I guess the problem I see that lesh isn't too great a hero right now, and as a less you need to stand in the middle of fights to do a lot of damage. Since you have less farm as a support you won't be able to afford shivas, bloodstone, octarine etc. so you will find yourself dying more, possibly explaining your high number of deaths.
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Hi guys,
im just a 2.7k scrub, at least i was until i started to play leshrac pos 5 and it got to 2.3k. As you can clearly see in my profile, i tanked quite a lot of mmr lately.
Even though my KDA with him is not amazing, you have to consider I only have a ~20% winrate and a lot of deaths happend when i tried to turn the game around, defending against a winning team.
I have the feeling that i do considerably better with Leshrac that with the supports which got me to 2.7k in the first place. I pull, secure runes, get kills with my stun from behind trees. i stack stuns with my team, communicating with them. My KDA in the first 20 min is at least 2, if not 3 or higher. I take towers, get glimmer, euls, ghost, force, whatever is needed.
I know, some games i was feeding. im not talking about the 1/12/3 game or the 0/11/22 one. These were my mistakes. Im talking about the other ones
So why do i lose so much with him? Is he that bad? I always thought, everything would go in 2k.