General Discussion

General DiscussionPositions/heroes category?

Positions/heroes category? in General Discussion
Erase Humanity

    I know a category exist for support heroes, including defensive, offensive and greedy or in other words lane/hard support, roaming and farming. Does any category exist for offlane/mid/carry heroes? What about non position based categories? Like counter initiator, etc.


      yes there are categories for offlae/mid/carry, the categories are "mid or feed, carry or feed, feeder, noob, mid only, carry or mid"


        My bad, what i mentioned were types of players


          feeder/initiator is the role of the offlaner


            in sea people who are in offlane feeds a lot and doesnt even consider going to jungle to get some farm once in a while


              For carries it's usually lane dependent or not, Farm dependent, late or not, flash farmer or not. Eh I dono what other categories ppl usually use

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                Since when there are such categories? One's job is a flexible per-game decision

                There are merely roles, what one's expected to do in a certain match, such as someone which expects to initiate a fight and builds and play toward that


                  pos 1 is usually the carry
                  pos 2 is usually the mid
                  pos 3 is usually the offlane
                  pos 4 is usually the roamer
                  pos 5 is usually the support


                    Well if you play below 5k, you probably play pos X and pos 5 every game.

                    meaning your actual pos 5 is too greedy to buy wards, smokes and dusts, so you buy it yourself.


                      I forgot to add, there is also another type of carry, i believe it was called "farm till minute 30 carry"


                        ^its called farm dependent or afk farm split push carry aka anti mage aka licetea


                          But but but I run at people 20 mins in with AM :(


                            Idk why this guy so salty about sea server


                              dont forget mid or 5 mid


                                Because he deserves 5k but he's special!!!! He plays in SEA, and his team which is filled with toxic pinoys who only want carry drags him down :((((((


                                  ok i will promise to post when i reach 5k mmr, BUT surely you guys havent encountered a situation where you FIRST picked a support but your teammates are fighting over mid, and ends up having a bad picks like tinker and invoker LANING mid at the same time...

                                  This comment was edited

                                    Everyone got those game dude but the chance to get it is like 1 out of 25 game . Just move on and play next game??

                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                      To me it happens sometime, I pick alot of support first

                                      I really don't mind, that the most fun role imo


                                        "farm till minute 30 carry" i used to play like this, just replace minute 30 with minute 45 as nature prophet.
                                        that is why my winrate is so low with him