General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for 5k+ players. Playing from behind, dealing with team-mate...

Question for 5k+ players. Playing from behind, dealing with team-mates lost lane, saving yourself from roamers as mid/carry.. in General Discussion

    ^ can u keep ur mouth shut , sometimes its better

    Giff me Wingman

      even 6k+ can be awful. dno why u would think a 6k+ player wouldn't be dogshit.

      Livin' Real Good

        According to BSJ even 7Kers are dog shit.

        doc joferlyn simp

          Lmao all these noobs even 9ks are fucknig dogshit

          Giff me Wingman

            BSJ is the perfect example. He's literally proving that 6k+ players can be amazingly dogshit.


              bsj is fucking dpgshit player

              more dogshit in tournaments idk why everyone likes him he just play roght click safelane heroes never touched invoker tinker etc fucking shit tbbh no words for him

              Giff me Wingman

                He has channels dedicated to him being dogshit. I think it's well established that he is terrible.

                Livin' Real Good

                  Well you said some words for him

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    But he has promo code: BSJ


                      I think BSJ is infinitely better than any of you (not as if that says a lot).

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                      Giff me Wingman

                        If you truly do that, then I start to think that aussie 6k is equal to 2k US

                        Livin' Real Good

                          I like BSJ's stream, it's actually watchable compared to 90% of the garbage streamed, there I said it, and proud bitch.


                            i dunno how you can call people that are 2k+ mmr over you dogshit honestly, BSJ might not be the best player but he's definitely better than you'll ever be

                            Livin' Real Good


                              Probably nicer too.

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                                I don't think BSJ is good compared to other players of similar mmr. But compared to you shitstains hes a god.

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                                casual gamer

                                  bsj is a 7k player and blunt has a 6k wallet, see if you can tell the difference


                                    BSJ is dogshit lmao.

                                    he throws about as often as EE if not more, except EE at least half of the time makes a pro play. BSJ is just feed whenever his brain turns off.


                                      If your opinion on BSJ is drawn solely from twitch clips made from his worst possible plays from hours of streaming NA pubs you are genuinely a retard.


                                      I guarantee none of you could ever play half as well as him in that game.

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                                          the answer is your not far enough ahead of your skill level to win consistently, hence your only getting 500-600 gpm every game. See a 5k+ player playing in your games, knows hes above skill level and has a mindset that he can win without team mates, so hes getting 800-900 gpm every game and then getting 25 kills and finishing.

                                          You on the other hand are barely breaking 600 in your games and your barely 100gpm ahead of anyone on the enemy team.

                                          The simple truth of Dota 2: You cannot win without your team unless your 300+ gpm ahead of anyone on the enemy team.

                                          If you want to be able to win without your team, your gonna have to hit 800 gpm in games and then carry. your not gonna win games with your shitty team mates against a good team, in those situations if the enemies were shitty your team wouldn't be feeding them, to win those games you have to be well ahead in GPM.

                                          hero's you can obtain 1k gpm without absurd kill score: TA, Blood, AM, Alche, Sven, MK, Storm and more.


                                            What are some things that 2k players generally miss?

                                            How does one farm effectively? I basically look at the map and try to find secure farm. I'm sure there is something I can do better here. Given an open lane or mid I can get 40-60 last hits in 10 mins.

                                            What do I do vs a good solo offlane abaddon as TB? I just got run over at level 2 under tower. I was able to almost kill him multiple times but our supports were clueless and didn't want to tp in to kill him.

                                            Good counters to silencer? He seems good vs everyone right now.(although I main weaver, so maybe that is just me.)

                                            My last game we had advantage in teamfighting until abaddon got aghs. Then we didn't. I feel like our win condition was taken away(teamfight and group up so we don't get picked off).

                                            i have 5 reports to use

                                              Bsj is a shitstain

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about bsj. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol