first you need vision on the side nc to prevent any potential gank/harassment, if the duo support is actively harassing you, ignore them and get iron talon asap after first few farm. they will eventually lose patience and move to your midlane or safelane to gank, then u can move back to lane, otherwise, move there only to flash farm with skills or when creeps move to your twr (if their carry is shit and keep pushing)
if you play sandking, make it duo offlane, ask someone to pick silencer / undying. sk + either of them can steamroll the offlane easily.
very rarely people play slardar offlane now, he is now best played as pos 4 roamer, and can easily get dagger near 13 min mark with iron talon.
stay in trees , block camps , pull if you can , aggro when someone +6k saying these ''wow such a great info thanks mate'' but when we say ''i knew these nub..''
this is the most retarded shit u can do i hate players who do this, and its usually just low skill players or players who are forced into offlaning and have no clue about laning on it because then their supports pull 1-2 times and then start roaming and u lose mid and safe lane and their carrys free farming while u got 1-2 levels in woods and boots congrats
You been watching pro players? I believe switching from jungling to lane is the right thing to do. Enigma and Dark Seer is super strong against trilanes, because they can jungle well and so avoid those ganks. Universe plays them a lot.
Regarding Trilane vs slardar it's different with the heroes u are against tbh. Tell me a matchup and I can say what I would do.
I'm a smurf spamming sniper tryna wreck kids as a sniper who plays support or jungle or mid or safelane carry or offlane or position 4 roaming. I feel this CV makes my input valid or not?
(Against some trilane there is nothing u can do at all and just have to jungle or get what u can from the lane for when it ever pushes.) Dying once or twice for important levels and justified farm AND keeping the all three heroes busy with you for a long period of time is always good because yo are creating space for your team and not allowing those two annoying supports to gank ur midlaner.
you can do it if you have to u just spam talon and crush and then go to shrine or whatever. it basically reduces ur map presence to nil though especially if you actually use crush (unless u buy some clarities)
Forgot abt pudge, but is earth spirit back? I thought he wasnt bad, but not that good. Also ive never seen slardar played as a roaming support outside of pros.
my answer to this is pick proper heroes.
What is proper hero for offlane? Riki/nyx/viper
it's impossible to nuke them for enemy, most of dotas i play, enemies just gets tired of me being there and just leaves me 1v1 against their safelane carry.
hello sir kr if u willing to waste ur time can u watch 5-7 mins of this and tell me what i did wrong on lane considering the fact that it took rubick 20 secods to give me a ward and i didnt tp to block the camp and i had to go back and activate courier xD
its a 6,8 avg game, i am 1k below avg (timber). i didnt insist on offlaning, i was forced to do it
I will say the initial blink you got in that game was quick, and you were pretty active which made it pretty easy for me to snowball. TBH I was out of the lane from level 4-5 so it put pressure on their safe which they decided to leave alone for some stupid reason.
Puck off u loser,don't touch my jungle when you are laner and u lose lane,NOOBS
Offlane is the new safelane, how do people not do well offlane anymore in 2k17?
how to not die??
first you need vision on the side nc to prevent any potential gank/harassment, if the duo support is actively harassing you, ignore them and get iron talon asap after first few farm. they will eventually lose patience and move to your midlane or safelane to gank, then u can move back to lane, otherwise, move there only to flash farm with skills or when creeps move to your twr (if their carry is shit and keep pushing)
if you play sandking, make it duo offlane, ask someone to pick silencer / undying. sk + either of them can steamroll the offlane easily.
very rarely people play slardar offlane now, he is now best played as pos 4 roamer, and can easily get dagger near 13 min mark with iron talon.
otherwise, heroes below
ZDonFrank, why did you not reply to my thread about ZDonFrank?
edit: thanks KR, been jacking those creepwaves, that won me all lanes now :D
I thought slardar is just a bad offlaner in a 1v3, but what do i know?
stay in trees , block camps , pull if you can , aggro when someone +6k saying these ''wow such a great info thanks mate'' but when we say ''i knew these nub..''
this is the most retarded shit u can do i hate players who do this, and its usually just low skill players or players who are forced into offlaning and have no clue about laning on it because then their supports pull 1-2 times and then start roaming and u lose mid and safe lane and their carrys free farming while u got 1-2 levels in woods and boots congrats
nobody prevents u from coming out of the jungle the moments supports show their muzzle elsewhere
cooky what role do u play most now?
offlane, since i finished learning that now, now im starting roaming support.
since if you ask me, the hardest 2 roles are offlane and roaming support.
anyone can pick/play them, but not many people can be successful with them
^ I couldnt agree more Keepo
u made one post on dotabuff, played a few games, and now u've learned the offlane role?
when have u played mid?
i've been a master of midlanes for a long time, remember the 1v1 contest i made?
SK and AW spam lmaoooo
good old aw mid
oh cmon you only played AW mid. nothing else amiright
something new. thanks kitrak and cookie :D
i still won the 1v1 tournament and im only 2k cookie come on
im pretty sure its exactly the other way round for the last several patches
Aw mid is not midd its bullshit
try sf
You been watching pro players? I believe switching from jungling to lane is the right thing to do. Enigma and Dark Seer is super strong against trilanes, because they can jungle well and so avoid those ganks. Universe plays them a lot.
Regarding Trilane vs slardar it's different with the heroes u are against tbh. Tell me a matchup and I can say what I would do.
I'm a smurf spamming sniper tryna wreck kids as a sniper who plays support or jungle or mid or safelane carry or offlane or position 4 roaming. I feel this CV makes my input valid or not?
(Against some trilane there is nothing u can do at all and just have to jungle or get what u can from the lane for when it ever pushes.) Dying once or twice for important levels and justified farm AND keeping the all three heroes busy with you for a long period of time is always good because yo are creating space for your team and not allowing those two annoying supports to gank ur midlaner.
How about move to jungle? :0
Because slardar is a bad jungler
you can do it if you have to u just spam talon and crush and then go to shrine or whatever. it basically reduces ur map presence to nil though especially if you actually use crush (unless u buy some clarities)
^lul. 2.5k telling cooky to gitgud
Play es as a roaming supp
Learn how to play.
Rnt the roaming supports rn like ogre, maybe mirana
^^earth spirit pudge and slardar
Forgot abt pudge, but is earth spirit back? I thought he wasnt bad, but not that good. Also ive never seen slardar played as a roaming support outside of pros.
ppl are still picking him in my games he has a sick kit but imo hes definitely not op
i spent like 100+ games on earth spirit, all i got was fucked for 100 games
i spent 200+ when he was rly good but i was so bad i barely even climbed
Cooky have u tried the 600 last hits challenge on earth spirit in s lobby first?
Have u tried the miss no last hits mid for 10 min challenge with the kobold foreman creep?
lel carried d.terminated with my new slarder
Did you know if you kill creeps you get gold?
my answer to this is pick proper heroes.
What is proper hero for offlane? Riki/nyx/viper
it's impossible to nuke them for enemy, most of dotas i play, enemies just gets tired of me being there and just leaves me 1v1 against their safelane carry.
hello sir kr if u willing to waste ur time can u watch 5-7 mins of this and tell me what i did wrong on lane considering the fact that it took rubick 20 secods to give me a ward and i didnt tp to block the camp and i had to go back and activate courier xD
its a 6,8 avg game, i am 1k below avg (timber). i didnt insist on offlaning, i was forced to do it
I will say the initial blink you got in that game was quick, and you were pretty active which made it pretty easy for me to snowball. TBH I was out of the lane from level 4-5 so it put pressure on their safe which they decided to leave alone for some stupid reason.
....was a good game.
KR, if they can 100-0 me while i attempt to steal wave do i just go jungle instead?
or is there any other trick?
since if they can 100-0 me, then they can probably do the same in lane while i attempt to steal exp behind trees