General Discussion

General Discussiondo i have the potential to grow or will i never get very high mmr

do i have the potential to grow or will i never get very high mmr in General Discussion

    first of all i play dota for a year im 3.5k and ive been around this mmr for almost a half year now but once i get 4k i just fall back to this like a noobloser


      Stop playing ur sub 50% winrate(invoker&slark) hero?

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      one syllable anglo-saxon



          i want some secret advise guys not some retarted comments OK!?


            spam 1-3 heroes only


              what heroes are great nowadays?


                carry and mid


                  cause its 3k xd


                    Stop being a 'noobloser'.


                      stop picking invoker. It's a 50-50 hero (i.e. you'll either get crushed early and never recover, or you'll get to farm midas bots sceptre and win mid/late).

                      you'll need to learn to counter-pick (i.e. don't pick invoker like a retard before seeing what enemy mid is).

                      you'll need to learn to get the right items by balancing farm, tankiness, push, killing potential, etc, while taking into account opponent heroes.

                      Buy raindrop early.

                      Never tilt. You lose if you tilt. Mute teammates.

                      Never throw/try random shit like roam MK if you've never tried it. Do that in unranked games.

                      This is on top of actually being better than the 3k bracket in terms of micro and general skills/knowledge. Can't help you there if you're not there by yourself. That happens with a mix of learning from your mistakes, playing over time, and innate ability.

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                        You might think you're great because you're spamming a hero and you know all its nuances. While it may be true that you know a lot about a hero, don't equate that with being well versed in dota mechanics.

                        Try and find educational videos on how to play your lane (when to push/when to hide/techniques that can give you the slight advantage). A lot of high level players place a huge emphasis on fundamentals. There are things we think we know that we don't actually do enough of. (If you do sports or anything similar, you should understand this)

                        In short, everyone has the potential to grow (this applies to anything), you just have to be prepared to actually improve and not commit to old habits.

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                          Everyone has potential, you just have to grind and become better.


                            to get good you just have to play the game forever and be serious about it , in some point you would understand the game deeper than others in that bracket, 3k is shit tbh ,4k too im 4k


                              Im playing 2 years and still 2k

                              Player 404335202

                                Play any hero u have 50+ wr in ranked

                                30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                                  I dunno if you have potential at all. Feels like playing more would be just such a waste of time, such a waste of life u sub 50 percent winrate dog.


                                    the thing is that you do not even have heroes, with good win rate, i would say your potential is around 2k


                                      Stop reading retarded opinions. Pick some specific heroes max 10 (which is really a lot imo choose 3-5) then go learn the inside out of those heroes from gamepedia then find any available content about them from utube or whatever good source, then spam them 100 games each without worrying about the winrate. U'll eventually get good at those heroes + game sense then u can start growing and grinding ur mmr. U can add heroes to ur pool as time passes


                                        ok guys i saw already all the retarted videos on how to increase mmr but once i get in a game i just become a stupid player who first pick the core hero cause i dont care and i already know im better then 90% of the 3k players and btw im already spamming heroes so thats not the problem


                                          the problem is you're spamming invoker lul


                                            if you're much better than the competition. you should spam heroes that let you outplay them and not a hero that afk farms for 20 mins


                                              also when do u guys think u will Always have nice games(what mmr) and btw when i play with friends i almost Always win but alot of them are not very active so i play mostly solo


                                                no my invoker is good xd

                                                when i started i had like 10% winrate so hes not the problem but ty


                                                  Actually if you were a good invoker you'd have 100% win in 3k. He's like tinker or alch or meepo or arc, a fucking pub star


                                                    you will never get nice games. the trench follows u man.


                                                      cause i dont care and i already know im better then 90% of the 3k players and btw im already spamming heroes so thats not the problem



                                                        "ok guys i saw already all the retarted videos on how to increase mmr"

                                                        You're actually not reading what we write. It's not about watching videos on how to increase mmr. Most of those things only play on mindset/controlling team mates. It's about improving yourself (through mechanical skill/game knowledge increase etc) and this takes a very long time to do.

                                                        I highly doubt you're better than 90% of 3k players. If you are, and since you're spamming heroes, you should be out of that bracket by now, regardless of teammates.