General Discussion

General DiscussionGoing pro in Dota 2 [LF Advice]

Going pro in Dota 2 [LF Advice] in General Discussion
ace recovery

    I'm a Danish 16 year old boy, who's playing a lot of Dota. I'm currently on a team (as position 1) where we beat 6-7k players/teams, and took the lead 7-1 vs avg 8k team, 9k peak (Xcalibur). I'm dreaming about coming a Dota 2 proffesional and I'm so ready to drop out of college/high school after the summer break to go full time. I play and watch a lot of Dota, In my spare time I play solo or with my team, or watch other people (pros) play, in the most of my school time I watch either my own replays, or profesinals in order to improve. I'm currently 4.9k mmr with about 2500 matches in total, but I do consider myself a lot better due to my winrate, gpm, kda etc. and ofc because I beat 6-8k's. I'm ready to throw pretty much everything in to go pro on Dota, I want to make it to the TI. If you're gonna say it's not going to happen, don't bother replying. I know I'm not at all a perfect player, but I'm doing well, and improving fast, any constructive feedback would be appriciated, like how good my odds are, and what to do to become a Pro faster.

    Edit: It seems most of you says going high mmr is the best way, and I guess you are right, I'll try to reach 6-7k before the summer break ends. And thank you for giving me a more realistic view upon the school thing, I definitely won't drop out until it'll be worth it. I still believe that I can become a pro, and I will achieve that. When I'm going to climb MMR I'll try to make friends with some (semi)pros, and establish some contacts. But of course I will participate in tournaments, and if that goes well that might be my shortcut.

    Edit 2: We have won tier 7 Battlecups, and I just reached 5k mmr.

    If anyone are interested here's a screenshot of my current profile:

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      Good to hear you're doing fine with your dota life.But I think you should think about it.You beat 6-7k's mmr players doesnt mean you will drop out from school.My advice is you should really think about your plan.What if it going pro doesnt work for you?and you gave up your school?what will you do after that?so yeah sorry for bad english here.But I'm wishing you good luck with your plans.From Philippines.

      ace recovery

        Thanks man, the thing is, I'm not sure about dropping out of school, I'll have the summer break in 2-3 months, and it'll be 2-3 months long. During the summer break I will try to figure out if I can actually go Pro, since that would be the dream.

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          You can drop out of school if you think you can sustain yourself or already rich.I heard pros dont earn much money that you see in their match.They have other things to pay too.

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            Btw prepare in a few minutes for those monkey shit posters.I gotta go man.Still have school here.

            ace recovery

              Aight fam, I am prepared for those, but ty. I am currently living at home with my mom, which means I got most expenses covered, and I have a decent amount of money saved up, so I don't think the financial aspect will be a huge problem.

              corona virus

                goodluck man.


                  Get to 6k or higher during summer break. If you cant, forget your pro dream and continue your studies.

                  ace recovery

                    Thanks bud

                    ace recovery
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                      ace recovery

                        @Katniss I don't believe 6k is enough to go pro, I'd rather achieve something big in a tournement or league. The thing is I want to go pro ASAP, and I dont believe queueing solo ranked is the best way to do that.


                          Gl, keep us posted


                            Solo mmr is okay but playing with your team is what matters you gotta work that chemistry to make a good result.You need to know your team their attitute and their gameplay.Btw I'm just a 2.3k scrub no hate just helpin. :V

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                            ace recovery

                              @BoJack thanks will do. @Tenesee Completely agree


                                There are a lot of better players in the tournaments you are playing in. I don't think seeing 4k or 5k in your profile will make pro teams sign you even you played good. Anyway Goodluck to you man. Go get your dreams.


                                  Would you kindly give us the match where you beat 6-8k player?

                                  ace recovery

                                    @Fx I don't remember most with the 6-7k teams they were in tournaments or scrims. But I have the one where we beat 8.1k garter from prodota:

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                                    ace recovery

                                      @Katniss I mean, many pros, fx DeMoN are low mmr, I believe he was 4k when he beat a 8/9k mid? Not entirely sure, but I am planning on raising my mmr, but it won't be my primary focus point. (We/I haven't beaten a 8k STACK yet)

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                                        But demon is a veteran pro. His mmr don't matter anymore(he is 7k now iirc). Yes winning tournaments is one way to do it but getting high mmr is highly celebrated now (lot of 9ks). If winning tournaments is your way, win the high tier leagues or tournament.


                                          I'm not discouraging you or anything. Forget everything I said and go crush them.

                                          ace recovery

                                            Dont get me wrong. I'd actually prefrer to go pro via high mmr. But I just think it'll be too slow for me. Its not just that i desire to be one of the best, I also wanna get out of school

                                            ace recovery

                                              No, you are completely right, but thanks!


                                                Goodluck. And by the way Denmark is beautiful. I've been there for a few days before. I'm a sailor.


                                                  My views on going pro are that you should build up as good connections as possible before dropping out of anything. There are stories of players who worked additional jobs to keeps themself able to travel and all the related things linked to the events. Best example might be AUI_2k. If I recall right he was a janitor or sth in that area and worked an additional job to get enough money for the rest.

                                                  Of course the only way to make teams notice you is by improving your mmr, even tho the mmr is not really that much of importance, it is more about the cohesion and relations with your teammates. Best example for this would be players like EGM and Akke who were both pretty low mmr during the times they owned the world and won TI 3 or 4 if I recall. Dendi also had like 5k during the time players like w33 went to 7k. That doesn't mean that Dendi is in an way worse than w33 it just means that he played less games in solo q. You have to understand that solo q will just improve your skills in solo q, it won't make you a better team player.

                                                  To cut the story time I would just advice you to practice regulary. You have to know what each heroes weaknesses and strenghts are. I think AUI has a good intro video about this on his youtube channel where he shows some apps about stats and advices players that they should finish the all hero challenge with all heroes 2 times. It is more of a thing to make you aware how the player playing this hero thinks. It would also be a good advice to see players who are extremely good on certain heroes from their own perspective to get an insight on what they are doing. I mean you are trying to get money out of playing games so you should know the game better than anyone who plays it just for fun. I know that this isn't true for the majority of pro's but it is still one of the best advices someone could give you.

                                                  Ghastly Wail

                                                    I worked half a Year in Denmark (i'm german) and i noticed some differences between our Countries. The thing is, if you drop out of school and getting pro doesnt work.
                                                    Does the danish goverment kinda helps you?
                                                    Here in Germany we get 'Arbeitslosengeld' or 'Hartz IV' thats helping us. Giving us money and paying our rentals. And if we left school early we still can get everything later on. So it matters not SO much if we leave school early.
                                                    Hows it in Denmark?
                                                    I definitly would finish school first.
                                                    Only dropping out if its officially that you are a Proplayer. Signing Contract or whatever.

                                                    CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                                      just get a team for yourself and see where you can go from this. if it becomes successful then go for it. If it doesn't think about it


                                                        Here is a good advise for you.
                                                        Try and join those smaller tournaments 1st.
                                                        If you are really as good as you think you are, you will out shine the other players and get noticed very soon.
                                                        Sponsors and Managers will then come to you with a contract.
                                                        Or if you keep getting top 2 in most of the smaller tournaments people will notice you.
                                                        Because there is no way u can just walk into some good team and tell the manager "hey i think i'm really good, please recruit me"
                                                        The only way to be a singer is keep joining singing contest and keep singing.
                                                        If you are a Diamond you will shine. :D


                                                          If you can't get at least 7k and more realistically 8k playing casually in your free time you don't have the talent to make it as a Dota pro.


                                                            GL man and keep us posted on your journey in becoming a Professional player.


                                                              XD I'm not saying that u can't, but dropping out of school when ur not even 5k is kinda pointless, unless you are 7k - 9k or w/e then yeah, maybe try that YOLO get picked by some team or just create with some high mmr pub players u like playing with, but right now you're far from that and if u fail you just wasted all that time playing stupid ass video game XD what's the problem with going to school and playing dota? I had enough time for playing and studying when I was going to school.

                                                              Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                I still think 7k is min mmr for core players.


                                                                  mmm..... u must be good to beat that 8k team... but are u sure that team play 'seriously' against u? if u really want to be a dota 2 pro, i suggest u need to improve ur mmr to 7777 or make name as 9k player(as i also 5k player but still see trash around my game-wonder how pro can get +7k MMR) by beat 'all' kind of player,then u can think back to become a pro...(p.s sorry for bad english but i will slowly improve it)

                                                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                    is this thread a maymay?


                                                                      U can pursue ur dream, but dont drop out ur 16 and u got a lot of time. Thing is in esports in general only tier 1 and some tier 2 teams actually make significant money, its not something u can realistically live off of unless ur top 1%. U still have a long way to go, dont get hotheading and rush out and drop out and just run around, cuz ull realize its much harder than it may seem, LIKE WAY WAY HARDER, and that the competition is extraordinarily difficult. Itll be a tough af time.

                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                        1way to go pro

                                                                        1)climb mmr
                                                                        2)rekt pro player
                                                                        3)change name to 'looking for team'
                                                                        4)abbadon the team that took you in because you want better draft
                                                                        5)Win TI
                                                                        so simple

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                                                                            Dont throw your life or things around, that put you on presure sooner or later,you really shouldn't go all in with dota like that


                                                                              your best bet is either you get through a connection ( be friends with some pro player who acknowledges your individual skill)
                                                                              and maybe ask him to form a team with you.
                                                                              Or Smash your way through the open qualifiers. form a team atleast a month before an open quals happen. bootcamp prepare and study your potential opponents. (pro teams that would participate in open quals) you will probably get smashed by master singsung stack but anyway if you practice with your team and play in a lan cafe together you will have a chance.

                                                                              Practicing with a team maybe try playing tier 7 battlecup everyweekend smthing like that. IF you want to be a pro you have to reacess every single detail in your life. know the risk, know yourself, work hard

                                                                              My suggestion is that finish school first I guess you will finish at 18 yrs old so get some experience and try to every open qualifier you can get into.

                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                Inden to tænker på at stoppe med skolen skulle du måske overveje hvad det betyder for din fremtid. Først og fremmest skal du lige være klar over, at selv i battlecup, pub eller andre små events som international ranked, skal du går ud fra at de gode spiller ikke tager det særlig alvorligt og spiller derfor ikke særlig godt. Jeg har smadret mange pro spiller i pubs og kun fordi jeg har gjort det betyder det ikke at jeg er bedre end dem, eller at jeg er lige så god som dem. Hvis jeg skulle spille mod et pro team i en større event som TI, så ville jeg nærmest ikke en chance for at vinde mod dem.

                                                                                Selv mange spiller som er på leaderboard og/eller har 8k+ mmr er ikke god nok til at spille i store liga som TI eller majors og de er meget bedre end du er lige nu. Selvfølgelig siger jeg ikke at du skal glemme det hele med at blive pro, du har måske en chance, men at smide skolen ud af dit liv er en utrolig dårlig ide, for hvis du ikke skulle klare det, så har du ingen penge og ingen uddanelse for at finde arbejde.

                                                                                Jeg ville anbefale dig at du tester dig selv først, idet du spiller i dine sommerferie og se om du kan være 6k+. Derefter skulle du prøve at se om du kan spille i ligaer hvor der er gode spiller som tager det semi seriøst. Måske skulle du se hvor langt du kan komme i joindota league eller lignende. Hvis du kan se, at du sidder fast på 5k level og ikke komme videre så ved du at du ikke kan være pro og skulle bare spille dota som en high level spiller.

                                                                                Selv hvis du en dag spiller på et høj niveau skal du også være bevidst om at det er også en del held du mangler for at en team, spiller eller manager finder dig og tager dig som en meddlem.

                                                                                Du er ung og dine nuværende beslutninger er ikke ligefrem nogle du ville være glad for når du bliver ældre. Så snart du bliver omkring 20 ville du synes at denne thread er snot dum, de garantere jeg dig.


                                                                                  1 big tip
                                                                                  Be recognized by the tournament. Like others says win tournament but ti is impossible for you now. You need 2 more year i believe at the slimmest chance to win a ti


                                                                                    Kid, get your finger out of your ass and be real.

                                                                                    Youre not gonna have a single chance to go pro at goddamn 4.8k mmr

                                                                                    Get to at least 6.5k+ or give it up and work on real life, youre not living in a dream land.

                                                                                    Do you know how many 4-5k shitters try to go pro?

                                                                                    Do you know how many succeed?


                                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                      Many pro player didn't show their mmr on profile,so it not updated and stay 5K.

                                                                                      ace recovery

                                                                                        @Cookie "I want to get 7k in 3 months :3"


                                                                                          Thats still not over, just postponed.

                                                                                          But im seriously tellimg you this for your own good, work on school 1st, dota 2nd.

                                                                                          Because i personally know one 4k who got devistated trying to do the same and failed

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                                                                                            @cookie as i said the chance is very slim, if you won a lot of tournament and be recognized you have 0.00001% to be pro. On my opinion its better to work than going pro


                                                                                              GL, hope we will be seeing you on big screens holding big checks and winning tournaments.


                                                                                                ^go get that shit but being 7k won't guarantee you a slot for pro play, unless you will have someone who will respect and recognize the skill you have or build a team with 7k's like yourself.
                                                                                                You're pretty young and your mmr can still be improved since you are a kid. ( faster reflexes and young people learn easier than adults imo)

                                                                                                Get a high mmr because that would reflect your adaptability to the game no matter how bad your teammates are.
                                                                                                Build a decent team or at least be friends with pro's

                                                                                                Cancer Malaria

                                                                                                  My advise, better just finish school first, before going pro anything. Even the pros themselves say that they wont be able to play dota for the rest of their lives and will eventually retire. Its better to be safe than sorry before making unnecessary sacrifices. Finish school and play dota, try to balance out both, at least after some education you would have something legit to wright in your future resume rather than just "Professional gamer" GLHF and all the best

                                                                                                  Cancer Malaria

                                                                                                    Start small in your school days, maybe go for small tournaments in spare time with your team to see how well you're able to handle the environment of a competitive dota

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