General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark item timings, farming, investing into early game to farm better...

Slark item timings, farming, investing into early game to farm better, etc, etc. in General Discussion

    Raj I think u r being over sensitive. Lol


      No ruptured said he was jk but still. Im not mad anymore. Just tired of this shit. Cant we have a better community. I stopped raging cuz i realized what i was doing was a problem too, but still.


        yea i understand that essence shift is the main slark's strength but if you have echo sabre and facing against early vanguard or something the extra raw damage does help you kill people i think :v

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            didnt read but
            in general slark cares more about exp than gold, idm blowing gold on talon even if it ends up a gold sink (rarely) as long as i get to level 12 faster


              ^^^ This is so true. Especially when ppl come here to learn and get better at the game. Its so frustrating.


                In reference to this comment.....

                This is what i mean when i say blue star elitism is so apparent when all said blue star has to do is say "well daddy here is where ur wrong..." and everything suddenly becomes better. Tbh just fuck off. Im not even mad anymore im just tired of the bullcrap u put up. Just make my day and leave.

                casual gamer

                  sometimes if u can isolate something like a tidehunter u dont want to kill him fast, u want to hit him as many times as possible. this is why i love playing against ww/abaddon/dazzle theres a 10% chance they give u 2 free eaglesongs in a fight