General Discussion

General DiscussionLost 11 Matches in solo queue in a row

Lost 11 Matches in solo queue in a row in General Discussion

    I am so sad now how do I git gud? 5k is a dream i will never achieve. Dropped from ~4.5 to ~4.2.

    I thik i wil maek schmurf and play at 500mmr to feel guud again


      One thing I can do is to stop pick a different hero every game. I should probably minimize my hero pool.

      Ryan Gosling Fan

        11 games lose in a row is normal. I got this every Day.


          Just play dual offlane, or lane stomping roamers

          Stomp 1-2 lanes and ward and gank their jungle till your carry gets farmed, super easy win
          4ks cant come back after a fucked laning phase.

          Its so super easy to get out of 4k with that


            What can be extremely good lane stomping supports/roamers except slardar?^

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              Lich, pudge and es are my favorite.

              But usually anything with 2 cc abilities works

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              Player 404335202

                Lich ??? Is goood ??.


                  Yep, you just gotta end the game before 30 minutes.

                  First 10 min- stomp lanes

                  10-20 ward and gank them whenever possible, get all t1-t2 towers

                  20-30 get rosh and end game after your cores got items

                  P.s do not take a bad fight, dont be too greedy, thr enemy is already limited enough

                  If you force a bad fight you may end up giving all your advantage back

                  Player 404335202

                    Ok cookie thanks ! I ll givr it a try ...


                      Call it a day after your 2nd loss in a row and try again tomorrow


                        11 lose matches pffffffffttttttt get on my level pleb 20 something lose streak.


                          same for me thats why i started playing 2k


                            But you are 2k


                              I keep losing, even in trash low 3k when playing in party. I think i will take a dota break for a week.

                              Dark Hunter

                                I've had an 11 losestreak once then had a 15 winstreak lol. Just do something else for a day or something, must be something isnt right today. Maybe go play some other games, make sure you get enough sleep.


                                  Thats the thing, nothing has changed in my life. I get my 7-9 hours sleep, work for 9 hours and have got time to play ~2 games a day for over a year now. Now suddenly this :D this is so frustating. Dropped from 4.5k to 4.2 and party 3k to 2.9k :D

                                  Yeah ill head to other less competitive games, it might be a good choice.


                                    idk i have losing streaks too. just cancer environment in team, intentional feed and courier feeding. even in this 2k games i meet pudge that is 20-1 20 minutes in with 3000hp...

                                    Dark Hunter

                                      Cant even seem to climb to 2.1k i just drop from 2k back to 1.9k and just fluctuate between it. I can win 3-4 games in a row, then lose 3-4 again. Really weird.


                                        @HeavenEyes Right at 2.1k I had the exact same thing, even the rebound to 1.9k each time, it was really frustrating. I played mid and played as hard as I could to get past it because mid gives you fewer variables from your teams performance (poor supports/carries, poor warding) that can stop you from getting farmed up. Playing heroes that are a bit more independent and can take down towers solo is a plus.

                                        The other option is just to play way better than your MMR, which will allow you to win games even against stiff odds. So practicing and learning to play better.


                                          After losing streak I find it best to take a break.

                                          Edit: any more than 1 loss in a row means u should no longer play that day

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                                            dude i lose 4.750 to 4100 i rise again to 4350 and i find out what is the problem

                                            the problem is we are not miracle or RTZ or even cookie to win game with our better skill.

                                            if u got a good team u will win if u got a bad team or enemy team were better than ur team u will lose its all about team so dont blame urself and dont lookin for advise no one can help u if u got lucky u will hit 5k one day .

                                            sorry about bad english.

                                            The DarKNovA

                                              The problem is that for a consistent climb you don't only need to spam meta heroes, you also need to claim mid, otherwise even Miracle would have difficulties climbing on shitty days.
                                              But yeah, you can do the "play 'overpowered' mid heroes and spam only them" if you're desperate for MMR.


                                                Thats why i dont like ranked match making,always series of wins and loses sometimes you get streak as you get and youre just not feel good (in real life as well) losses affect your life, i see youre close to 5k its a different story harder for you

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  carry on, your teammates are shit and youre playing like miracle. keep pressing that find match button


                                                    All we have to do is we must getting well with random players. Dont be easy to get salty in every fails. Emotional factor takes play in ranked matches. And remember, MMR will always flow better...

                                                    Unless there are a teammate that not deserved to win lul... just lose once, win many...


                                                      Dont play when you're tilted
                                                      Or take a break from dota entirely if calming yourself down and trying again tomorrow doesnt work
                                                      Or just..... git gud ya know?


                                                        I feel you OP, few days ago i was at 4.5k now i dropped 4.3 with losing streaks.


                                                          out of 7 last games i won only 2, when 6 out of those 7 i would say i played decent, made some mistakes, but basically i played it at good enough level for 4k :) but i think it just happens bro, dont stop believing, try hard :D at least until you will get down to 3.2 or something :D then you can delete


                                                            You don't know despair until you suffer a 14 game losing streak.