General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to edge pan?

How to edge pan? in General Discussion

    Hello there!

    I have always used the middle mouse drag to move the camera. But i'm actually facing a big issue, I have broken my middle mouse button for the third time since I have started playing dota.
    So instead of buying another mouse, again. I want to learn how to use the edge pan correctly.

    I am actually playing against bot to get used to it, but I have some issues with blocking creeps, positionning my camera, my hero and sh*t like that.

    Could you please give me some tips about your setting for camera speed and so on?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Using middle mouse is better for medium long range too bad I hate clicking middle button
      (They're really annoying buttons that are hard to click it's less wonder if you broke them)

      6000-7000 for me
      50 deceleration

      I have no problem creep blocking with edge pan, you need to get use to it I guess

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        thanks for your reply:)
        ho ok so for long range hero middle button is easier.

        About the creep blocking my problem is that I use the Zigzag strat to block the creep and when i move my camera I don't have time anymore to reposition my hero^^' (also i often end up moving my camera too far away from my hero)

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          I don't really understand your pain but good luck in getting used to edge pan just practice.


            when i block creeps i hold down on the control group for hero and it centers the hero/unit on the screen and follows
            edge pan is lit

            Ryan Gosling Fan

              What is edge Pan???

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Sorry, I meant medium long distance, not hero's attack range. Like from Radiant mid T1 tower to Radiant bottom Jungle or something

                You use the same thing on all heroes :P
                Because edge panning for more than 1 second seems inefficient, it will cost you to lose a lot of information and positioning, which is why I set 7000

                When creep blocking using zig zag movement, there are two ways to move camera
                1. You double press select Hero button to focus camera on hero (Default F1, or you can set control group) or like Fat Tony said
                2. You pan ahead of the hero and firstly click on a spot where your hero will turn (or yaw?) then move pointer slightly closer to your hero where you can do the zig zag more, then pan again then yaw then zig zag


                  does it affect plays ? does plays use it all ?


                    when blocking creeps i spam f1 (my hero hotkey) and git da ez bulockz

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                      I have always used the middle mouse drag to move the camera. But i'm actually facing a big issue, I have broken my middle mouse button for the third time since I have started playing dota.

                      same, lmao.

                      still using middle button on current mouse though.


                        Thanks for the tips guys :)! I will try the F1 spam!

                        @ImagineDodong: It's like when you're right handed and you try writing with your left hand for the first time^^'

                        @FAM€: I don't know why ppl call it Edge Pan, but, it's just moving your screens by moving your mouse to the end of the screens

                        @Cheap Laugh Guy: Oups^^'. I actually set it at 6000

                        @Dental Techinician: Sorry I don't understand your question

                        @gold experience requiem: Glad to know I'm not the only one:p