General Discussion

General DiscussionDual Mid Lane

Dual Mid Lane in General Discussion
Small Song

    I recognize that no one likes this idea. I also recognize that there have been a select few dual combos that people did in the past (tiny throwing people back to Io under the tower). However, it seems (in theory) in pubs (perhaps just lower brackets), that a dual-lane mid with the intent to push the tower down ASAP would serve to benefit the team tremendously.


    -Map control is created very early to make their jungle and safelane incredibly unsafe
    -Draw supports/roamers to mid to counter you near full-time--but they are probably not geared for it since you drafted for this scenario
    -Disrupts other teams--mostly mid/jungler--expectations/plans (perhaps causing tilting [full disclosure: i don't know what that means, but my understanding is that it implies emotions or other outside factors destroying playing ability or desire to play])

    There are cons. Obviously if you fail to push the tower down quickly then it failed and puts you behind. Is this idea so obviously wrong that it shouldn't even be tried more often as the meta changes? If it is so obvious, please explain why I'm an idiot.

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      because u end up pushing those towers down early anyway, you don't need a dual mid to do it, u can just solo lane mid, and then ur fat af mid just shoves down towers with the support of ur 5 man, while safelane gets farm and then u either choke enemy of resources or deathball

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        I don't see how dual mid threatens safelane or jungle more than dual offlane
        If the support's gonna leave the lane to gank jungle or anywhere... Wouldn't be called roaming support going to mid instead of dual mid?
        Also mind that other lanes are gonna have a tougher time while you can't do anything in mid as the towers are closer and there is no neutral creeps to pull.

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        Small Song

          ^^ That is possible. Perhaps the difference in timing is negligible and not worth it... But with momentum being so important in this meta (so better players tell me) wouldn't a little at the beginning still have impact on the game as a whole? The gold given out to all for the tower down a few minutes earlier can have an invisible effect due to earlier item timings. I think you may be right. But I'm not sure it is certain, since it isn't tried enough.

          ^ You're not pulling. Your pushing as as hard as possible. You could still have an offlaner that is used to 1v2, so not an issue for sure, and you can still have 2 in the safelane. I think it would also relieve some pressure since the roamers/supports might give more attention to the mid than the other lanes. Roaming wouldn't begin til the tower is down. So 5 minutes into the game both mids can give the jungler/safelane a lot more attention.

          I do think it would cause ganks to the jungle/safelane to be easier since the safelane santuary route can be entered without detection by the tower/creep wave.

          Perhaps what this boils down to, is the roamer sits mid to help push tower down before roaming more. Mid can keep pressure on mid or gank as well.

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          Optimus Drip

            i mean, watching pro games, you usually see a support hug mid pretty much, somtimes almost trilaning it.

            Small Song

              ^They do hug mid, but usually for ganking or protecting the core. Not usually for pushing. Also, pro play never looks like my games...


                It's not really the dual lane mid but more like a safe lane thingy I tried something similar with a friend IO and Medusa works pretty nice 100% sure you can harass their mid lane by spamming snake and IO on the other hand can harass mid lane too and stacks ancient for medusa or double stack Hard Camp and Medium Camp with spirits and you can pull in the mid lane using tether technique


                  Idk these days mid is mostly a trilane
                  Sometimes even a quadlane

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                  Small Song

                    5-man bum rush up the mid? Is that back with disco?