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General DiscussionPA BUILD TIPS

PA BUILD TIPS in General Discussion
Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

    Yow waddupp this is Tenesee.Any of you guys got any tips on PA item build idk if this is a dumb build or okay.But point out all errors you can see.

    Starting items:

    Phase boots,magic stick,vlad,pms (usually around 11-14 mins depends on lane)

    Then after this i will buy armelt then deso.Then proceed to 1vs5 clash.

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    also jdf8

      replace vlad with vanguard. skip armlet for deso then abyssal/bkb


        wow what a tips

        Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

          Here point out any mistakes on my build.


            i played pa with old meta u know build power boots>bfury>rush satanic and boom early rampages

            Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

              Well in my last match with PA having an armlet+vlad+10% lifesteal talent.Was absurd.I can 1vs2 axe and lc and if I see AM blink is just toggle my armlet and blink.

              also jdf8

                success against bad players != good build sadly

                Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                  I dont build bf on pa anymore since the respawn time was changed.

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                    i would say going phase into deso is the best then vlads or vanguard or both depending on your preference. Bkb if you need it basher if you don't then get whichever one you didn't build then into like ac or skadi. If the game goes late enough you might switch deso vlads out for like mkb/bf and satanic though I've never actually gotten to this point so thats just theory craft.


                      somewhere in there you are completeing abyssal.


                        I played with triple dragon lance LS in 2k and got beyond godlike but that doesn't mean it's legit
                        Pros typically still go for vlad sometimes but thats probably only good on coordinated lineups where all 5 people think as one and knows if they want to push together quick or nah
                        VG seems better on pub games


                          actually my build is pms>phase boots>helm dominator>deso>bkb or linken now

                          Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                            buying bkb during 15-20 min mark is a big mistake tho.Like what if the game extends to 35 mins then your bkb is just 5 secs.And selling bkb wont reset its duration it will still be 5 secs.

                            Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                              ^^ I get the idea of buying HoD.


                                stout, phase, vanguard, blight, deso, basher , bkb, abysal , items after this depend on the game and enemy lineup


                                  tango potion circlet 3 branches

                                  get boots
                                  blight stone or phase (but both)
                                  ring of healt
                                  bf (min ~11)
                                  upgr basher
                                  deso or something else, you shouldve won by now


                                    i hate dota developer who removes dominator lifesteal fuck you dota developer


                                      what a thread, PA is popular hero here

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        ^^^what the fuck

                                        *talking about benao

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                                        Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                                          Okay thanks for the tips guys.But one question.

                                          When to properly build bkb?I know its PA's core item.But my perspective is "I will build a bkb if the enemy team got burst damage such as Necro and Zeus".


                                            ^ignore me just comment below


                                              After one core or two core item I think

                                              Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                                                ^^Yah PA with bkb and dominator is already a big threat to enemy team back in the old patch.

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  bkb is needed not just for defense against magical burst, also for spell stuns. the biggest problem of melee carries is that they are easily kitable, and even tho PA has a pseudo-blink if shes stunned she wont be able to cast it, and the cast animation is kind of time consuming

                                                  basically bkb so that you can do your job unoposed; hit people


                                                    Rest in peace 1111 antimage build

                                                    Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                      Did someone say PA BF? lul


                                                        if you can wait on bkb wait such as if they have very few disables and little magic burst. If they are heavy in maginc burst it should come after deso and vanguard/vlads You can maybe fit a basher in as well depending on how teamfights are going. Generally you just want to delay bkb as long as you can but you'll probably want to build it at like as like a second or third item against most lineups

                                                        Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                                                          Can anyone play PA and try my build vlads+armlet+10% lifesteal talent.And tell me what you think of it.

                                                          Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                                                            ^^Tbh i'm just a 2k scrub i will only just build bkb if the only thinh that kills me is magic damage.


                                                              What about Midas PA? you know if he is having a blast early laning phase.


                                                                @disraptor me why? bf good at creeping and against enemy illusion like ck meepo pl

                                                                Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                                                                  Midas 2050
                                                                  Vlad 2375


                                                                  Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                                                                    Lel buying 4k items just to dish out illusions.


                                                                      Maelstrom is a better choice for illusions


                                                                        Arc warden buys midas and refresher for 4x midas :thinking:

                                                                        Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                                                                          Refresher orb 5200
                                                                          Midas 2050


                                                                            Phase echo sabre morbit yasha for start

                                                                            Ramtin H

                                                                              your build is good but I am just not sure about armlet seems fine but I always build it on strength heroes. dk maybe I should try it in my next game :D


                                                                                I am against building pms when the stout goes to vanguard into abyssal midgame. try oov+blight for dagger harass and +slow


                                                                                  phase-vlads-deso-bkb-abyssal..six slot is on you


                                                                                    Im serious guys

                                                                                    get phase+blight stone
                                                                                    upgr basher
                                                                                    deso or something if you havent won yet
                                                                                    win game

                                                                                    also jdf8

                                                                                      and you are seriously awful


                                                                                        keep being shit like i give a fuck.
                                                                                        When you're this clueless and trash maybe you should browse Opendota or switch to lol instead

                                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                                          Aquilia > phase > vanguard > deso > bkb > abyssal. Then whatever you need depending on the situation like ac, linkens, butterfly, vlads, etc.

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            keep being shit like i give a fuck. When you're this clueless and trash maybe you should browse Opendota or switch to lol instead

                                                                                            SOLO MMR

                                                                                            okay i guess

                                                                                            Chao Vritra

                                                                                              i played with a PA that rushed daedelus the other day

                                                                                              Ramtin H

                                                                                                ^ oh I am happy u are not seeing shits like bloodthorn rush pa or 5 deadlus pa or the great 6 bf pa

                                                                                                Midas πŸ‘‹πŸ»

                                                                                                  ^You havent played 2k sea with PA rushing silver edge.

                                                                                                  Savvy Cat

                                                                                                    Hood of Defiance.


                                                                                                      Lol silver edge rush is WAY better than daedalus just because of the utility SE provides


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