming riki gets those items and levels way slower, and in a lot of cases, whatever is said to be a problem for a safelane riki might also be a problem for a roaming riki, and more often so. The difference is that you don't depend on your roaming riki to carry the game, where you look up to the safelane riki to carry it. I guess if you have a safelane riki it'd be sensible to pick a mid that can rotate the jungle and hit towers (riki is super bad at it, much like ursa), and in this case, the idea gets waaaaaay less stupid with a sensible team composition. It's like giving a space creator tiny safelane farm just to get his levels so he can blink + nuke somebody all the time after he gets them.

                                                                                        So now that I've thought about it more, it doesn't actually seem that bad or stupid at all, if you spam this every game you're gonna lose some games because you should've picked something more suitable to the game, no doubt, but if you go for this when it's viable, it'd probably work really well even if you weren't as good at the hero as the OP is (also please stop building echo sabre on this hero, please, I've tried it a few times and every time I'd be like oh god I wish I had a part of a bigger item, or an equally-priced useful item instead of this shite).

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                                                                                        Lester, Moe

                                                                                          "it's not a hero that can come back by farming if the early game fails"

                                                                                          I don't come back by farming all of my comebacks on riki were done by slowly gaining networth through kills until I'm a much bigger threat, and it's very possible due to riki's amazing skill set.

                                                                                          "safelane riki is pretty much dogshit compared to traditional carries, and even you know it"

                                                                                          No he isn't. He's much more superior because he is built to snowball and stomp the team, and even if the game isn't a complete stomp he is still a great carry due to his ultimate. but that's usually due to team incompetency, usually seen at lower level games like yours. If average mmr is 5.2k or more then my team usually knows what the deal is and how pushing and ending is a priority. Not sure how your games go where you would call riki dogshit compared to a fucking anti mage or some other "traditional carry", a carry that isn't going to gain momentum for the team as early as riki does.

                                                                                          "even the poor supports won't go around alone just to feed you"

                                                                                          Then they have to 5 man and lose against a team fight I guess? I don't get what point you're trying to make. I know you play in 3kish average games where everyone is literally a bot but I hope you know what a team effort is, and how much riki actually contributes into a team fight.

                                                                                          And if my strategy is shit but it works, why the fuck are people now all of a sudden buying veil of discord on ember. "because it works?? duh?" I fail to see the difference here. If a strat works and it works time and time again, obviously it isn't shit. obviously it doesn't work 100 percent of the time because the game isn't one dimensional.

                                                                                          It isn't about "mastering my strat" obviously I'm very good at what I do on riki, but it isn't about ME. It's about RIKI. The hero has an amazing fucking skill set which is WHY this strat works, I don't give 2 fucks about your bloodseeker, bloodseeker is a garbage fucking hero, spam him however much you want, he's shit. Riki on the other hand synergizes so well with himself and on top of that he's an amazing carry. That's why I pick riki in the first place. Obviously he needs a few items to help him utilizes these skills early game and thats why I take safelane farm.


                                                                                            Yo a GREAT strat that I employ with my Riki is the traditional Dagon 5 and Rapier rush Riki. It's so easy, everything synergizes so well! Riki's Tricks benefit greatly from the + damage I get from DR. Smoke's potent slow allows me to just hit the enemies running away. DR is such a damage boost to my Tricks, I hit everyone like a fucking truck. My perma invis allows me to sneak on my enemies, cast smoke, cast tricks, cancel tricks such that my target is barely alive, and walk with them a bit before solidifying my dominance over him by blasting him with Dagon 5 just before he reaches safety. I don't take a skill point in my w because w's are for pus.sies! Yeah, I'm calling each and every one of you filthy w users, it is for pus.sies!

                                                                                            What do the minds of this great forum think regarding my Rikimaru play style?


                                                                                              Still not as good as rizky's riki

                                                                                              Lester, Moe

                                                                                                i think you're a fucking idiot


                                                                                                  Why so, fellow intellectual?


                                                                                                    Well this turned into a shitfest soon enough lul

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