General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to be an Effective OD Player

How to be an Effective OD Player in General Discussion

    Im trying to add OD to my hero pool. I want to gain some insights on how you guys play the hero. Im struggling on how to play him effectively. Thanks!!


      ban nyx... thank me later


        ask someone to play omni in your team


          Beside that. I want to know how the hero is played. I tried to play him 3 to 4 games and I aint confident enough that i am playing him effectively

          casual gamer

            dont get focused in fights = gg u won


              I cant farm the hero good enough. I dont even know what item builds/ skill builds to choose

              Midas 👋🏻


                Go look at my match.Its normal bracket but he is easy.Just fixed 2 and 3 get null,bottle,stick,threads,then I always get Atos if there are enemies with escape abilities.

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                  Your last hits for 53 mins bothered me but thanks tho. I cant see the need to buy bottle with this hero. Tried that on my first 2 games, it was okay but i think it would be a waste of money to buy a 660 item to be sold 15minutes into the game


                    Only lane cs really. Maybe occasionally rotate in jungle kill a camp but it takes too long to clear camp at start. Later on just auto attack in jungle when youre not ganking/pushing...


                      midas, treads, force, pike, bkb and the rest is up to the game, i like blink and hex

                      win the mid lane, farm jungle when lane is pushed, when u have force staff u can start fighting and going for t1's


                        Lvls mostly like this

                        wewewwqeqrerqqr R is dependant but others are kinda like this standard thing i guess


                          I wouldve said midas is garbage but its arguably good since lvling up is important just remember using it on higher level creeps

                          Midas 👋🏻

                            When I play OD early game I farm on creeps but when its mid game I farm on heroes.


                              @Sia yes, I guess its better to kill lane creeps. Tried to farm jungle camps after lane creeps but moving to the jungle takes too much time where in ill lose some lane creeps.



                                Your 2 OD games on your account contradicts with what you are saying. Cant even tell right now.


                                  Just stay alive in fights and Q people.
                                  Ez 25


                                    dont get focused in fights = gg u won

                                    i have over 70% wr with od past 3 months and this is the only reply worth reading


                                      look at some of my games i guess but they're either old or i just throw in early game after winning the lane for no reason in particular

                                      there's a hidden tutorial on "how to not use astral" in my last game

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                                        For beginners I would recommend going mid, going 0440 build. The thing about astral at lv 3 and 4 is that it allows you to one shot the entire creep wave, at lv 4 the ranged creep dies instantly until its next hp upgrade (or 2) at 17min. Bottle is not really needed as OD has no mana issues. My tip for farming and last hitting is to do it as per normal until you hit level 5 and 3 points into astral, then when a melee creep reaches the threshold where it dies instantly to astral cast it and hit the rest of the creep (once for ranged is enough, level 4 is one shot).

                                        My starting build is a null and tango, if your support gives you tangoes then go for 2 branches with the golds. Get the bounty and buy a healing salve and send it over. Then build another null (I'm an advocate for 2 nulls) and then boots into midas. Then go treads and build pike which is a core for OD. Typically my standards while playing is to try to have 50/100 cs by 10/20 mins. After pike, usually I will go for bkb or if I'm not focused in fights either a hex or shivas. Then I always get a moonshard in my inventory as the rate of stealing intelligence in fights are insane.

                                        My skill build is as follow, 2323232314, ulti at level 1 is good enough, as the main factor is the intelligence stolen. talents can be skipped until 14, whereby your arcane orb is maxed, then you go for mana and aspd, which OD desperately needs. The hammer is usually dropped as a finisher rather than at the start.

                                        I'm also starting to pickup OD too, let's have some fun with this bad news on wings.

                                        Ramtin H

                                          Actually its right to mot get focused in fights but amy dumbass that know od abilities will try to kill you
                                          any way best way to play him is always going mid getting 2 tallisman bootle then boot and after that rush midas then huricane then blink then all based on what u need(bkb,shiva,scytch,bloodthorne,octraine) But i think skadi is awesome on this hero be sure u get it