General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is support necro frowned upon?

Why is support necro frowned upon? in General Discussion

    Ever since 7.00 everybody seems annoyed when I go support necro despite the fact I have great success with it. Why do people disagree with it so much?


      Because he is not a support

      ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        I think that it's because he has the kit to carry

        He can farm really well with death pulse, and also his lae is significantly more sustainable if he is the one wholast hit, as a support you'll get out of mana really fast

        And later on he is significantly more impactful with farm, necro is effective in teamfight the longer he is kept alive, and he can get REALLY tanky with items, but he is a paper without them

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          Because people are stupid


            initiator carry.


              Played as a support he's just a worse warlock


                What on earth can a support necro provide???

                1 shitty heal, that's it. Every other spell works for himself, not the team.

                Erase Humanity

                  All his regen is based on killing creeps or heroes and there are better healers or defensive supports like tree, dazzle, Warlock, OmniKnight and WD.


                    Support necro is really good cause necro needs less item compare to other mids like TA and its deal more than 30k dmg even he played support
                    I always play mid necro but i have no reason to disagree with you he is a greate dmg dealer and healer - Slow in team fights and knockdown an enemy in team fights
                    thats a good hero


                      and Jack you are a really good support you can boost until 4.5k i will add you in my list


                        support necro is garbage, he is a core hero.


                          tank up. greedy offlaner, might even be played safelane with strong scaling and pushing mid+offlane setup

                          imo he doesnt fit the meta, no matter how u play him


                            will you just sap your laner's exp and gold while supporting. plus you will just be a liability late game with less farm if you're support


                              don't get surprised people in sea especially low rank every int hero is a support lmao


                                and as long as you have heal or stun is a support too


                                  Don't forget about "int hero? Antimage is the counter" mindset


                                    He obviously better with farm and there are better supports but with just a blink he can delete a hero early in a fight and once he has those sadist stacks he's pretty tanky.

                                    Not as bad as its made out. Still prefer him as a core though...

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      i want to report everysingle "support" necro

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Really? Cus I always get people mad at me for wanting to carry necro and they make me go support. Or I did when I played him, haven't played him in a while. But trying to go safe lane on necro would get your reported, trying to go dual offlane necro with a support no one would do, and most people got mad if you went mid but that was like the only spot they'd be ok with. Solo offlane necro is really bad, though pubs don't usually punish it. You need to hit him hard level 1 before he gets pulse + ghost. And if you see him with aura first? Forget about it, he should never be allowed back in lane with that, but most supports won't do shit. It's sad.

                                        Anyway, support necro is good despite my preference to go carry necro. Because he can farm decently once he gets levels and has pulse maxed, and he has 40 dmg at 10, so he can afford stuff like greaves and pipe. Kinda like how cm can easily farm jungle. Other supports like lion or bane have a hard time. And his ult is game changing late. Stun and burst a carry to 50%, necro ults and do another 10% dmg before it hits, dead carry and it's 4v5 almost right off the bat.

                                        Lane wise his harass is good, no stun but he can walk up and pulse enemies and it really hurts, pulse ghost shroud for chasing. It's kinda like saying well abbadon is not a good offlaner cus he has no stuns for team fights later like tide and centaur when obviously abbadon is amazing in team fights with all his heals and debuffs. Necro is similar, a pusher with heals.

                                        ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                          Really? I'm about 2k (well still uncalibrated, but to me it seems around the 1.9k hidden mmr) and nobody here encourage a support necro, usually he will go to safelane

                                          Rarely they go to the offlane, but mostly safelan
                                          Which hey I'm fine with, a necro is a strong laner and can sustain himself really well, allowing me to leave the lane really early on and being active and disruptive

                                          I never saw a support necro on any of my games, and I can't see how can he be played as a support, he literally have 0 utilities that scales into late game without items, all of his abilities need farm, and he has the tools to farm

                                          ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            Also he can't sustain himself on lane without last hit, his mana pool isn't that big yet and death pulse is an expensive ability

                                            Also he doesn't have too much ehp nr base regen

                                            Fee Too Pee

                                              the most people want him is offlane tbh , and i agree he is not the best mid or carry safe lane


                                                there is a very simple way to know if a hero can be played as a support, are they both item and level independent.
                                                unfortunately an underleveled and underfarmed necro isn't useful, he also has great ways of farming, utilizes farm well, cant roam, isn't a strong laner, has no real early disable, there is nothing abt necro that warrants him being a support.
                                                u can have success with anything at our skill level jack, it doesn't make it good.

                                                ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                  Well i think he is a quite strong laner, Or at least a very sustainable one


                                                    farm decently once he gets levels

                                                    problem is cm can start this farming lvl 1, as u said necro needs early levels before he can begin to farm fast. basically ur using the reasons why he is a core to justify him being support, which doesn't make sense.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      People who want necro solo offlane are stupid, but like I sad opposing team rarely is smart enough to punish solo offlane necro either. So idk, it's like a contest to see which side is dumber.

                                                      "he literally have 0 utilities that scales into late game without items"

                                                      Are you serious? His ult kills anything at 40% hp. So if enemy sven has 3000 hp it does 1200 damage late. That's massive scaling late game.

                                                      Heartstopper is percentage based so it naturally scales.

                                                      And his heals scale too in the sense that you have more armor late so the heal is more ehp late. Of course that's offset by the enemy increased damage but still it's not like his heal falls off.

                                                      The only thing that doesn't scale is death pulse dmg as enemies get more hp. But all flat value nukes do that.

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        heartstopper aura doesn't scale without items because you won't survive for long enough in the middle of a fight without items


                                                          his ulti doesn't scale without items because u wont have the dmg or survivability (thru heartstopper and casting enough death pulses etc) to actually lower the sven to <50% health.


                                                            If only it was a team game where you had four other heroes to deal the first 50% of damage.


                                                              If only it was a team game where you had four other heroes to deal the first 50% of damage.

                                                              if only u cud rely on ur teammates every game
                                                              spoiler alert
                                                              u cant


                                                                we just brought a linken sphere and the tank a pipe of insight and armor and we won the game easily also necrophos dies first and the pipe was just useless.

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                                                                  apparently diox thinks that linken is unbreakable


                                                                    it is and he can't dagon combo you anymore and he's forced to buy linken sphere breakers (euls, ethereal blade, orchid etc.) than durability. no more questions all my secrets are now hidden.


                                                                      Go ggs on necro sup and win the game. You're an idiot if you think necro can carry


                                                                        linken sphere breakers

                                                                        force staff
                                                                        You're an idiot if you think necro can carry

                                                                        he isn't a lategame carry, he is a midgame teamfighting, deathballing core. he is no spectre and I think everyone understands that.

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          He is not a right clicking carry, that's for sure, that's why you pair him up with something like TA or SF mid which can hit towers.