General Discussion

General Discussionidiotic matchmaking

idiotic matchmaking in General Discussion

    i know that nobody who can even change smth will read this thread, but i wanna know how many ppl were in same situation
    we played party ranked as 3ppl, so we got another party of 2 with us, and we played vs 3+2 also
    they did pretty good and we won this game easily
    then we continue to play and we get another 2ppl in party, but it was THESE TWO PPL THAT LOST LAST GAME VS US
    i know that previous ppl stopped playing after our first game, but why we got these losing ones
    is it a strategy to teach players to play better? if we won with strong players of our lvl, lets try to win with players who play worse
    i hope that one day it will be just a strange dream, but now its impossible to climb out of 2,5-3,5k mmr first one sf+ck second one luna+ogre

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      what always baffled me in those whine threads is that ppl seemingly expect to win no less than 100% of their games and when they dont is always some1s fault

      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

        1. Space out your points that's just a wall of shitty text

        2. You both qued at the same time and the same MMR bracket confused why is it suprising that people from the last game were also there?

        3. Blaming your teamates is probably why you have over 4k games and you're 3k mmr

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        Ghastly Wail

          Well i've got a Feeder 3 times in a row in my Team. (the same guy 3 times).

          But it was only MY fault because i couldnt 1v5+feeder 3 times in a row.

          If you read some more in this Forum you'll see that its always YOUR OWN fault for not being able to 1v5.
          Cuz thats the way how Dota is played. :)

          If you are in lower Bracket you should win easily, because enemies are noobs.
          If you are in higher Bracket you shoulsld win easily, because you are pro.

          So in other words. You should always win. Otherwise you are flamed for creating such Threads.

          They even would flame 7/8k Players if they create such Thread, that they are not worthy to be in such mmr bracket if they cant solo 7/8k bracket.


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            im sorry that i cant spam one hero and trying to play this game with all the manifold of heroes
            i can always admit my mistakes, but when one player is leaving just because he tired of playing and other one start to feed using his friend' hero, i think that its not my problem, u know

            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

              @ghastly Lmao the self pity is too strong.... youre telling me this game as tide you werent feeding...? get over yourself xD

              *Edit* Look at my recents i play a wide selection of heros the difference is one of us doesnt go to dotabuff to bitch about losses

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                3 good players in one team is more than enough to carry game in your bracket, dont blame teammates, you also suck.

                also jdf8

                  when will team stop holding me back... smh


                    it is so sad that ppl reconciled with that thing, that it's our fault when we cant win in 1vs5 situation
                    this game is not only about high mmr and pro plays, way too more players are in my bracket, so im understand that skill could be very different

                    and i dont say that we are 3 very good players, im only asking, why matchmaking dont using such stats as number of games, winrate and other things
                    mmr is not an absolute stat

                    and yeah, i cant listen to advice from a player, that cant keep even 50% wr

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                    Ghastly Wail

                      @Free Real Estate

                      Well i never said that i'm not feeding :D

                      But in the end that's what everyone's writing. Thats all.
                      Sure there are alot of whining Threads, its just sad how everyone is explaining how to play dota. It's always : 1v5 Enemy Team or quit Dota.

                      Btw no self pity. I'm not tryharding or something like that.
                      I'm not creating such Threads either/neither (dunno wich one is right).

                      But some People need to create such Threads to handle the tiltness (is that a real word?).
                      Just dont like many reactions of the Users.

                      Thats why i write it sarcastically. ;)

                      edit : just look at 'im dead' his post, thats more than unnecessary.

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                        What an idiot high school kids valve hired to program matchmaking. I should get miracle, rtz, s4 and dendi in my team every single game.

                        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                          "and yeah, i cant listen to advice from a player, that cant keep even 50% wr"


                          I guarantee the problem is you're toxic AF in all your games about the slightest mistake, while you make constant mistakes.

                          And then you guys always act like it's you v.s. the entire enemy team alone "1v5" While in reality you have other people helping out and making plays (even warding from a support counts) but if you get a kill from that wards vision "LOL IM CARRYING THIS TEAM ALL BY MYSELF NOOB TEAM 1V5 GG END MID"

                          At the end of the day you will never leave 3k til you lose your shit attitude <3

                          *Edit* I decided to look at your recent games OP and had to laugh i mean just look at your recent IO and Ck games you and your party fed but i don't see a thread from your team complaining about you.... (that and your death count as core is horrible) But honestly stop looking for attention here let the thread die out and play the game without flaming all the time

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                            You queued with the same people because you have the same mmr bracket and also queued at the same time.

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                                Well that's only fair right? If u won with them on your team it means you deserve a higher rating.

                                But what you're saying is that you always want good teammates on your team and get a higher rating by being extremely lucky?


                                  now its impossible to climb out of 2,5-3,5k mmr
