General Discussion

General DiscussionFirst Calibrated ..

First Calibrated .. in General Discussion

    How much mmr did you guys get from the first time you tbd... and how you raise it....


      1019 raised by farming better


        nc. any other tips?


          I was calibrated at 600 solo and 500 party i guessed. I spam zeus, riki, pa,shadow shaman and timbersaw on it. Now stucked and 2.6k LMAO. Made these smurf account calibrated at 2950 solo and 2650 party lmao..


            you do great work..

            casual gamer

              2500 mmr up

              spamming single heroes and learning how to play a role by picking it 100 games in a row

              thinking about my play critically and noticing what my opponents do that i didnt that makes them good

              casual gamer

                also i pick extremely strong heroes, usually ones that are cancerous in lane as well aka tree abaddon sniper tinker weaver (underlord void)

                ONMYOUJI MASTER

                  wow 100 in a row. Nc bro


                    Calibrated at 1100 mmr then fell too 900 mmr.

                    white boy summer

                      1300 (too short)

                      retired crusadog trainer

                        1990 MMR at first acc,then i try to raise but that is hard cause everyone want to be a carry but dont know how to carry in ranked
                        I play at SEA server
                        The solution is make new acc,play good from first match and play with your well known heroes
                        Then i get 3005 MMR.I play AM,luna,jugger,sniper


                          Got 3623, never went above 4300.. sad life ;d

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            3200...grind try super hard...4am here I can't sleep because I try hard and team throw...eating a meal that enought to feed a normal person 3 dinner...I feel nothing...I feel empty...I want to cry but I can't do it. .

                            when life gives you some ...

                              998 ele giggle

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Started at 1.9 now 4.2. Barely started playing again, played very rarely the past 2 months, before a few days ago last match was like 25 days ago or something, play casually.

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                                  2.5 or so


                                    2.7, Endless' advice is probably the best advice that could be given to anyone looking to get better tbh.


                                      3.7k was my calibration long time ago lowest mmr was 3.6 or 3.5 not sure, max mmr 6.4k


                                        Calibrated around 2k climb 2.6 been stuck there and games was no fun anymore as too much try hard in games always picked only meta cancer heroes, so just while ago ( after Danishblunt post) i decided to smurt for first time, and now i having a best doto times on that smurf, so will propably never more try hard rank since is beating your actual mmr incredible hard, i will always respect those who did 5k+ couse i know how hard is to climb there.

                                        ONMYOUJI MASTER

                                          ty all for the tips ...


                                            800 first time dota calibration

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                                              2.7 -> random 3k -> carry 4.1k -> mid 5k


                                                I calibrated solo 2.8k mmr and party 2.7k mmr, I didn't really do something special when I was finally climbing upto 4k then ended up falling again upto 3.5k, sorry I can't give you any tips because for me it just sort of happened I was suddenly be able to climb maybe it was a fluke or something ahaha.

                                                ONMYOUJI MASTER

                                                  when you tbd. what skills bracket you are. Ns,Hs,or Vhs??


                                                    1002 then
                                                    top 4310
                                                    now 3375 since 7.00


                                                      1.6k then
                                                      Highest 3445
                                                      I spammed whatever I thought was OP, WHAT I THOUGHT. Not what anyone else thought was OP and for this patch I think MK is OP.


                                                        First picked antimage every game kappa
                                                        I just play with discipline and thinking about the game properly


                                                          Also I'm really against smurfing to calibrate higher than you belong
                                                          You're gonna have to go through all the cancer pub games which will be filled with delusional smurfs too, and might ruin people's game and drop back to where you belong IF you somehow managed to cheat the system and calibrate higher than you deserve
                                                          Waste of time
                                                          Also I didn't even bother to try to recalibrate that 3k account, it was supposed to be a trade and ended up being a gift


                                                            If you ever see me making a new account it's probably to try to calibrate on sub 1k mmr


                                                              Hmm.. IMO making smurf doesn't guarantee getting higher mmr than your main, its depends also how you played!

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                                                                It also depends how much you know about the system
                                                                You don't have to be good to get VHS and calibrate 3.5k
                                                                I had a lvl 20 dimwit in my 3.5 average match who didn't know wards and detection exists and were impactless as fuck as o g r e m a g i


                                                                  @XTCN.ABED IDK I just recently knew about Dotabuff in late 2016 so...... and its most likely Normal skill I mean I calibrated at 2.8k afterall.


                                                                    I consider people who firstly calibrated at 2.5k+ as people with potential
                                                                    I started at 1.2, so....... fml

                                                                    AT&T Samsung Galaxy

                                                                      i first calibrated at 1k then i climbed to 3.4k


                                                                          From 825 to 1050...
                                                                          I spam shit from Silencer, Venomancer, Jakiro, and Viper. I eventually going first ranked try at each hero because i have a single draft experience...

                                                                          Every random teammates and enemies...
                                                                          I'm going along and overcome at them...
                                                                          If the final clash will be the victory...
                                                                          Then the prophecy is real.


                                                                            from 700 to 2k, farmed better and looked at my own mistakes, also i just claim mid


                                                                              first acc 1,9k , then i try to improve myself and get 2,3k in a month . make a new acc again got 2,9k. quit dota for a month then come partying with my 4k brother , my new acc got 3,7k. then i forgot my last acc password and made a new one. and here is this acc . currently stuck at vhs bracket

                                                                              all role player

                                                                                I think people who skip tutorial get first calibrate around >1k to 1.5k
                                                                                I dont play dota 1 And skip tutorial And got 1.4k elegiggle

                                                                                fear is the mind killer

                                                                                  calibrated 2k8 now 4k7, playing various heroes i like


                                                                                    calibrated 4390 when calibration came out
                                                                                    max mmr 5620

                                                                                    Long hard road out of 2k

                                                                                      all roles to 3k
                                                                                      wood from 3k to 3.4-3.5k
                                                                                      5 pos support from 3.5-4k then i stopped lul

                                                                                      ONMYOUJI MASTER

                                                                                        Nc. Are you hero depend on situation or hero you most good at it ???

                                                                                        ONMYOUJI MASTER

                                                                                          Nc. Are you use hero depend on situation or hero you most good at it ???

                                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                            First TBD 3.2K grind it bit by bit until now,power spike went super fast from 3.8-4.2 settle for about 1 month and pew pew again to 4.5 slowly up now.

                                                                                            By the way I only play jungle Dotabuff analysis is broke af.

                                                                                            73% Jungle,really? Look at my recent 100matchs if you found me lane 3 times I give you 1 year dotabuff+

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                                                                                            ONMYOUJI MASTER

                                                                                              Are you already Vhs in you firs match 1-IceTea ??

                                                                                              ONMYOUJI MASTER

                                                                                                Are you already Vhs in you firts match 1-IceTea ??