General Discussion

General DiscussionNo Majors this year

No Majors this year in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    I have no idea of the intention behind all these.


      this is actually gonna be very good. we will actually be able to see the best pro player. mmr will no longer mean everything, or will it?


        this seems like a pretty good step i think

        Lahai Roi

          The intention is to encourage more non-valve tournaments so that the pro scene can become healthier.


            They basically aligned with their current system for CSGO.


              ^^what do you mean by healthier?

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              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                The prizepools will be lower unless they somehow involve crowdfunding outside of TI.


                  u mean next year right?
                  we just have kiev major last 2 month if im not wrong


                    ^DIS I'm also wondering we just had a major this year.


                      Next season is what he probably meant.


                        The prizepools will be lower unless they somehow involve crowdfunding outside of TI.

                        it's fine as long as it's consistent

                        it might help with the "95% of the dota money goes to t1 teams and the rest doesn't get anything" issue

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                            guess ill just stop watchign dota then..


                              just watch every major 3rd party tournament


                                There won't be valve majors, but there will be more third party majors then before, which will be sponsored by valve.


                                  I'm pretty sure this is in response to the concerns that Tobiwan raised about a week ago. Their changes are very similar to the suggestions he made.



                                    Read the article I posted and read the link the OP posted and it will all make sense pretty much

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Seems more like a regular season to be honest. Valve is going to sponsor events and they must meet qualifications to be valve sponsored and count towards qualifying towards TI. And with a point system towards TI now you essentially have a regular season. Seems cool to me I just hope it all remains crowd funded and they don't charge to watch. And I hope valve promotes on dota2 feeds in game so I don't have to look around much to find good tournaments.

                                      white boy summer

                                        well epicenter and dac are the only majors i can think of (500k+ prizepool)

                                        saving private RTZ

                                          they basically coupled CSGO system with the Dota system