General Discussion

General Discussiontips for road to 3k

tips for road to 3k in General Discussion
Feichang Gaoxing

    Started playing doto earlier this year. Casual playing with friends. Bought battle pass during manila major. Became addicted but i still suck. Played dem calibrating games ignorantly. Lost 10 games. Calibrated at 1.5k.

    Now im 2k flat. Boosted mmr by spamming ogre and abaddon.

    I always pick support cuz in 1k everyone picks carry so i end up supporting them just to win the game.

    Tipz pls.
    Also, does hero spamming works for boosting mmr??

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Make sure you know the ALL the basic and advance.
      Alot of noobs want to raise mmr without wanting to improve themself,just make it clear - it won't ever happen

      Feichang Gaoxing

        Thanks, bruh. Been reading about other support heroes. Any suggestions?

        Ayah Pain (Sky Kingdom)

          Focus on small detail in your gameplay, watch your replay and find your errors. Make it perfect. Last hitting, time spend in shop, positioning,awareness, blocking, jukes. Small perfected things will eventually accumulate and make your overall gameplay better. Im at low mmr too, but thats what my 5k friend keep telling me XD

          Feichang Gaoxing

            Thanks bruh. Dont worry. We will be 5k soon. 😂


              spamming 2-3 heroes is the best way to raise mmr

              muted all alien language

                In my opinion, you need to take mid no matter what to best have a 60% chance to win in 2k-3k. Tinker right now is probably one of the most underrated hero in this patch. If you do make an effort to excel in tinker, it is almost unstoppable in 2k-3k. Not only can it deter enemy from pushing high ground, it can also clear jungle stacks like a god.

                Feichang Gaoxing

                  Working on my 3rd hero in mah boosting mmr hero rotaton hahaha. Im good at centaur, and cm. But but but i feel like cm and centaur are situational picks depending on my team's line-up. I want someone that goes well with most heroes. I mean ogre and abaddon can work well with any hero.


                    Always take mid then have 30% winrate on most played mid hero.


                      Spamming is a reliable way to increase MMR and skill level at the same time
                      You'd notice your mistake easier compared to playing 10 different heroes in 20 games


                        Both Centaur and CM are good in 2k-3k wherein team cooperation simply does not exist.

                        Every retard positions themselves like shit, as Centaur your ultimate will allow your team to maneuver around the enemy team allowing for a more advantageous grip on the battlefield. Centaur's skills are braindead you won't have trouble landing them unless you are super retarded. Also a get-out-of-fail-for-free card for everyone in your team.

                        People in 2k-3k spam skills to little effect because the skills aren't being used optimally. A lot of people also neglect their mana reserves. CM basically is like a training wheel of some sort for noobs, giving your team increased mana regeneration is very helpful (no shit) but it is especially effective in this bracket since it is effective no matter what happens.

                        Learn every role before spamming, if not you will be decent at 2-3 heroes but all others you are dogshit. MMR is supposed to be an indicator of skill with the game, not a magical number that entices our epeen to get harder and with it, bloat our head with the illusion that we are good.


                          If you wanna a carry hero to spam try slark,alch,od,jugg. Easiest hero to play among this group is alch. In 2k nobody will disturb you so go for rad 1st and farm and split push like a retard. Then you get bot manta and octa. Then go for shiva ac and you will end the game ez.


                            I have 14% winrate on alche in 2k are you saying I'm a dogshit carry :(


                              take slardar,win gratz!

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                                Slardar is reliable but you can spam whatever hero you're comfortable with/like

                                Feichang Gaoxing

                                  I don't like playing carry. Tried OD when i started lost every game 😂 jugg is the most decent carry that i can handle to play.

                                  Thinking about using slardar as support. Or nope???

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                                    3kay is unreachable


                                      Just understand the basics first
                                      Watch purge, will help you a lot


                                        my last game was slardar roaming,it was so good that it is crazy we made monkey ragequit 15 mins into game

                                        Feichang Gaoxing

                                          Daaaamn. Ill use slardar next time i play.if my team already picked a support then ill pick him. 👍


                                            I like your picks amoj. Did something similar to get from 2.6 to 4.5, not really showing many signs of slowing down either.
                                            I'd focus on perfecting support plays i.e. teleporting, making sure the teams okay, etc etc bla bla.


                                              "If my team already picked a support then ill pick him."
                                              You do know roaming = support, right?

                                              Feichang Gaoxing

                                                Yup but it will feel more safe for my team if there's another support if i wanna roam. My last few games with ogre i kinda start roaming but my lane started getting pushed if i leave the core by himself. U know. 1k-2k carries are kinda aggressive in laning phase. Without the support, the core tends to fail. Haha

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                                                  Aah alright
                                                  Good luck anyway

                                                  registered flex offender

                                                    No matter what role, learn how to last hit well without thinking about it. Also, playing heroes that can take objectives alone are imo more successful in raising mmr than heroes that rely on teammates to take objectives.

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                                                    Feichang Gaoxing

                                                      That's why i like using abaddon, 3rd skill affects creeps. Even if im alone i can take them towers combined with 2nd skill.

                                                      And ogre... Well... i bloodlust ranged creeps. But taking objectives with a bloodlusted drow or sniper or any ranged hero is ez af.

                                                      Jörg Kachelmann

                                                        my 2 cent:

                                                        basic rules for picking:

                                                        -pick what your team needs
                                                        -pick heroes that you can "perform" on (so if you feel abaddon is a good pick for you, stay with him, his shield is a really good support spell (strong dispell)
                                                        -picks don't matter that much sub 4k (sure there are counter picks, but ppl don't play that out to their full potential, most of the time laning and mid game decides the winner)

                                                        On your more Impact Question:

                                                        I have seen Necro, Death Prohpet and Lina as a support with high impact.

                                                        Necro can kill cores, even with basically 0 items.

                                                        DP can win Teamfights and push towers after that.

                                                        Lina has much burst and good pushing.

                                                        Both Heroes have a okayish lane presence because ppl tend to harass more in low mmr even it it's mana inefficient and there is still regen on the enemy.

                                                        my picks for ranked are:

                                                        pos 1: spectre (you need to cs really well or stall the game, don't rush radiance but if you stall and it goes late it should be a safe win if you are not farm starved, don't pick him in a 3 core lineup, in low mmr ppl like to farm, cause they usually don't understand timings, power peaks etc.) If you are new, you shouldn't pick spectre.

                                                        - juggernaut



                                                        special mention: terrorblade is good vs. slark in the 2k bracket. 2k mmr slarks think they are god with 3 items and they usually never go linkens because DPS and reasons, swap there health, witness them cry.


                                                        carry choice depends on team comp. don't pick a ganking core (slark) in a lineup which can't play from behind or deff very well. juggernaut and TB can take objectives really easy.

                                                        pos 2: lul mid, if really nobody goes you will see me crying with my shit ember, sniper or puck or my bad Outworld, usually there is a mid player in my games at least. If you are new, try Viper.

                                                        pos 3: centaur, beast master, tidehunter, slardar ( go blink armlet, in this bracket you need to be greedy, if you hit a 5 man stun, ppl have really slow minds, don't expect instant follow up)

                                                        pos 4: booty hunter roaming and beast master jungle (good clearing speed, can buy any kind of gear the team needs, many items are viable)

                                                        wk jungle, bloodseeker jungle lul (bad and mediocre clearing speed, but if the enemy picks 5 core, you will need that extra carry potential in the mid to late game).

                                                        or if own retards pick too greedy a pos 5 pick to support offlane.

                                                        pos 5: omni, cm, ogre... especially omni is a good pick, you can't help that well early but if you stall the game, you can win with 1-3 good ultimates by your own and safe those retards. in low mmr ppl don't know how to handle omni knight and punish this greedy support pick

                                                        DON'TS IN 2K:

                                                        don't pick AM. you simply can't contribute. teams are not good at making space. if you are not 100% efficient you will have a bad time. his laning is so bad, he needs good supports, supports don't know how to zone the offlane, if enemy plays 2-1-2 you fall off.

                                                        don't pick NP. don't pick invoker. don't pick meepo.

                                                        don't pick faceless for offlane, you need a good amount of knowledge, good last hitting, good map awareness and usually you chrono 5 man and still lose the fight because ppl run into your chrono or they picked garbage which can't contribute.

                                                        better don't pick morph (really satisfying if you get an idea how to play him and how to contribute mid game but you need to be efficient at farming)

                                                        If you are a deticated support player, even not out of free will as you mention, don't pick Earth Spirit, you can even try visage, because even if played bad he has impact, but Earth Spirit has none.

                                                        MOST IMPORTANT TIPs:

                                                        -don't tilt / get mad (really hard, still working on that myself)
                                                        - make a warmup game or two
                                                        - don't play ranked if you are not in the mood for competitve dota
                                                        - communicate via voice with your mates / via chatwheel especially when you won a fight, ppl like to go back to farming instead of taking objectives (rosh, tower, shrine)
                                                        - don't pick heroes in ranked if you haven't played them in normal, ppl are tryharding and spamming even in 2k, you will get destroyed.
                                                        - if you play ward bitch aka. pos 5. = quality over quantity with the warding, don't invest all your gold in wards, you need some core equipment too or you will fall off very hard and start feeding. tell ppl to help you with vision, it's not a one person job.
                                                        - if you are new to the game, stick to some heroes, 3 per position are good enough.

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                                                          "don't pick AM"
                                                          "don't pick faceless"
                                                          I feel flattered

                                                          Jörg Kachelmann

                                                            of course you can pick them, but ppl. are too damn retarded in 2k. •ᴗ•

                                                            they will ran into your chrono, or witness you how you smack down the enemy carry from 100% to 5% HP.

                                                            they will not make space for AM or support you properly. It's not a bad pick, but it's a bad idea most of the times in this bracket.

                                                            Not because they have the intention to ruin the game, simply because they don't understand and can't play that well.


                                                            Feichang Gaoxing

                                                              I like picking omni too but sometimes the enemy knows how to counter pick like picking OD vs my ult.

                                                              Anywayz, tilting is one of my worst problems but rare too. Like i get triggered when our cores go back to farming after a successful fight and there's a potential that we can take down 2 objectives. Or when a sniper doesnt lvl 1st skill in the first 6 lvls. Or when an lc doesnt build sb or blink and proceed to run towards an enemy very very slowly and dies before he even duel someone. And then proceed to the next match and there he is, my teammate again, instapick lc and do the same again. Huhu -50 due to stupidity tilted me


                                                                Get drunk bro, forget worries.

                                                                Feichang Gaoxing

                                                                  Happy New Year, guys! Pls pray for the most cancerous server(SEA) to get well soon.


                                                                    Learn oracle. Good support just like ogre. Both have o, r, and e letters. Coincidence? Think again...


                                                                      Forget oracle. That hero hard anyway. Pick ursa. Once when i was 1k, i spam ursa to get to 2k. It was very fast you know. 1k players do not ward anyway so it was easy to do early rosh. Farm in lane > get vladmir early on > go rosh > buy boots > find easy kill and push > get blink > win game > repeat