General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you dominate a game ?

How do you dominate a game ? in General Discussion

    in your own skill level how do you dominate a game ? like really stomp the shit out of opponents, im not losing games or anything, i know how to push( my specialty) but im never good at clash or like stomping enemies, cause like if im pushing top and theyre clashing bottom they really need my help, results are I die or didnt help at all, how could i get better in clash or keeping opponents at their feet ?


      Based on my lastest matches, i choose the true lane cancer such as silencer, viper, and jakiro. Just go press R whenever there is a teamfight around u or also at everywhere if your ult is global...

      Successive laning at Midlane and Offlane really affects so much in late game. Our allies will have faster item build than enemy carries. As a result. Our allies stomp them effortlessly to the end of the game


        Pick deathball heroes
        Be disciplined, fight when you have the upper hand
        Keep in mind everyone's skill cd, interactions, their items, and how they interact with each other
        Target prioritizing
        Capitalize on enemies weak point and your/your teammates' power spike


          make use of your advantage. the opponents lost the early game? go 5 man push, take their farm, ward their jungles. When you are ahead, you want to farm the enemy, not your jungle. In a passive game where everyone just farms in their base waiting for enemies to push, you go smoke and punish them for it. Enemy Anti-Mage is pushing all the lanes by himself and being overly aggressive? group up, smoke and punish him but even better, bait him. The reason to get small pick offs like this is to win fights because it will be a 5v4 fight. Avoid fights as much as possible if you know they have better combos. Take fights when their ultimates are on cooldown. And finally, DONT FALL FOR BAITS. Wow, the enemy dazzle is pushing the lane by himself so confidently... lets kill him! oops! suddenly a 5 man chrono. Don't go for obvious baits unless you have vision of the enemy initiator


            Sometimes we play good like farm early game until mid, but team go throw and feed enemy cary and then.... i think you know.....


              there's so many ways, but all of them include destroying the enemy ancient as soon as possible.

              1-IceTea 🌟

                I always pick same hero,but when I really focus and tryhard I shitstain enmies, if not I will do to my teammate.


                  Whats about following situation:

                  All t1 tower are fallen, the lanes are pushed 2/3 to the enemy. You got a slight net advantage but u have no vision on the enemy site of the map. Enemy has stronger initation (enigma or some shit) and also the stronger lategame. U cannot splitpush because u have no escape hero.
                  What to do?

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                  CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                    Whats about following situation:
                    All t1 tower are fallen, the lanes are pushed 2/3 to the enemy. You got a slight net advantage but u have no vision on the enemy site of the map. Enemy has stronger initation (enigma or some shit) and also the stronger lategame. U cannot splitpush because u have no escape hero.
                    What to do?

                    simply outplay the enemy

                    < blank >

                      With Helm of the Dominator

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                        i pick Kael in 2k = profit

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          How do you dominate a game ?

                          By jungle out farmed them

                          Forget me not

                            Farm all the resource in your enemy territory if the 2 or 3 of your enemy is dead, and they don't have a chain disable that will surely kill you @Mordecai


                              Thank you Mishi