General Discussion

General Discussionwelcome to low prio boys

welcome to low prio boys in General Discussion

    Valve should change low prio reporting system, because it now sucks.
    If someone marks - intentional ability abuse, it is basically usage of bugs, so each report should be checked by some nerd worker and if there is no such thing put to low prio the orginal reporter for wasting all people time.
    If someone marks - communication abuse, just mute him, whatever its not a big deal anyway.
    If someone marks - intentional feeding, valve should check his score in game, the amount can be discussed, but lets say if his Kills-Deaths are not more than -5 then report doesnt count, because it is clearly not intentional.

    This really needs to be changed because it is now abused. You are the only guy that can do something in your team for couple games, of course as a better player, you need to be positive, you need to make your teammates understand that maybe they shouldnt pick carry if they dont know how to play it, or need to constant shout help me etc. or maybe going echo sabre as first item for slark in like 15 minute is really not the best idea and he should get shadow blade. One or two retards calls in this situation is very positive, making them to understand they can be better, giving them will to improve, or to understand that its been a good game, and its time for them to quit. But because of this positive attitude after some positive insults like: retarded pieces of shit, horsefuckers etc. you get sent to low priority and this is not fair. its like now i play around 30% LP games and others normal, when it should be vice versa, these retards should be low prio kings.

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      why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?


        why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?why you dont answer that im right you fuckin pieces of shit?


          you're so right, I got sent to Low Priority because i chose storm spirit but then a guy with about 1k more mmr than me goes, no i'm going mid so i took the open off lane cuz i already had storm and i didnt want to start a fight with a 5k god, so i proceed to get 9 stack reported for offlane storm (i went 6-3 in laning stage).


            I'm a regular LP visitor, yet I never blame the system.

            I'm a toxic piece of shit from time to time, and I deserve what I get.

            If everyone gets into LP on a daily basis, it's for a reason.

            Seeing you're a sub 4k scrub like me says it all..

            The bracket is just cancer . xD


              Vertoxcity gets it!

              If your in it, you deserve to be in it


                ^ not really, tons of peiple are in there just for having a bad game and everyone saying their feeding/trolling


                  ^ Lol, there are people getting there after win streaks.


                    and then there are the people like me who only get low prio when their parents force them to abandon a game. Its not that hard to stay out of low prio