General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople faking safe to leave

People faking safe to leave in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Welp got Low Proirity from a fake "Safe to leave" script using green text. Player X and his buddy left the lobby and typed in there green all chat, "safe to leave".. a few others left before me but, i was the stupid one to hit leave/abandon and got LP cuz of it.

    How is this fair and can you do anything about it?

    the realm's delight

      not being retarded is a start





          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

            it was in green text, and he told his buddy to leave too. even got another person on another team to leave. but i think they reconnected. but i hit abandon... thinking it was safe.

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              it was this invoker if u guys see him, just leave game. Wasn't this game but the game afterwards. Anyways 8 minute sb vs. extort invoker rushing phase boots :(


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              Dire Wolf

                when you leave the match before you hit disconnect or reconnect it says at bottom if match is safe to leave so yes not being retarded is a start

                Ghastly Wail

                  Funny how clicking fast is called retarded.


                    Rofl if u had a brain you'd realize that it would say safe to leave as you are about to abandon the game. But if there's a warning then don't do it.


                      It always says in the menu if its safe to leave and warns you if it isnt LUL

                      Alien Righteousness

                        There are games where it doesn't explicitly say "safe to leave" above the reconnect button, like if steam servers are down. I also assume you would still get the "abandon" warning? Anyway, I watched the replay and it doesn't show the green text, so I can't tell.


                          The good ole CLQ Dota psychology tactic.




                              I call bullshxt.

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                it's the game after there's no GAME ID i believe. I will try to screencap it next time.

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                                    Just accept you deserve LP for being retarded...

                                    Ryan Gosling Fan

                                      Thats actually the funniest thing i ever had to read on DB.