General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp Please

Help Please in General Discussion

    Guys im new on dota 2 I only play 1 hero and im sick of it :( I lost last game playing the same hero,
    any tips another ez hero to play?? i heard about slark they say its ez counter to bS and P.s look on my profile if i do good


      It seems you are not new to 'MOBA' (and dota PogChamp)

      Easy: Invoker, Meepo, Chen /s


        WHATS THAT?

        1-IceTea 🌟

          I play him alone for 2 years.

          Player 404335202

            Is it real that u jungle every game ? XD


              You're sick at playing BS but you only have like 10 matches of him lol you get sick and tired so easily, I mean in the past I spammed pick Slark for like IDK 60/70 games can't remember then I got sick and tired of him hahaha.

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              1-IceTea 🌟

                ^^Yes when I riki I jungle riki (get a rampage from jungle riki) when I play Omni I jungle Omni xD

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