General Discussion

General DiscussionDifferent roles and versatility

Different roles and versatility in General Discussion

    Is it necessary to learn different roles and heroes to be really good at playing dotes?

    I don't have versatility at all my versatility graph is non existent haha and I also gave up learning the mid role since i seriously suck at it like really bad I don't know why though haha.

    I mainly play offlane role, played hard support in the past and still practicing safe lane carry. Is it okay no to learn mid role at all?


      yes to be good at dota you need to be able to at least know what your supposed to do in each role as well as be able to play each one decently for your skill level.


        but thats just to be good at the game in general

        1-IceTea 🌟

          safe lane?
          off lane?
          What are you talking about?
          I only play jungler where should I put myself in?


            Yea its fine
            Jack of all trades, master of none


              @icetea at that point your probably the carry and you should just stay in the jungle and farm all of your items before you come out.

              This comment was edited

                People like icetea and abraham linkens got to 4k just by being good at jungling and knowing the game in general


                  I'm not sure if you're sarcastic or not,bearcat, but for sure afking forever isnt how jungling is supposed to be played


                    You just need to understand what the role is supposed to do, you dont have to play it