General Discussion

General Discussionriki suck or good now for carry

riki suck or good now for carry in General Discussion
Lester, Moe

    havent played him since 7.07 but the crit update looks interesting, his early game looks kinda nerfed tho with the -.25 backstab


      i think he is fine either way
      his roaming isnt as good, but his snowball potential is high as a carry
      im in 2k so keep that in mind but here is a game i had


        not viable if there is hard support :) i prefer him as pos 4 or 5. i sometimes pick him to counter storm, QoP and Puck if silencer as alternative to Silencer.


          when was riki bad lol

          casual gamer

            his 1 is better than his 4 imo, idk how you make anything happen with a roaming 36/38 damage hero in the early game..

            Fee Too Pee

              Riki have so much potential utility and damage since early

              But i see his Tower Damage i want to cry


                Max smoke and E

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  riki is a shit hero no matter what role.

                  casual gamer

                    fog cloud is amazing though

                    and nullifier is almost made for this hero

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      smoke is the only good spell he has. its really good but you just walk out of it. and yeah nullifier would be good on riki if not for the fact that it gives no agi at all, riki will have a very hard farming one and you need other items.

                      casual gamer


                        the -4 base agi kinda came out of left field to me, considering what an insanely big nerf it is


                          -9 damage backstabbing level 1. Nobody cares about your harass anymore.


                            Yeah Riki isn’t a good roamer anymore. I’d say pos 1 but honestly I’m not sure anymore. All I know is eventually Riki gets difussal then kills my supports


                              Losing hero 47% wr at 5k+ more low than pango
                              But idk maybe zdonfrank Will give his opinion about Riki rn


                                I play riki most of time and he's not really good at now. Can u just playing the pos4 roamer pls.He cant carry, believe me

                                His main role was losing all of ur enemy support gold just to counter u


                                  riki is very good, but not as pos 1 due to the nerf on diffusal and early agi stat.

                                  the talent is reworked and the -6s smokescreen is a must.

                                  there is another way to play support riki without diffusal, you can go echo saber first item and kaya / eul /utility for maximum smoke spam.

                                  if echo is not on cooldown and you use ulti, the slow will be applied every 1 seconds.

                                  주 롄양

                                    it shud be lens not kaya kappa