General Discussion

General DiscussionBehavior score is meaningless.

Behavior score is meaningless. in General Discussion

    I went from 9.7k to 4k and nothing has changed. =]


      Because you were always a 4k


        What is behavior score? How does affect the game? Please help!


          if that is what you think.... OP

          I know that when mine drops, the toxicity of teammates rises.... conversely when I get alot of commends and it goes back up ... suddenly I'm surrounded by polite( relative to dota) players who cooperate easier.


            ok I only have 5x your gameplay what do I know bungmangler


              its 100% meaningless


                Especially at higher MMR's, 4k much less so but at 5K you basically play with the same mofo's constantly. You'll get to know the crazy and toxic fools very well, and it doesn't matter how well behaved you are, there simply isn't a great enough population of players in that skill range for it to matter. 1K behavior score will be matched up with 10K.

                It helps a little bit, but not enough to matter. A 5% help or whatever isn't worth keeping your mouth shut. Go ahead and be "toxic" AKA responding to ignorant comments and making other people feel stupid when you point out their stupidity. Doesn't matter in reality. Asshole or not the better man wins that's the truth.

                casual gamer

                  tbh a lot of people you get out what you put in

                  theres plenty of volatile high mmr players that will ruin the game if you pick a fight, but otherwise will play normally

                  Dark Hunter

                    Don't be toxic = people dont tilt.
                    Not tilted = more cooperation.
                    Teamwork = ez +25

                    But what do I know. I'm just a 2k scrub


                      be toxic and you'll climb because you're winning liek 60% of the time anyways so really it doesn't matter lool