General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me analyze my mistakes in this game

Help me analyze my mistakes in this game in General Discussion

    I play as Slark in this game, i feel i've given my maximum effort to help keep the game winnable, but its not meant to be. I think the main reasons we lost is:

    1. My pitiful CS at 10 minutes in, partly caused by PA throwing non stop daggers at me starting minute 5.
    2. Lack of vision and detection for Riki, a common problem in SEA Normal skill games.
    3. Lack of good initiation from Enigma

    If you guys can find more, Feel free to tell and give solutions if you can.

    And be serious please, I really want to improve on my mechanical skills at this game.

    Thank you beforehand :)


      What you (and me and us low brackets) lack is not just one thing and hence not easily pointed out. but what seems obvious is your very bad start and CS as you mentioned. had you gotten more CS in lane, you would've had your items way sooner, and then you could've snowballed and would never be forced in bad positions like you were in that game. work on your laning skills and the rest just comes through experience.

      Don't look for mistakes from teammates, Our brackets are so behind in terms of skill that a very good player can just destroy the game within 30 minutes regardless of how many feeders. so aim to be so good that you won't need any teammates.

      Oh and first item dagger sounds a bit weird for me but then again I'm not a slark player.

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        this game ur team need gem


          buy a stick against pa?
          why in all that is precious are u buying a 14 min midas?
          is that a catch up midas? how hard did u get cucked?
          I'm pretty sure its better to get bkb instead of this echo sabre or eagle song, and upgrade to silver edge after


            Holy sh*t am and slark on the same team??


              Is it classic offlane am?


                No, I am the one who"s on the offlane, jacked.

                I think if I didn't buy midas, I would've been still poor, especially as an offlane Slark, I shouldn't interfere that much with AM's farm.

                For the BKB thing, post game I thought about my itemization and thought BKB is good in this game, cause of Invoker and Smoke Screen especially, I shouldn't have An eaglesong and bought a BKB there.

                First item dagger is the meta a long time ago, and still has high winrate this patch, and I've practiced in lobby with my friends, and I'm more comfortable with this than shadow blade first.

                Visita Hari Danta

                  You pressed the Find Match button >:V


                    U played offlane slark :V


                      Better than let the AM offlane


                        Are you looking for people to say something like "Bro, you've played flawlessly, we couldn't find any of your mistake and you lost because your teammates suck" ?

                        Pretty sure if you used a little bit of your brain to analyze you could've figured out these things by yourself, but thanks to me I'm kind enough to point them out for you. vvvv

                        Okay, serious analysis here:
                        1. Offlane Slark lost you the game, PERIOD
                        2. Your item build lost you the game, PERIOD
                        3. Your lack of knowledge in this game lost you the game, PERIOD
                        4. Basically, your mistake in this game is everything that you've done lmao

                        Magical Solution for you:
                        >> Go watch BSJ for more knowledge about the game OR even Pvgna/Purge/Meric

                        all role player

                          ^ BSJ ??? STACK AT .53 ??

                          U LOST BECAUSE U PICK SLARK OFFLANE
                          PICK PROPER OFFLANE PLS


                            I'm talking about EVERY BSJ's video available on Youtube, especially the educational ones like coaching sessions and gameleaps

                            At least that's how I improved, but a little bit difference is that I just watched all his streams and videos since 2 years ago


                              I acknowledge that i dont have enough knowledge of the game to win single-handedly, but I go Offlane because AM is a worse offlane than Slark, also why my item build is wrong? Midas helps me to catch up with the other team and blink is a reliable pounce setup, so tell me what do you think is wrong with my item build?

                              Potato Marshal

                                You were offlane Slark who got a midas followed by a blink dagger so you ended up doing less damage than your Clockwerk. Your items don't help you with your survivability or damage.


                                  Poor hero choices and poor lane setup lead to loosing all 3 lanes which lead lose of outer towers and map control which lead to Riki had a fun time.

                                  Poor items, no bkb vs invoker, no Diffusal vs omni, lack of amour items vs a pa and lc.

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                                    Did you pick slark first or he pick AM first, if you picked first then going offlane would be the best adjustment you could've done, well played on that. But if he picked AM first, you're just a toxic SEA trash, and that's mainly what lost you the game, PERIOD

                                    What's wrong with your item build ?? LMAO, seriously?? you're genuinely thinking you bought the correct items ????? xd

                                    Midas slowed down your team even more, all of your heroes need farm and you made it even worse. It does help you catch up in long run, but what about in short run?? just hoping for miracle to happen??? lmao Look at your heroes lineup, use your small brain to think who's the only one that can keep creating space in early-mid game???

                                    Why blink ?? to set up pounce?? that's it????? what if I tell you SB helps you to become a threat to their team a lot earlier, you can farm in their jungle, you cost them to buy more sentry, you become a threat on the map so they can't farm peacefully in jungle, which means your teammates get max farm on your side of the map while you're getting the same amount of farm on radiant's side

                                    Assuming PA was their safelaner, why don't I see magic stick/wand on you??? Why don't I see PMS ???

                                    Why going for butterfly??? Why I don't see any defensive items??? what could you do in teamfights without any defensive items??? LC duels, you're dead. Invoker skills, you're dead. Riki smokes, you're dead. PA bloodthorn+1, you're dead. 15k heroes damage proved that you did absolutely nothing in this game.

                                    Your team is lacked of lock down ability, and Omni is a threat in teamfight, why don't I see any item adjustment for that???

                                    This can goes on and on forever, since I told you, your mistake in this game is everything that you've done.

                                    PS. Please teach me how to play Dota2 and do 0 damage on building, especially witth a core. I just cannot do it.

                                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                                      you have just opened his eyes, well played


                                        Harsh. But good advice




                                            BSJ taught you well. Promocode BSJ


                                              BSJ GOD enlightens everyone


                                                Item build was pretty horrible.


                                                  Thanks guys, especially to Fatty and BSJ, for that humbling but necesarry advice on itemization and game sense, my itemization has been pretty unflexible for many heroes, and i'm trying the blink build for slark, so I hope with this (and watching BSJ) improves my Slark and other safelaners. Once again, thank you guys for pointing what am I doing wrong :)


                                                    blink on slark is super situational
                                                    I might consider it if u can use it to chase after u shadow dance, or to initiate on a very crucial backliner that is protected, but often times sb is better
                                                    this was a game where u need bkb


                                                      Its okay bro, youre doin fine. Its just a sucks draft right? Sea server pick with ego. They are never care about, what my team need rn. Have you effective stun in your team with arrow can be removed by legion commander?

                                                      Enigma with 180sec coldown?

                                                      And clockwerk's ministun againts all enemy's can be escape and backup each other?

                                                      At least you did. Your skill will be increased naturaly.

                                                      May be youll check my mmr, just see in my account. Ive low bracket too. Mmr is just for fun brother. Just build your own team and follow every lil tournament you wanna do.

                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                        blink slark died 99999999 years ago