General Discussion

General DiscussionIs dotabuff plus worth it?

Is dotabuff plus worth it? in General Discussion


    tnx for answers guys


      It is the best, every man and his dog should get it.... Single best decision of your life...

      You don't start living till you start giving, pls purchase your dotobuff, while stocks last....

      Batteries not included....

      This message was brought to you by DOTABUFF, all proceeds will be donated to the Salty Players Anonymous.


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        kunst 2

          Personally I don't want to pay $6/month just to check that I'm in top 1000 or not, and all other data exist on opendota.
          Maybe if there is option only for hero rankings - like $10 lifetime or $1/month it would worth it.

          1-IceTea 🌟

            It have futher details for every matchs you played,depending on you use the potential detail it give.That aren't a coincidence why lot of problems have dotabuff?


              6$/month is not that high, as i throw that amount on junk food almost everyday, so its not a problem. But, will it really help me in becoming better player if i go through all of their analysis, etc?

              @1icetea sir, what is the meaning of your last sentence?

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Which mean there sure is something worth in it,weather you can compare your item build/timing more accurate or stuff because pro do alot of analysis so it's worth for them, but you buy it and you no utilise it then maybe it will be a waste.


                  It depends if you play a lot. I had it before when I played a lot. It's more useful for stalking people than anything. Eg I could check out if the 5k people I sometimes got queued in with unranked really were 5k (they were thanks to Australia's small player pool).


                    opendota. same as plus but free


                      Yes it is.


                        Im not playing much in recent weeks so maybe its a waste, but good ivestment for someone who plays regularly. I will try opendota, thanks.