General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me . I suck at dota.

Help me . I suck at dota. in General Discussion

    hello guys. I quited dota for a long time, but now im thinking to return again. can you help me with some advices on how to learn game faster pls? Im already 1k.

    Player 404335202

      watchs pros on twitch ! if u follow players like wagamama ur gameplay will improve

      Dark Hunter

        Spam a few heroes to learn the game mechanics and hero mechanics. Eventualy you'll start climbing. Watch replays of pro's and think of why they do what they do.

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          this thread made me realzie i actually miss sampson posting on these forums


            Play with your brain


              ty for advices. Dark hunter im not aiming for the pro-scene, i just want to play dota 2 to have some funn , but players in 1k are rly bad , i did not enjoyed playing dota with them thats why i quited. I know im not rly good in this game , but in 1k it's like they dont even try , i hope it gets better if i reach in 2k.


                destroy ancient

                fast queuer

                  loook purge replay coaching 1k


                    Hm, if you want to have some fun DONT up mmr, just pick pudge, spirit breaker, axe or any hero y like and kill noobs.
                    Y have 1000mmr. on meepo y can win almost every game solo.
                    If y want up mmr, just play Meepo 10 games in normal mm and after learn basic, play 100 games in mmr. (even if you are bad in starcraft like games) you will have at least +200mmr.
                    if y are ok and have 2 normal hands and 10 fingers you gonna have +300-500mmr

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                        lul i thought u were sampson for a sec

                        good days...


                          Dont start playing cuz dota has the same effect as meth?


                            have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

                            Kaiki Deishu

                              DeStRoY EnEmY AnCiEnt


                                im not feeling good of any of your advices to be honest. ty anyway.


                                  and i feel like you can't understand the true meaning of destroying the enemy ancient


                                    You're not showing that much effort and is basically looking for " magic super sekrit 1k to 5k trik" which doesn't exist
                                    Go work your ass off if you really want it
                                    Analyze high mmr replays, use logical thinking, be open minded, try to predict everyone's movement, etc
                                    And pretty much anyone who actually want to improve will figure out that these things are the most efficient way to get good on their own


                                      yeah ,thats why i said im not feeling good about your advices. i though someone here would be more helpful, but i saw that half of the answers were ' destroy enemy ancient' . i wanted something more specifik , not to many details, but ' destroy enemy ancient', its clearly an arrogant answer not willing to help, looks like a troll to me, to show me that im bad, but i already admitet that.

                                      Player 404335202

                                        Install twitch in ur phone or watch it on pc ! Go to dota section u will find many pro players there ! Dont seek for help here .. This world is so rude


                                          ok fine, tell me:

                                          how many players do you think make the same threads ''how to git gud at dota'' every day here?

                                          how many times do you think we've answered this question?

                                          i'll tell you: every single time anyone ever made these threads they are looking for a ''holy grail'' for someone to just tell them some magical secret trick to get instantly from 1 to 10k.

                                          truth hits, there's no holy grail.

                                          what you made is a low quality, low effort shitpost which gets asked here 20 times a day, if you're not putting any effort into your question then you're not getting any effort in the answer.

                                          my guide was around 80 pages and it gave people 500-1000 mmr, that's how much information you'd need to get higher mmr. a single comment would at best give you +300 mmr, then you stop gaining mmr because the trick you got can't compensate for your lack of skill in a higher bracket.

                                          and it only gives it to like 1/10 players because the other 9, like you, are too lazy to put any effort into their shit.

                                          So skip this thread and i'll give you the conclusion, looking at how little effort you're putting into this:

                                          you're not getting to higher mmr any time soon

                                          if you do it'll be the slooow over time improvement rate everyone has.

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                                            80 pages

                                            XD 80 pages of "learn how to lane and farm efficiently" XDDDDDDDDDDDD


                                              it's actually torturous for me to see how badly low mmr players lane and farm

                                              knowing only how to farm, lane and push would literally guarantee you a bare minimum 3k mmr.

                                              i couldn't even get close to actual dota in that guide because they don't know the basics of the game.

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                                                sry if i triggered your or something that was not my intention. i explained that i returned recently in dota , and i dont know that much about this forum , i dont know about any guides or what other post other people make inhere . i thought i will get some helpful advices, like Ghetto Superstar for ex. said. i looked some of his videos and i think i can learn some stuf in there, you are not forced to comment in my topic if you dont want guys, if you are not willing to help than just ignore my post. maybe waht @^-^. is true this i s my first post here and i already can feel that is not a cool atmosphere . that looks a little bit weird to me


                                                  @Cookie where was your thread again about challenges?


                                                    ignore this and let this stupidity go on without trolling you?

                                                    i enjoy doing this.


                                                      here you go.

                                                      easy ones:

                                                      1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
                                                      2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
                                                      3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
                                                      4. 30 min- 600 LH
                                                      5. less than 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                                      advanced ones:

                                                      1. 11 min- 120 LH
                                                      2. 30 min- 750 LH
                                                      3. 10 min- 100 CS+(LH+DN counts) as morphling -> lvl 1 strenght morph and never level anything again, turn it on and don't turn it off. buy a set of tangoes and a wraith band, you'll constantly have only 25~ damage.
                                                      4. less than 10 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                                      all are done in lobby games, no cheats, no bots 1v0


                                                        they see me troolliing they haten, this kids trying to get my play dirty, trying to gets me play dirty, trying to gets me playing dirtyyyyyy. ahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahhah cuki boy , iknew buti wanted to prove myself that we have some similar things me and you, and im not the only "bad guy ", inhere. sry btw no hard feelings, just trying to play in your level with some other acc :p. JEBAITED , M- GOD here, xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaax


                                                          zzzzz, i expected more out of you, why would you break character before exploiting it fully?


                                                          though, in hindsight i should've noticed it was you because of that grammar way sooner.

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                                                            ahahahhahahhahaaha, cmmon brah give me a lul , just kiding to have some funn, i did not actually though this to last more longer, i know my bad english would exposed mme at some point, damn i was sweeting trying to type carefuly and i still did some mistakes lol. btw @ℬℛⓞ, whats wrong with your fingers why idont see any meepo in your most played hereos ? ahahhahahha, andi could not hold this for longer :p


                                                              true dat, but i don't play Meepo in higher mmr very much.

                                                              Meepo is a god-level low mmr stomping hero, but only good in specific lineups in high mmr as picks begin to matter at 5k (not too much, but they still matter).

                                                              only reason i came back to this acc is because i got an arc set, FINALLY!

                                                              it's not the typos you make, everyone here does those, it's that you use a thousand commas in a single sentence and you keep everything as a single block of text (which i mentioned to you yesterday).

                                                              it makes you really predictable, but only to me, the rest of this forum has basically almost no pattern recognition.

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                                                                you son of the bitch!!!!! trolling me back ?? i have to admit that was some next level shit, lol. watch and learn newbies :p


                                                                  though, i won't lie

                                                                  you did throw me off quite a bit, especially since your post mysteriously dissipated yesterday.

                                                                  I asked the mods and they said you deleted it, not them, since it's not something you do i got quite suspicious.


                                                                    @Cookie no lane + jungle allowed right? Only lane


                                                                      everything that's not stated is allowed.


                                                                        i recently watched a few games if a fellow low 3k "offlaner", i barely could watch him lane. 3 games in a row he doesnt even get lvl 6 at minute 10 and supports have higher lvls then him.

                                                                        the way people lane even in 3k makes me cringe.
                                                                        its not even that hard to learn, you watch 5 games if a 6k offlane player and watch what he is doing in the first 10 minutes, takes 50 minutes.
                                                                        I hate that 3k players just play for fun and never put in a single minute of work besides playing games.


                                                                          R8 my shitposts bosnian c0nt


                                                                            I quickly ran out of motivation after doing some half assed tryharding


                                                                              @killstealreporter, my brain refuse to understand and accept what you said. in 3k you almost always get 6 , at min 7 at least, even if you just afk under tower lol.


                                                                                i r8 8/8 m8 no h8


                                                                                  You're overestimating 3k's abilities


                                                                                    maybe, but what i mean is that in 3k the enemy carry and supports will not maintain lane equilibrium and, if you just stay near your tower you will get almost full exp, mostly of the time. but yeah there are also those emmo suicider kids which play 'cocky' and go feed 4 times in 3 min game.


                                                                                      the sad thing about this thread, is its probably true. m-noob another failed 1k sub 50% winrate probably reflects his horrid dota skills and he needs serious help, but of course he'll never seriously ask for help when he doesnt realize how dogshit he is at the game. lol


                                                                                        dont even bother anymore 'jacked', i was like 99% sure but im 100% already. you know what i mean


                                                                                          im 100% sure you are A massive noob. lol. you think 'pretending' to be a noob can disguise the fact that you are an actual 1k? lol


                                                                                            shshshshshshhshsh.. dont worry bra i know to keep secrets XD