General Discussion

General DiscussionWho Is The Most OVERPOWERED Hero In The Late Late Game

Who Is The Most OVERPOWERED Hero In The Late Late Game in General Discussion

    So today I made a video regarding this topic and idea, check it out and tell me what you think whether its right or wrong.

    hey check out my new dota 2 video thanks!

    Riguma Borusu

      there is no general answer to this question, it depends on the draft and itemization

      If you play against 5 melee carries (pick whatever), axe + dark seer + winter wyvern + ET + enigma is the single best draft in the ultra lategame and will wipe the floor with the enemy draft, and it has 0 carries on it.
      Does it have a better lategame? No in generla, yes against that draft.

      Medusa is a pretty strong lategame hero, right? Well, sure, if you can keep the enemy carry from hitting her, because he's almost always going to get a diffusal and not give a shit about your 12k EHP medusa that deals no damage, or she deals damage, but dies fast anyways because the hero is shit if she can't keep people from hitting her (and you pick medusa in order to keep being hit and not give a fuck).
      Medusa vs sven? Awesome. Medusa vs AM and mid bs with a diffusal? Fuck no. Medusa vs whatever with strong disables on her team so she can build damage instead of trying to get 20k EHP just to be countered by a diffusal? It can work.

      You can't analyze heroes in the vacuum, because they are not played in the vacuum.

      also holy shit how did you manage to get sub 1k MMR

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      i have 5 reports to use

        Any hero that can shit on buildings is the strongest I think


          there is no one answer to this question, but ultra-lategame ck is pretty terrifying


            Techies,no exception


              Invoker, Arc Warden, CK are imo the best late game heroes


                Earthshaker is the best
                10 million echo


                  Nature's prophet . You can't push wave against him in ultra late game

                  meteor hammer


                    Dire Wolf

                      It’s all matchup dependent but ck and invoker are my two votes


                        i like antimage and split pushing and if you get techies in your team thats ez win


                          void is insane..


                            Not if he can't burst the enemy carry in one chrono

                            Really depends. There's a lot of lategame carries with very specific strengths
                            You could argue legion being insane with potentially endless dmg, onehitting every building at some point

                            What about silencer stealing all of your teams intelligence at some point leaving you unable to cast your spells while he deals 5k pure dmg? He might be against a 50k hp pudge tho, if he ults him he dies anyway. He needs manaboots tho to cast a hook with no intelligence left Kappa

                            Pale Mannie

                              Arc Warden hurts lategame and you cant kill him cause it's always his double who tp'ed in first while he splitpushes your ass off


                                Arc Warden wins every single 1v1 in the pure 6 slotted late game.
                                However dota isn't a 1v1 so there r other heroes that thus can become better than arc Warden depending on the situation, as rpq said

                                meteor hammer

                                  not just 1v1, very good turtle, splitpush, pickoff, chip buildings, farm very fast


                                    yes but he is vulnerable to just being jumped on and chain disabled
                                    he can play carefully and make it hard, but clone doesnt have 100% uptime

                                    meteor hammer

                                      octarine is possible in late though


                                        I think Warden's strongest points in the late game are:

                                        1. Getting a pick off without risking anything.
                                        2. Insane highground defense
                                        3. He is pretty much immortal in late game because you fight pretty much only with the clone.
                                        4. Great Rosh control with Sparks
                                        5. Great split push without risking anything

                                        Hero has everything in late game. His dmg output is secondary to those.


                                          Lc jungle 20m midas


                                            Enigma is only legit core hero that can kill whole enemy team with refresher, bkb, scepter

                                            Apart from that I would say sniper since you dont really want late game against this hero. (unless u have spectre or spirit breaker)

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              Do you really care if the game goes late vs a spirit breaker as a sniper, tho? Don't you, like, two shot crit him anyways?

                                              Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                I'd say either AW or LC, a legion with like 1k+ duel damage is pretty scary imo, and if you get an aghs you can usually just eliminate one of their cores


                                                  Nice 1k dmg legion against a weaver gl killing him

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    Everything depends on the lineup, what a shitty question




                                                        Spectre with Zeus is an almost unbeatable late game duo.


                                                          Sniper by far when there is no gap close

                                                          Tyrannical Cancer

                                                            Well spec is the most annoying shit at late game.

                                                            Rogue Knight

                                                              Just a good and right initiation and team fight.I mean yeah they are strong when late game but just because they reach late game,we are like "Oh dang,he's strong now we lose,GG!", we don't need to counter a hero with your hero,rather your builds.

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                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                ,rather your builds.

                                                                What build can counter a lategame sniper when you have 0 heroes good against sniper?

                                                                Rogue Knight

                                                                  ^i doubt that :/

                                                                  Rogue Knight

                                                                    but i think spec or am is good against sniper,the thing is he is an sb builder that kinda gives the pressure when you need to shut him down,bm i guess but he could stop attacking a hero who activates bm or rather he build satanic,or a good tanky heroes

                                                                    Player 153433446

                                                                      Darkterror is 100% thee hardest/best carry lategame.


                                                                        In most games it's probably spectre
                                                                        Or LC with the infinite scaling ;o

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                                                                          Excluding heroes that can scale infinitely which are Legion Commander with her duel damage, Pudge with his flesh heap, and Silencer that can steal a maximum of 571.8 when going against a team consisting of Pugna, Skywrath Mage, Invoker, Dazzle, and Lina. I think that its Spectre or void.


                                                                            spectre 100%

                                                                            i lost a game to spectre as CK where i had 31 kills, 6 slotted.

                                                                            couldnt end the game because a turk and a greek in my team decided its time to start war and jungles while screaming at each other/pinging all game.

                                                                            as soon as spectre was 6 slotted i could easily kill 3-4 teammates but spectre was almost unkillable


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                                                                              kind of a silly discussion - you might as well ask which of rock, paper or scissors are stronger....

                                                                              my money would be on a late-game aghs dusa beating ck but there are plenty of heroes that ck shits on that own dusa.

                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                this is a stupid adverstisement, why you even discuss things like Op cares


                                                                                  @SUNBRO you were not farmed enough. Armlet and Echo Sabre are NOT items that count as a full slot lategame.

                                                                                  Change them to Silver Edge + MKB and you'd kill Spectre EZ.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Yeah you built really bad for spec.

                                                                                    I definitely do not think best late game is spec. Spectre's dmg is all aoe and tanky return dmg with dispersion. First silver edge fucks her so hard, like as hard as bristle, but for some reason people don't realize it's a counter and won't farm it but vs bristle they always do.

                                                                                    Second if you don't have squishy heroes she can eliminate in her ult with radiance and maybe diffusal most of her power is gone. Single target she does really bad damage and she sucks at hitting buildings so even if you win a big fight it's not like a fed lc or ck who will wreck your base in 5 mins. I think spectre's peak is really around 35 mins when she has three big core items- radiance, manta, heart. She should have those around that timing and she's one of the strongest with those. After that butterfly helps, pretty core item, abyssal sorta helps if you need lockdown, but she doesn't get a final super high dps item like other cores do and single target cores start to do more dmg than she does. And you can kite her and then all she does is radiance dmg once haunt is down. If you don't hit her and finish her last she wont hurt you that much outside of ult. It's not like late medusa where she is split shotting your entire team.

                                                                                    Terrorblade is super impressive late too if you do not have the lockdown to stop his sunder. He'll take out too much of your team with two lives.

                                                                                    I would have DK as one scary late gamer but silver edge fucks him way too hard as well.

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                                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                                      silver edge > spectre

                                                                                      heros with hex dc haunt

                                                                                      Road to 1K

                                                                                        @DireWolf: that's your 3k point of view and it's completely wrong, its all about how fast you can kill the enemy supports. Spec is the best late game hero and with core items like Rad, heart, manta, abby (maybe bm) she is unkillable. Also she can finish any support with her ult and abby stun in 2s.


                                                                                          my personal list (in no particular order)

                                                                                          is druid still good, or no?
                                                                                          lc because infinite scaling

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                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            With silver edge spec is definitely not unkillable. A 6 slotted sniper vs a team with no catch will still shred spectre.

                                                                                            Any 6 slotted carry is going to kill supports in 2 seconds late. TA can crit for like 1k.


                                                                                              Arc WARDEN IS THE STRONGEST AT LATE GAME AND EARLY XD


                                                                                                You know what I was surprised by when playing spectre is how I couldn't man fight pa. or maybe I'm just bad

                                                                                                Mode : TOPSON

                                                                                                  Invoker. No Mather how fat enemy core. Invoker just crowd control enemy team kill then one by one


                                                                                                    You know what I was surprised by when playing spectre is how I couldn't man fight pa. or maybe I'm just bad

                                                                                                    same thing happened to me
                                                                                                    we won that game but it was a grind
                                                                                                    ended up getting bloodthorn to try to fight her


                                                                                                      Funny nobody says meepo. It's dps is the highest, on heroes/towers, xpm easily highest, and gpm almost on par with alchemist. And hes overpowered from mid game onwards, not even late.