General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone taking diff eq or linear algebra?

Anyone taking diff eq or linear algebra? in General Discussion

    Game is hard


      linear algebra is easy as fuck
      took it already and passed it

      dodged diff eq for now though

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        diff eqs aint easy

        passed it all ages ago, just sayin'
        advanced linear algebra which is not part of the pbligatory course is pure insanity btw


          Passed it half a year ago.


            Studying Mech Eng so that stuff unfortunately comes up. Currently dealing with Fourier. :(

            Dire Wolf

              Are you joking? Diff eq is like insanely easy calculus. If you have taken calc it's a breeze, I think I got a 98% in that class in college.


                linear algebra is easy as fuck

                fuck off

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  passed basic linear algebra exam without attending 50% of the lectures without big problems
                  gonna study diff eq this semester, our analysis lectues are pure cancer tho and nobody understands shit so idk


                    Bruuuuh diff eq couldn't be harder lmfao
                    Linear algebra seems like it could be manageable, but its gonna be tough dealing with both


                      what do you need to know from linear algebra


                        actually sorry, i thought diff eq is analysis in english.
                        i m dodging analysis right now.

                        also you guys are all plebs tbh.
                        i am studiying mech eng... math so hard... LUL
                        i passed the exams math students do, kids


                          i'd probably pass too if i did something through the year


                            How's mech eng? I'm taking it once I finish senior high school in few months


                              I know calc but idk this shit by name. Rn we r learning area between curves. Linear algebra is just ur regular algebra stuff like slope of line and shit? Wtf idk these names but i feel like i know what they are.


                                Diff eq is fun and not that hard, you just have to figure it out and think logically
                                I had some problems with linear algebra but that's mainly because I was lazy af


                                  These are both easy lmao i looked it up. U guys r struggling in college wtf. I mean there r some tricky things but tbh differentials r so easy. I was so confused but i forgot that differentials=derivatives.


                                    @BEST QOP EU
                                    I was actually making fun of mech engs because their math is so ez compared to mine
                                    Sorry bruh


                                      E Z


                                        Nice u changed ur name.


                                          I'm doing Electrical Engineering lol
                                          Its a lot harder than mechanical


                                            You shouldn't really need diff eq's for electrical engineering, its more of a physics chemistry kind of topic, dunno why you would put yourself through all that tbh. Go for a general calculus course instead.


                                              Put yourself through what? Derivatives r easy money.


                                                Its not derivatives tho? probably some mutivariables vectors and shit, solving a differential equation is a very intuitive thing anyway.


                                                  i couldnt pass diferential inegrals took me 1 yr and half left university fuck that shit


                                                    all i know people who study those hard engineering and very hard subjects to use brain alot
                                                    they mostly smoke weed and stuff cause they so tired of that
                                                    u must know are u person for that shit or not


                                                      Diff eqn is rather easy , use a set of procedures to get an answer. Linear algebra is too ez but they always bore me


                                                        A differential equation is just a derivative. Like u cant just say derivatives are hard, because most of it isnt that bad. If there is something specifically hard then specify.


                                                          Chemistry is a lot harder than Mathematics esp Organic Chemistry.
                                                          Shit's hard AF.


                                                            Diff eqn has derivatives in it but you

                                                            Can't say they are just derivatives
                                                            You have to integrate them one way or another.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Diff eq is like applied derivatives. Really there's like 10 equations and formulas you have to memorize and then you just need to figure out the right one for each situation. It's like entry level calc. Calc 2 and 3 are the hard ones, partial equations and fragments and other insane shit I can't remember to name. I took it all and never use it and forgot it all. I was computer science unless you are writing an engine its not used much


                                                                Integrating isnt too hard, but its annoying, ive yet to go fully indepth in integrals.


                                                                  Idk what equations ur talking abt. Maybe its multivariable calc?


                                                                    Differential equations is just extention of calculus. Once you know how equations is derived its so ez. Algebra is just a highschool subject with matrix and shits


                                                                      Algebra is ez not my question. Im good (enough) with derivatives rn so ok.


                                                                        I feel like this Daddy guy is going to school and talking about how easily he would pass University exams LUL

                                                                        Delusional as fuck

                                                                        Correct me if I am wrong


                                                                          Trigonometry integrals haHAA


                                                                            This thread made me feel old. I'm a graduate school student I had never seen these things in years...


                                                                              How's life after graduation? Any life tips?


                                                                                TBH, I never experienced anything about it. I never tried to get myself a regular job. I mean I got my bachelor's degree and the next semester I was a graduate school student. I've always wanted to be an academic, so I'm pursueing it. Currently I'm working on my thesis. (25 year-old btw)


                                                                                  They should be ez if i remember right. I think the best book is Kreyszig or something like that. I recommend you study from that one


                                                                                    yep had it this semster, it's quite easy actually


                                                                                      @ Best QOP EU. Be warned that Mech Eng courses usually have a lot of Elec modules included. You also study some basic controls theory. Its actually the broadest of the engineering courses, with many modules shared with the other fields, so don't go in expecting not to do Electrical/Electronic stuff.

                                                                                      @ Raptured From what I've been told, Mech eng (as well as Elec, Comp and Chem) does almost a compete maths degree, we're only missing a couple of modules. Now civil engineers have it easy, they don't take any maths from third year onwards :P


                                                                                        Dude mav you're making mech eng sounds like the hardest engineering faculty to take
                                                                                        I hope you're wrong :(

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                                                                                          I'd say the hardest is chemistry if you're doing it right


                                                                                            Yeah Chem is the hardest. Mech is just the broadest (which in a way does make it difficult). Electrical and Electronic go much further in depth into the electrical field than Mech (obviously) so in some ways its harder than Mech, but they do very few out-of-field modules.

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              This bigdaddy I think,


                                                                                              i honestly don't remember exactly what it was, I just remember trying to integrate over some insane fractions that you had to use a combo of algebra and trig and calc to solve and it was insanely hard, had like 50 steps per problem and you could easily screw it up along the way. It was the only class in my whole education I studied daily for, probably about 15 hours a week outside of class time (which was a fucking ton for me, sometimes if I had a computer project I'd work that much for like one week but rarely had to study. Physics and calc1 I spent like 20 mins between classes doing the "homework" worksheets) and I got my lowest scores, 75-85 on most tests, which again was super low for me, I had a 4.0 until my senior year when I started goofing off. The prof didn't tell us he was grading on a curve, but in the end I got an A so he must have cus I had at best an 80 or a b-/c+ raw score wise in that class.


                                                                                                Partial fractions are easy AF but I usually made errors due to carelessness...Maths is the only thing I'm good at lol...I found Chemistry daunting with all those parameters to consider for how a chemical reaction behaves..on my recent exam I expected an 75-80 but got 51 (out of 100)..Almost lost my scholarship... Almost...xD no kappa

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  this shit was really hard too, integrals and limits. God I hated that. And any kind of proof, though you don't do those much in calc.



                                                                                                    For anyone learning linear algebra, and even those who have already passed it, but never really understood what this was all about, I can highly recommend the Essence of Linear Algebra series by 3b1b on youtube, starting with this clip:
                                                                                                    Listening to these vidoes will not replace attending your lectures, but it will give you an idea why you should learn this stuff. Linear algebra can be considered as the starting point of academic mathematics, and a good understanding can help you in a variety of other topics later on, as a surprising amout of concepts originate from basic linear algebra.


                                                                                                      easy for math major. that was 3 years ago.

                                                                                                      if you need tutorials check out khanacademy.

                                                                                                      understanding the concepts and then work out problems all by yourself without finding solutions, when you are stuck with certain steps, you can look for help on that particular steps. if you repeat this you will be master in maths.

                                                                                                      thats how you master maths.