you got a big dendi face
you're doing much better recently than you have been historically
ur shit
we all start out shit tho, so dont feel too bad
but dont expect anything other than "ye ur dogshit"
cuz u r
the only thing that keeps me trying is the fact that i still got 1 to 4 thousand games before i can be written off as hopeless
Any tips on what to improve on though? Of course I know there is a lot but, just certain things I'm curious about.
You have potential as support,looks like babysit is your role,stick with your omni,dazzle,cm work on heroes like jakiro.
So early, the best thing to learn is how to learn. Focus on trying to find your mistakes and think of what you could've done instead
Sometimes you need to hide in a tree for 2 seconds after the fight starts, and then enemy will waste spells and you can get a rampage with cm ulti. Sometimes you just need to buy linkens before abyssal on antimage because they have lc + bs. Sometimes you might notice that the game would be easier if you picked one hero instead of another.
As long as you realize what opportunities you had to make a game easier to win you will improve over time
Based on my match history, which hero's should I avoid playing and those that I should continue playing?
Idk figure it out
Sf Lina axe works for me
I play safelane a lot but my safelane hero pool is bigger, and I don't play my best safelaners that often, like Sven and slark.
first off pick 3 heroes max take safe or mid high hero dmg high td and ull get to vhs ... normal skill is just bad
Stop questioning pointless/irrelevant things like "wat hero tu pik" or lazily ask "how to get good haha?" and spend your time to actually improve at the game
Use common sense and go practice
Pro games and high mmr games are out there
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I know my win rate isn't too great and I haven't been playing for too long but I was just looking for some genuine feeback about how I'm doing so far.