General Discussion

General Discussionjust a few player pro with viper in dota 2 7.xx.

just a few player pro with viper in dota 2 7.xx. in General Discussion

    so sad look dota players play with viper noobly.yet easy to play with viper just give him more corrosive skin ability make viper unbeatable

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    doc joferlyn simp

      PA and LC players badmouthing Viper players as "baby hero" players. Good shit.


        why your heart break noob?


          didnt understan your post btw.


            i love this hero man since i was play dota 1


              and little advice for beginner players play with viper


                quality helpful post #1 10/10


                  Just buy a helm and treads and lance and if u havent won by 35 min then u lost


                    As a Viper player, I can't understand the point of this post. I will agree that 7.02 was so disappointing for any Viper player, though. Seriously, +25 HP to a talent?


                      In my opinion agility heroes need more agility item, that makes them stronger bro

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                          i dont understand why people think that viper is useless after 35 min. This hero can still be really strong late game. He might not be as strong as he was in the first ten minutes but the hero doesnt feel like it falls off that hard. I've had plenty of games that go longer than 30 and I comeback with viper.


                            I would instamute people with that kind of name in ranked games

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                              casual gamer

                                i have been carried by viper with mjolnir and pike

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                                  vipers only real problem is that once he is in a fight, he is in the fight. This heroes only problem is getting away.