General Discussion

General DiscussionNecro with mek+veil+dagon

Necro with mek+veil+dagon in General Discussion

    Is doing this too many early game items?
    Idk what order you would buy them in.
    Also just keep it as mek and don't worry about greaves?

    Aghs even worth it?


      skip mek


        Doesn't his W amp up mek?




            It depends on what role you want to play actually. I would suggest not having a fixed item build and build them according to situations. Veil+ Dagon is a good combination if you want to nuke hard. Think along this line when you purchase items.


              greaves are amazing for the purge, you can still buy it even if you lost your mek timing (went for other items) i think . thats only cause you can heal a lot with them using w even in the later stages of the game.

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                can greaves purges sheepsticked and rooted heroes?

                fear is the mind killer

                  ^ read again how Guardian greaves works


                    Aghs is so good right now. 25 secs cd. Chain feeding is real in my bracket so aghs all the way.

                    I play a semi-sup position 3 necro. I go arcane boots instead of steam boots. I get dagger > mek > aghs > greaves > pipe/shiva/octarine/bs/hex.
                    Veil is pretty good but I don't like it cuz it doesn't feet my playstyle on pos3. Also used to value PT over arcane boots but now I prefer arcane boots. The reason is necros second skill which I use in combination with dagger. So, I blink and spam q like crazy sometimes pressing w. Found my performance with arcane boots a bit better.


                      Frankly, I think treads are better in some cases cuz now on lvl 10 you have free +40 dmg so mb you wanna right click some1. That's something to consider. It's just I don't like treads on necro now tho imho.


                        I think Arcanes are better now since ghost shroud amplifies both HP and Mana gain. If you activate ghost shroud then use arcanes you get about 17 more mana then you would have without activating shroud.

                        Also you cant attack while Ghost Shroud is active so the attack speed from treads is kinda wasted in some cases.

                        casual gamer

                          i think meks a very easy way to play necro, makes your turnaround potential crazy and naturally encourages your team to push. it's pretty easy to argue that a more offensive build has higher potential impact i guess, but i basically farmed wins with mek rush necro in mid-high 4k

                 1 legitimate loss, 1 griefer

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                            mek is boring


                              dagon and mek have awful synergy
                              both items do their bst when purchased early, too

                              Free 2 Play Scootz

                                If ur going core necro just get a blink aghs. If u get a kill and use ur w u heal back to full health. If ur going support necro it's ok but necro is a pretty average support.

                                Lester, Moe

                                  are you sure you're going to have enough mana for all your skills?


                                    treads blink ags blademail


                                      Treads wand bm atos agh


                                        Treads dag


                                          "pretty average support "
                                          More like absolutely useless