General Discussion

General DiscussionHollywood is dead now

Hollywood is dead now in General Discussion

    I say there are no more masterpieces like Gladiator, Troy, Lord of the Rings, and some van Damme's films. Even Hobbit didn't live up to the expectations, those Marvel's superhero films are a joke (aside from Christian Bale's Batmans). Has the time come for alternative entertainment?






          There are. Maybe just not your genre

          Cheap Laugh Guy


            Catsys Rivers

              Fury Road?


                Fast and Furious

                Pale Mannie

                  fast and shit


                    Fast and shit indeed.
                    I mean, those films are with souls, you know? They're not about who's the toughest guy around, they're about something bigger and better


                      Most film feels bland and stereotyped these days

                      Catsys Rivers

                        Studio interference is a bitch. Hard R becomes PG13 near constantly on anything that COULD have potential because the target audience are teens. And then you have everything politically correct that needs to be added. I am content that we even HAD a good movie era at this point.

                        Disney and Quentin Tarantino are all I hope for now.


                          how can masterpiece and van damme movies, hobbit, fast and furious can go in the same sentence? Come on.. Movies like Mullholland Dr, Lost Highway, Reservoir dogs, requiem for a dream could be called masterpieces.

                          And yes, there are fantastic new movies like Cloverfield lane, Gone Girl, Predestination, Arrival.

                          Fast and furious and those Marvel movies are nothing but money milking trash for primitive audience


                            And saying today there is no good movies is like saying todays music is trash. Its not, you just dont dig deep enough. Same is with the movies. And besides, its not only holywood, You have fantastic European movies and East movie industry.




                                Can recommend any decent movies 2014 onwards?

                                Catsys Rivers

                                  Civil War.


                                    I recommend war machine


                                      Civil War.

                                      I like how we have this thread of how holywoods became clichee filthy money making industry and when someone asked for movie recommendation, someone still recommends something out of the Marvel. I mean.. come on..

                                      Catsys Rivers

                                        Because it is a good movie.

                                        Also: Inside Out.

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                                          troy is the best movie ever i watched it at least 10 times

                                          registered flex offender

                                            Boyhood, Get Out, inception, La la land

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Troy lol.

                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                Yes. Movies are garbage if it comes to American films. Look into other countries, believe it or not, they have entertainment as well.

                                                Troll Hunters was a decent one. I'm not really a movie person though since movies bore the shit out of me and anyone can act and they have the shitty big actors fill in roles when they have other great candidates.

                                                Dota will pretty much always occupy my spare time. Aside from ocassional extro-activities that even an introvert as myself needs done once in a while.

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  I don't think the movies you listed have much soul either.


                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    It's all either superhero movies or remaking/rebooting/re-imagining older movies. So much trash.


                                                      Just so you know its been a while since Hollywood stopped making movies, as far as blockbusters go, the last one I was excited about was X3 and it was mediocre at most, but then theres Logan, and yes it is mostly superhero movies, Deadpool. Guardians of the Galaxy.

                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        EMOJI MOVIES COMING UP ANYONE?

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          The Revenant anyone? That movie was awesome. Sicario? Edge of Tomorrow? Ex Machina? Alien Covenant? There are still good movies out there, even outside of super heroes and star wars, those are just off the top of my head. Cable TV shows have definitely surpassed movies in terms of my interest though. I'm way more excited for game of thrones or the next americans than any movie.


                                                            Cliches have alwsys been there, I also acted like theres no good movies nor music in the last years, but then I started checking and I found good movies and good music.. people will always do quality content, you just have to be open minded and evwntually u will find ot


                                                              "masterpieces" is subjective. I consider movies like There Will Be Blood and Fargo to be masterpieces. Obviously it's not the same for others. Nobody's right or wrong, just subject to different tastes.

                                                              The more I grow older, the more action movies bore me. They have to be damn special for me to love them (Dredd and Fury Road are two recent examples).




                                                                  Don't you see the problem. You're only concerned with big budget films. Spielberg made so many great summer blockbusters and people didn't realise, they don't work because of the monster, they work because of great character development. Jaws is not a film about a shark, it's about a man, a lifeguard dealing with shit all sides in his life that does something great by hunting this shark. Watch the quiet moments in the film. The dialogue is genius.

                                                                  The tentpole big budget films today are focused on great CGI, pleasing die hard, nerd fans obsessed with source material similarity. They hire successful 1-film indie directors then dictate the way they want the film to go. When they let them do their thing, you get Logan, Dead pool and X-Men First Class.

                                                                  You really want masterpieces in this day? Watch smaller films, do your research on great directors like Wes Anderson and P.T. Anderson that rarely disappoint. And if there's a sequel to a film, don't fuvking watch it coz you liked the first. Read reviews, look at the director and writer and decide if it's worth paying the studio money by watching it in the theatre. That's the only thing that producers care about when they decide if a film gets a sequel. Why do you think Fast series is getting 10 movies?

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                                                                  Riguma Borusu


                                                                    You can also start watching anime, there are many many great shows, but watch out there is a fuckton of trash, and a lot of it is popular.

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                                                                      You don't have to be open minded to find good movies and music, that's how you end up liking crap. You need to dig deeper instead, not limit yourself to the most obvious stuff.


                                                                        Movie industry is dying they're too greedy most movie plots are cliche and too plain to be something like in dota when your team just get kills and doesn't push


                                                                          I dont even underatand what the point of this thread is.

                                                                          Catsys Rivers

                                                                            I once saw a study that showed children and teens of the current generation preferred CGI to practical effects at an overwhelming rate. CGI brings in the money, but costs something like 100k per SECOND of film shot for it. Parents... what are you teaching the brats...


                                                                              Parents... what are you teaching the brats...


                                                                                100k per second hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


                                                                                  Imo the last part of Resident Evil's plot is shit in the first five minutes is like the whole story of the movie the rest are action

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    100k per second of film would make a 2 hour movie with half of it cgi shots cost 360 million dollars to make. It's definitely not 100k a second.

                                                                                    Catsys Rivers

                                                                                      You are right I think. Back in the day - 90's - I think CGI per second was measured in 6 digits where as now it like 100k per minute or so. GoT is apparently 800k every 10 minutes of CGI. Not too bad.


                                                                                        I watched The Great Wall, last resident evil and John Wick 2 during last 5 days and only liked the latter. I almost cried out when some scenes of the first Resident Evil were shown.

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          You don't have to be open minded to find good movies and music, that's how you end up liking crap. You need to dig deeper instead, not limit yourself to the most obvious stuff.

                                                                                          You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be open minded - it means being accepting of new ideas, it doesn't mean not being critical of them. It means you at least consider new stuff, but if you see that you do not like new ideas or they are bullshit, you claim so.

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                                                                                            Dr Strange