General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderlord is the new king of Meta?

Underlord is the new king of Meta? in General Discussion
Story Time

    Why is his winrate so high like never bbefore! Jesus 57% as a result of +3 percent points growth! What is going on


      Now he's up there with those cancerous highground defenders with Firestorm dealing so much damage.
      Had to get back from rax 3 times approaching with full hp and 3/5 of their team dead.


        maybe its just me but he is a weak offlaner for the first levels?

        i struggled hard against an ursa. maybe im jsut bad

        he is awesome for catching people dividing teams during teamfights


          every melee hero struggle in lane against ursa... or maybe its just me (1k)

          white boy summer

            he can farm stacks so easy with firestorm given the buff to it, making him a better axe for the early game
            aghs is somewhat good in fights and as a 3rd item
            return of 1 minute spawns
            fits the fast paced meta
            yeah not the best laner, but his teamfight presence and global relocate ult pays for it

            Potato Marshal

              Once you get arcane boots, you can pretty much spam firestorm non-stop on creepwaves and camps. It's 420 damage + 32% max health for the full duration, that is one of the strongest aoes in the game in terms of damage. Underlord also gets a 12% spell amp at lvl 15, boosting it to 470 damage damage + 36% max health damage before magic reduction.

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