General Discussion

General DiscussionLaning questions - PA vs Necro

Laning questions - PA vs Necro in General Discussion

    Looking to check some normal skill stuff. Let's say you are a safelane PA against Necro, can't change lane, and we both have supports coming there from time to time.
    What should be my approach (apart from avoiding getting hit with a death pulse)?
    I think I can't get rid of him because of the regen, that's right? (so the dagger is only for getting tricky last-hits?)?
    If it's not right, can I really kick him out of the lane on my own?
    Also his lvl 6 is a kill, that's right (so should I stay in lane after he hits it?)?
    Is getting a casual ring of regen ASAP okay, or should I really ferry myself salves instead (when in need)?


      Buy hood


        i wud buy ring of health which later becomes linkens or morbid mask which becomes vlads or satanic
        pretty sure at lvl 6 ur super strong, so with a support and pa lvl 6 u can kill the necro, u just have to be careful that one doesnt die and give necro a double kill


          same as if that necro wasn't in lane, getting your farm and items.


            Just pick lc,go afk farm the jungle till 20minutes,buy midas


              U ask good questions. I think tangoes are the way to go. Pull Agro and just farm


                pretty sure it's kind of acceptable to buy hood as your 1st item in that kind of a lane if you can't expect a committed gank on the necro when he hits lvl 6.

                problem with hood is that pipe is not the most valuable item in pub games.
                you can see pros rushing pipe 1st item on slark and winning games because of that, but theres pretty much no way u will win your pub game coz you rushed pipe on your slark.

                and ofc you ferry salves, like every carry needs to do that in contested lanes

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                  Just make sure that you always have >50% hp after death pulse and you could do just fine. There are lots of time when I was playing necro, PA just jump on me, i use shroud, she wait then when it expires explode me with lucky crits :/

                  Apart from shroud, Necro have no escape


                    Necro is pretty tanky. Don't think u can easily kill necro unless lucky dagger crit and noob necro. Hood is alright but every time i felt like I had to get hood I lost the game anyway.

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                      what am i supposed to be seeing

                      Banskiie II

                        Pull aggro. +extra regen (min. 1 set tangoes and salve.) Then proceed to build the same things that will help you win the game. If he doesnt get the fck out of your lane, ask help from your supports to kill the motherfcker. Diffusal(To purge the fcking ghost shroud), BKB or a pre-15 min casual Hood of Defiance will help you in some way. Linken's is very good but overrated if the enemy has multiple ways in breaking it. Also remember reaper scythe cd(90/80/70), with aghs (55/40/25) and octarine has 25% cd reduc. You can do the math. The most important advice of all is don't be stupid.

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                          U like my pipe pickup?


                            Don't pick pa?


                              iceiceice has played necro quite a lot recently, things to note when he was laning was necro's squishiness super early game (pre lv6). supports should abuse that and try to keep him underleveled as long as they can.

                              Laning with a nuker against him makes things significantly easier imo. if he ghosts just poke him with a stun and finish it once its down.

                              Past early game everything is open for discussion depending on both heroes builds and team comps. its all about thinking 1 item progression ahead of the other player. glhf


                                you'll get hit 3 times (and possibly death pulse) when you go for last hits. not to mention the constant dmg from his aura.

                                you can't do much in that lineup except last hit with dagger and farm as much as you can till someone with half a brain realizes that a pa shouldn't be 1v1 against a necro and zones him out.


                                  Pa anyway lose lineup as same

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    You need to run at him early with poor mans shield. He won't have ghost shroud thing leveled yet, you do more right click than he does and he can't hurt you with right clicks. Push him out of lane so he can't cs and regen mana to spam you. Necro is super, super weak like 1-4, then he starts to get really hard to kill with higher pulse and shroud.


                                      Then, do I treat hood as poor man's BKB (in situations where enemy has only slows, or a lot of bkb-piercing disables) and go for damage items skipping the BKB ? Or Phase->RoH/Perseverance->Deso->Linken's, legit situationally?


                                        iceiceice has played necro quite a lot recently, things to note when he was laning was necro's squishiness super early game (pre lv6). supports should abuse that and try to keep him underleveled as long as they can.

                                        Laning with a nuker against him makes things significantly easier imo. if he ghosts just poke him with a stun and finish it once its down.

                                        Past early game everything is open for discussion depending on both heroes builds and team comps. its all about thinking 1 item progression ahead of the other player. glhf

                                        This. play as agressive as you can in early levels cuz he will skill greedy and skip ghost... thats your chance

                                        have fun

                                          infused raindrop