General Discussion

General Discussion318 to 5000.

318 to 5000. in General Discussion

    I am new to Dota 2 in 2013. My friend told me about this game, and I loved it instantly. I just rushed in to the game played a game with Warlock. I didn't know what was happening, abandoned and quit and deleted the game. After a few years in 2015, my friend told me to give it a try, I played it with him and felt good. I just played for a few days and after a few more days, ranked matchmaking unlocked. I felt competetive and played it and I calibrated at 318 points. I thought it wasn't bad and played and after I watched the leaderboard and knew I sucked at this game. I decided to quit the game and stop playing. Now, when my friend embarassed me, I can't do shit. I wanna show him that he is a 4K scrub. I will go to 5K mmr within 6months. I am doing challenge openly to him. Beside, he said me there is good community who will help noobs like me. Can u guys tell me where to start ?

    I don't deserve hate, pls be good.


      u cant do it in 6 months lol



          unless ur an mmr wizard theres no way u can learn everything necessary to get 4700 mmr

          cuz dude i only climbed 900 mmr from august up to january lol thats barely anything


            your in normal skill...

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              For starters
              Play tons of rounds with A.I until you can get at least 25 KDA in Unfair mode
              Read Dotafire guides or even good old WC3 DotA guides
              Spectate a full game of a specific pro players in Player's Perspective mode
              You will surely break 1k by that
              The rest is up to fate

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Wait... you're new to Dota 2 in 2013
                It's 2017 now WTF


                  I consider it a challenge. Where there is will there is a way, I don't know if i can do it or not, I will never give up. Even If I end up at 500 MMR.


                    I'll never get tired of saying this XD
                    Learn how to last hit
                    Learn when to last hit
                    Learn where to last hit


                      Find a hero or a set of hero you enjoy playing and spam them
                      Think about the game instead of blindly spamming find match
                      Be disciplined, dota isn't just about kills, push your advantages and power spikes to the limit, you see the enemy cores die without buyback you fucking push as 5 with your team instead of afk jungling or pushing different lanes against a fucking pickoff lineup


                        Think before you buy items, what makes you think buying aghanim on AM against PA is worth it? haHAA PA cast blink strike on you and you'll dive her tower and 4 of her teammates, you're dead 4200 gold wasted on boomerang haHAA


                          I hate these people, why they have to such scumbags, in last game I was disconnected and they didnt even think of me. I understand the life of a low mmr guy. Fucking douchbags. So irritated with these attitudes.


                            @I bet rab8. Is that required matches to play for x winrate. For 70% winrate u should play 50 matches to get 500 MMR? Is it ?

                            Giff me Wingman



                                @Danishblunt Do u think its funny ?


                                  Its literally physically impossible to climb 4682 mmr in 6 months ur fucking delusional


                                    I hate Dota man, pls check invoker from my last match.

                                    This comment was edited

                                      u dont deserve even the mmr u got


                                        E K S D I

                                        bingo bango bongo

                                          sorry to be asking but are you really unironically 300 mmr?


                                            buy coach from, pick a couple of heroes to main which are easy and have high winrate to get your basics down (, play 50-100 games to get general idea of the game, focus on pracitcing 1-2 concepts undtil you got it down. then buy 3.5-4k account and start playing on it, sohuld be able to reach mid 3k level in 1 month
                                            then just continue grinding, keep thinking about your decisions and watching the map dont focus too much on one thing


                                              Learn 1hero and spam him



                                                @Triplesteal. I know I am bad, but u don't need to be hard. Yeah, when I reach higher MMR than u, I will call u scrub. Be ready to hear it. Mark my words.


                                                  Your only motivation to gain mmr is to call other people as scrubs
                                                  Ain't healthy

                                                  dead inside

                                                    yo man, i climb from solo 800 party 1100.. now im 3600/4200.. i dont even know the exact reason is.. but i always try so hard each games..


                                                      Well i calibrated at 1,4k and now im at 4,2k. Its no impossible task, it just takes a laarge amount of time :D


                                                        I doubt people who motivate themself to reach their dream just to act bossy and shit on other people have the intelect to reach it anyway


                                                          Don't waste your time, you will need years of your life at best, think is it worth it? If you're 12 probably xD

                                                          This comment was edited

                                                            u need more than 6 months
                                                            if u really try hard u might do it in a year


                                                              Lmao this kid sounds like some fucking naruto boy.
                                                              "BELIEVE IT"


                                                                u know unless u go full no-life u wont get 4700 match making points in 6 months

                                                                learning all the basics alone even with a coach took me shitton of hours. not to mention u still have to actually play the game. this is perfectly understandable since my priorities are my grades in university

                                                                if ur willing to waste lots of valuable time and effort (and probably money) while still staying sane just so u can call two guys "scrubs", then sure go ahead. but its as stupid as it sounds xD

                                                                all im saying is ur dedicating ur life to something only an edgy teen going through puberty would say, its just not gonna happen xD


                                                                  I dont know what to say, but I know someone who actually and literally climb from 3-digits mmr (idk exactly how much) to 5k.

                                                                  SO THATS NOT IMPOSIBLE BRO!!!!!

                                                                  But, sure it will need a lot of time and effort. Just prepare yourself so hard until anything cant break your dream to become 5k player!!!


                                                                    ^ of course its not impossible cuki did it but its absurb to do it in 6 months.


                                                                      it took me 2 months to raise my mmr from 4.1 to 4.7. @op, what you're saying is freaking impossible
                                                                      unless you fully commit and have the time and attitude to gitgud
                                                                      anyways glhf, dont let your dreams be memes


                                                                        since its impossible to do this by climbing then just buy an account l o l

                                                                        u still get 5k, enjoy calling ur friend and triple scrubs l m a o

                                                                        Over 9,000ping

                                                                          Please do not take advice from these retarded imbeciles. The ONLY way to learn is simply by playing. Unless you have great parents or the money and skill for an organization to sponsor you, you will NEVER become "good" at a competitive game, and when you think you have the skill, the ONLY way to start off is at the bottom. "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime." If you're into old sayings, but if you have the money for a scam-artist coach on the internet, power to you, but all of the top tier pros have >10k hours in this game. So unless you don't have a life or just have a long term goal of becoming on of the greats at this game, you're pretty much out of luck. Good luck finding a team that will sponsor you, good luck reaching that milestone, and good luck participating and traveling in tournies or scrims. Because MOST people, i'd say 80% of this community, are just a bunch of try hard mmr elitist trolls who think they can make it big.


                                                                            lol this guy again..


                                                                              Please do not take advise from these retarded imbeciles

                                                                              You are fucking 777 mmr how the fuck can you discredit others on climbing mmr? lmao ur the retarded imbecile.
                                                                              D E L U S I O N A L

                                                                              Over 9,000ping

                                                                                @ywn I thought I told you to off yourself?
                                                                                @Daddy Can you come up with a better insult than the one i just provided?


                                                                                  shoutout to my sponsors btw Kappa

                                                                                  Over 9,000ping

                                                                                    @ywn Why are you still alive dude?


                                                                                      How do i off myself sir?


                                                                                        Cookie was never a 3 digit scrub
                                                                                        Or at least that's what he claims :thinking:

                                                                                        Over 9,000ping

                                                                                          @ywn There are plenty of ways. Look it up on the internet if your parents don't have parental filters on your PC.


                                                                                            i love life too much sorry

                                                                                            Over 9,000ping

                                                                                              But all my points still stand, literally the only thing you say to discredit my arguments is saying "oh he's only 777mmr he doesn't know what he's talking about, he must be delusional" Like a tryhard mmr elitist would do.


                                                                                                parental filters xD im 12 btw haHAA


                                                                                                  Please do not take advice from these retarded imbeciles. The ONLY way to learn is simply by playing.

                                                                                                  Then why there are a lot people who are stuck at certain mmr although they spend 500+ hours in that bracket
                                                                                                  Clicking find match and doing whatever you usually do again and again won't make you a better player or increase your mmr


                                                                                                    well they are right u don't have a clue what it takes to become good obviously

                                                                                                    Over 9,000ping

                                                                                                      @bws how the fuck do you think pros get 10k hours you moron?
                                                                                                      @ywn I am done with you. Please off yourself.

                                                                                                      Over 9,000ping

                                                                                                        @ywn If you are young, I hope you get bullied at school. If you are an adult, I hope you get bullied by life.