General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked vs Normal mmr

Ranked vs Normal mmr in General Discussion
Die by the sword

    How is it that when playing normal games I get ranked as high to very high skill and win. While playing ranked I get normal skill and lose games?


      hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:


        the flow of the game is slightly different. in unranked and ranked

        Die by the sword

          Damn it all! Must I really learn a new style of game :D


            Because unranked/normal/pub matches aren't even close to what DOTA2 is supposed to be
            Most people are just having fun with their friends, try out meme builds, practice heroes, or just want to play some casual dota


              ^This coming from a group of master memers lmao


                Because the algorithm that changes your mmr in ranked vs hidden mmr in unranked is different

                Ranked depends only on who won

                Unranked doesnt care about win/loss but only your performance

                fear is the mind killer

                  Because your solo is 3k and "high skill" starts
                  around 3k2

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                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Normal match too meme, example :
                    1)Jungle Sven
                    2)1Ice that lane

                    Both are so terrible that I only dare try in normal

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                    casual gamer

                      yeah i won a bunch of games in unranked solo and now games are fucking hard. smh

                      casual gamer

                        i legit have been flamed for being low mmr, IN UNRANKED :facepalm:

                        Die by the sword

                          In my normal games they are quite serious. Rarely I find that they go outside of standard and play with inappropriate heroes. However there are plenty of disconnects and lag which is not so fun.

                          Ty for answers!

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                          Lets do Science

                            unranked is where you go when you've had a few drinks and want to play. Unranked is where you go when you don't actually feel like winning. Everyone in unranked is legitimately so awful, yet thinks so goddamn high of themselves its impossible to actually take those games seriously.