General Discussion

General Discussionmeepo - kill all t3s vs. one set of rax

meepo - kill all t3s vs. one set of rax in General Discussion
casual gamer

    it seems you backdoor melee rax so fast that it would be better to expose multiple sets before committing to a rax, because if you fail your hg push you can threaten megas at any time

    has anyone ever tried this or is it just dumb? usually i feel like u are so far ahead that you end at 20 mins and they cant stop you but i could see this coming into play in those games where they have a shitton of aoe stuns (magnus is my least favorite lul) so teamfights are super awkward for u


      summoning blunt


        personally I would go for all t3s

        Small Song

          I generally lose my towers as opposed to take them.


            Actually taking a set of rax is more reliable as atleast that lane is pushing without any pressure exerted on that lane. Taking all t3s won't pressure one lane.
            If you take a set of rax then enemy has 2 choices , 1) They push that lane or 2) Push all lanes and defend that lane (creeps are so strong that they will eventually push up again).
            Its just IMO.
            N O H A T E P L E A S E !


              I mean if you take melee rax you can just ignore range rax and take down another tier 3+melee rax, probably dies in the same time as 3 tier 3 towers.


                It seems meaningless to leave rax like you pushed that lane took t3 then leave the rax move on to the next t3 and leave the rax. If you lose the team fight then you gotta push again to take the rax and your creeps are shit so they can't do it them selves. Taking meele only seems more reasonable .

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  But ranged racks are so crispy
                  It just depends on how much time and space you have
                  Exposing another set of racks will be better than getting ranged racks, of course
                  But the timing is just rare to happen, ranged racks melts in like less than 10 seconds for Meepo
                  No matter how, taking one melee racks would be compulsory