General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy people hate the trench?

Why people hate the trench? in General Discussion

    @heart on my sleeve {Tell me Bob how many commends do you have. Don't count the ones where you say "swap commend ty"}
    I think I have ~220 commends/604matches


      Does commend matter if you are a member of the 60% ranked winrate club? ๐Ÿค”


        On the other hand my student in Dota (yeah baby) has tons of commends because he plays 1.3k


          *commends doesn't matter anymore and its just a display how good your reputation is in dota 2.* and also if you got reported multiple times that means your untrustable and send to your own chat abusing, killstealing, mid or feed type.

          and last but not least, we should make a change by doing it ourself in dota 2 by respecting one another and play the game properly and have a good time even if you lose. *because valve will reward you good and let you play with (well no more information valve might refix that). le its not what you expect first just let it be.

          ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            I see commends as an indication that there was someone which didn't have horrible time playing with me, that's important to me to know that people have good time with me


              well you'll get out of the trench. like for me, i thought i was getting deeper, like 2700. changed the way i played and one thing that helped me, most people dont do, is I sweet talk my teammates that are really toxic in a sense at the beggining of the game they rant and rant and calls gg,dont wanna play no more, please end. i got cursed a lot for trying to boost team moral but somehow it works, they follow.

              i am playing at sea server and some are really toxic, but mostly are manageable

              ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                Yea trying to discuss with toxic players usually really help the environment

                Also with the enemies I usually discuss, I think that bringing the enemies moral down is somewhat of incompetent attitude, the most fun games are the games where anyone do his best and being friendly, i don't think a win is worth breaking someone down, also that doesn't show the skills in the match, that gives you somewhat unfair advantage

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                  Lmao diox


                    good reputation is *accessory* not the conduct.


                      Inb4 cookie with his usual "you dont need teammates to win below 5k" speech

                      ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        But playing solo is no fun

                        Inam solo queueing i don't have casual party

                        The most fun games are the games with cooperative teammates, i prefer having fun playing with my teammates, losing while did our best together, than winning solo, achieving no experienced with other players


                          Gaining mmr feels accomplishing

                          ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            Well yea, mmr is used to generally makes the other players at the game at around your level, and balance the skill level of both teams

                            So generally higher mmr indicates a more reliable player in term of skills in general

                            So accomplishing mmr symbolize improvement of, knowing I'm generally better than before is always a sign of pride

                            Still i find losing a fun game better than winning a non fun game, or unfair game

                            If I gain mmr because of unfair advantage that not the same as legitimately outplaying the enemies

                            ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              That's why I abandoned a game with abaddon, the team had an advertisement bot at the game, and that mean that the game would be unfair toward us since he will just afk feed, so i abandoned before the 5 min mark to not waste half an hour of the team and gain inevitable lose, instead no stat was recorded

                              For some reason i got 7 commends on that match, even though i played for like, 2.5 minutes

                              Worth the 2 lp games

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