General Discussion

General DiscussionPaging Cookie

Paging Cookie in General Discussion

    Hey Cookie. I just wanted to ask you a quick question (or anyone else for that matter). Do you think it's possible to climb to 5-6k mmr as support only?

    I didn't play ranked for a LONG time. I don't know maybe I just wasn't confident or there was so kind of mental roadblock. I just played a lot of Normals, I took a break and now I will come back (admittedly will play some Normals to readjust to 7.00) and play ranked. My issue is whether or not it's possible to get to 5k-6k only supporting, which is my favorite role and I want to succeed with it.

    Reason I'm asking you, Cookie, is that when you started that account you spammed a lot of SK and climbed. You were 3-4k the last time i remember looking, and now you're 5.5k. So I think out of everyone on this open forum(that I know of), you're the one who has truly climbed the most.


      last time i was ACTUALLY 3k was a couple years ago(with that i mean i had the skill of a 3k)

      i usually smurf a lot on lower accounts for fun so that 3-4k will be moved up to 5-6k quite fast, i did this with so many accounts that i lost count.

      BUT i did orginally get to 5k with support only, i think in 1-2k i played either roam or jungle and from 3k to 5k i played pos 4 and 5. pos 4 as aggressive offlane support, and pos 5 as defensive safelane support

      and obviously you can get to 5-6k mmr as support, it's one of the easiest ways to climb mmr. it's not as efficient as core, but it's easier.

      the reason i say it's not as efficient is because you have low right click damage and are squishy, so you do need your team as well to be pushing to win a game, while if you play core you are naturally a rightclicker so you can just push by yourself without a team.

      that being said, there's a lot more burden on the core to perform better than a support.

      so simple answer: YES YOU CAN, it's easier than core.

      last time i did it was with CM and Lich

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        Alright cool, thanks man. Didn't want to have to play a 'new' lane.


          it's not that efficient to play only supports to raise mmr towards high mmrs but imo it's 100% more efficient way to learn dota


            it's never about the hero, i know players who play JUNGLE and/or CARRY WISP, quite literally they only play that and they're 6k.

            it's not about the hero, it's about the player playing that hero.

            it's about that player's ability to win a game, by any means necessary.

            the only thing about a support is that you can't push by yourself reliably, unless you transition into a core from a snowball. which is quite easy to secure in low mmr.

            so the only difference is that a core, without a snowball can solo push, while a support without a snowball can't.

            so games are longer, meaning that there will be more room for error. as obviously you should know, that your job as any role is to win the game as fast and efficiently as possible.

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