General Discussion

General Discussionhow to own game as roaming riki ?

how to own game as roaming riki ? in General Discussion
Player 404335202

    ^ title ^

    Ghastly Wail

      Play against passive Bots


        you need orb of venom + wind lace at start.
        Kill courier in the middle, get boots, gank.
        Not all heroes can be ganked with, you need something like invoker in middle, so you could kill others ez, mostly your ganks should still be middle, collect all bounty runes, especially from enemy side.
        I always try to go say as first item, then basher, then it gets easy to both kill escape no problem.
        But to tell you truth, current meta with weaker cloud i find offlane solo riki better than roaming riki.


          I've been spamming it on this account:

          Start sent, tango, orb, branches. Ninja their bounty unless they have dust, don't worry about sent unless you are slow.

          Invis>blink>invis>cloud>invis>ulti>invis>max blink

          Look at the 3 lanes and see which lane could actually get kills if you go. Judging which lane to be in to actually provide value is to me the most important thing to learn. You may not be able to get kills but if you can prevent mid from last hitting, or get a bunch of denies against their hc, at least you are doing something.

          Get poor mans, magic wand, phase/treads it is hard choice between these two, but I would not get tranqs. I usually have a set of tangoes on me into the mid game though. Diffusal next into echo sabre. Then either basher or butterfly. Doing poorly I would go basher, doing well I would go butter.

          You will often have to base for regen, use the shrines and don't waste time going to the fountain.


            or u can be an offlaner if u want, check my account


              Offlane riki can only draw the lane but a roaming riki can win 3lanes. That's what I have learned from dotabuff

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