General Discussion



    can i climb to 3k ? :(


      lol wtf is wrong with valve. u should be normal skill


        Lol wtf !


          Nobody gives a fuck about bracket in 2017


            bcoz of his meepo, he is high on GPM and XPM. You should maintain it, imho. Me should not party with feeder, I wanna be on high skill for now. Goodluck to me in our beloved SEA.

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              I don't like how smurfs talk like "blabla GPM XPM KDA blabla i want to get higher bracket blabla i play in SEA blabla" it's triggering me somehow although they're not as retarded as diox

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                but sad :( 3.5k max calibration =.=


                  thats good, so that you wont ruin games


                    can i go to 3k ?


                      yeah its sad, I have just played for some months now, from dota 1 hiatus for so long and play dota 2. And I think I'm improving I hope.


                        Maybe when you finish calibrate but with your current winrate, if ever you will reach 3 something k mmr after you calibrate there is a very high chance you are gonna drop.


                          I hope all the 1k smurfs I get on my games who ruined the game as "support" calibrated where they deserve


                            It's better if he calibrate 3k and low win rate since the system wants you to have 50-50% win loss as what they said. But we just have to improve IMO.


                              in my games as of now, carry's are who ruined the games. feeding


                                grab a ladder


                                  @ bws, salt much. You don't want to hear gpm xpm and kda bcoz you are worst at it? You are near the trench bro. I have just smurf once, this is my second account.


                                    bws has been doing very good for himself since he got that 3k account and switched over from is 2k one


                                      if you cant vhs using a smurf (playing altho you know what "meta" is and the basics of the game) youre a bad player and need to play with bots first


                                        hahaha, wew..I come here to learn and not provoke someone. My games was disrupt because I party to a friend who is a feeder, if I can't get to very high skill right now that's it who cares, I just want to improve. Some people are just shitty heads and a trash, playing for so long and accomplish almost nothing. el oh el. There, deal with it.

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                                          No I dont want to hear stats bullshit because if some have high whatever stats doesn't mean he's a good player
                                          And a good player will get to high bracket without even bothering about his stats
                                          I don't fucking care if I'm near the trench (if you consider the 3500 cap as trench) or even bothered to recalibrate to get mmr higher than I deserve, I got this account from my friend 3k flat and grinded it up to 3.5
                                          I'll be honest here, I have a LOT of smurf but nearly every single of them are made to shitstomp noobs to refresh my mind (I tried to get VHS/HS once or twice, but quickly gave up on it because I know I didnt deserve it anyway)


                                            I tried to smurf to get to higher bracket and trust me, you're not going to learn much from pub games even if its VHS/HS


                                              :( do you have another account guys ?


                                                wahahaha..salt much.

                                                "And the wise man once says nothing"


                                                  I will not trust you.

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                                                    so this account belong to 3k guys ?


                                                      watch i lost again but HIGHSKILL


                                                        ^man ur stats are giving me cancer. i wouldve said something witty like "the account belongs in 3k, but the player doesnt" but damn

                                                        sub 50% winrates, 36-fucking-60% overall winrate, shit kda no matter winning or losing

                                                        play on ur main man, better suited there no offense


                                                          any new acc that cant get above 60% winrate is dogshit


                                                            weeeeeeee, @ vampy chan, as if you are not a smurf.


                                                              @ delete, your bh die too much. sad.

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                                                                you shitty heads is out of the topic. Goodluck to you guys. hahaha. Git gud Fear. Bye.


                                                                  have you tried destroying the enemy ancient


                                                                    my god, grade a premium salty smurf tears. whats more he cant handle the truth. such an interesting beverage


                                                                      think u are about 2.8k


                                                                        truth? what truth? wew. I just don't want to have conversation with shitty heads.


                                                                          you already said bye, now shoo

                                                                          or do you feel you have something to prove to yourself? that you arent a little running away, choosing to ignore his problems? thats okay


                                                                            the system is only designed to force low trash to have 50% winrate

                                                                            anyone above 5k+ will have at least 65% winrate in unranked.


                                                                              cloudrain, nice normal skill smurf bruh


                                                                                ayyyy cooky, then i must be 5k


                                                                                  I don't have any problem to begin with. What's your problem? pu$sy? you invite me to comeback


                                                                                    >complaining about salt when hes the guy who personalized the discussion xDD

                                                                                    anyway i didnt invite you to come back, i cant give less shits if you do or don.t but if you want to entertain then by all means, go on


                                                                                      @ jacked, I party with a friend 5 or 6 games I think, a feeder though but its ok. I just want to improve, I'm just trying to make my stats gud bruh, that's what it is all about isn't it?

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                                                                                        wew, what's wrong with some people? I just comment something and suddenly someone just provoke. omg, maybe they badly lose to their last games and come here talking shitts.


                                                                                          man if you want to improve stop hanging around here and actually put work into it. analyze your games and see what, why, when, and how they went wrong. analyze more of your games to identify a common theme you see in your mistakes, ie farming patterns, map awareness, and the like

                                                                                          put what you learned into use and try to keep a presence of mind while playing, such that you will be able to avoid the discovered mistakes you make

                                                                                          repeat until you get good

                                                                                          you arent going to get any better sitting on a chair arguing about how you just want to improve all day, instead of actually taking the time and devoting the effort to doing it


                                                                                            i was talking to the op not you, besides whats wrong with what i said. op is clearly disillusioned and needed the hard truth slapped in his face, hence the creation of the thread. what are you doing butting into something you arent part of


                                                                                              nah, if you are F!RE or cookie I will say thanks to your advice but no. I have been doing it.


                                                                                                then go fucking suck fire or cookies dick and stop lounging around other threads if you are completely close minded to other peoples advice you smart mofo


                                                                                                  the advice was for the op anyways lmao


                                                                                                    wahahahaha, I'm laughing out loud here you know that


                                                                                                      thats okay, if theres a child who needs to be happy if i just talk to him then that would be my pleasure :))


                                                                                                        im sensitive to the needs of mentally handicapped persons, as are all upright humans